They NEED ATTENTION SO BADLY. Oh, yes, youre right. One of the worst things you can do to a narcissist is to not acknowledge them. Thanks. I know how much you want to get revenge. Absolutely! There's something about sending negative energy and abuse right back to a narcissist, and doing it quickly, that really irritates them. Cognitive Dissonance. In most cases, shaming a narcissist causes the situation to get turned around on you. Keep cool. 8) Look your best. If youre thinking about using the silent treatment, its best to walk away from the narcissist and the relationship. You . He also gets drunk every night then gets crazy on me in front of my kids saying horrible things to me and even goes as low as accusing me of cheating on him with his own brother!! I say he isnt very smart doing that. Give them consequenses. After our engagement, the silent treatment started. Taking revenge on a narcissist is pointless. Narcissists don't possess healthy boundaries, and they don't like it when other people tell them what they can and cannot do. Narcissists are selfish, self-centered, and believe themselves to be superior to others. Trying to talk to them is like talking to a brick wall, and they always turn their flaws around on you to make it seem like you're being ungrateful. How do you throw someone under the bus with love? Want to read about the five stages of leaving a narcissist? If you're in a relationship with a narcissist, you need to get out, they'll never love you the way you want. The message was; Im in your nightmares and your fears every day. The thought of it feels amazing, right? These tactics are sure to get them riled up but beware of the consequences that will ensue. Calculated to perfection to keep out of legal justice. But that isEXACTLYwhat the narcissists want. Im glad that you too have found humor. But, I have a question for you which may raise another article/issue altogether. I feel rejected and used. Walk away and never look back at these toxic people. And when we can show a narc that they are NOTHINGthat KILLS THEM INSIDE. You've probably already figured a lot of this out. I now hv ways dealing with him live ur life be happy it kills them. The strongest thing that can hit a nail on a narcissist's head is ignoring. Lets evaluate some potential methods of getting back at a narcissist to determine what goals would be met and how effective they would be. Because narcissists are eternal victims, they will view you as the attacker if you do many of these things, instead of viewing them as reactions to something they did. I think sometimes we think that if we get revenge, that will help us to move on, but I think that trying to get revenge can do just the opposite. Narcissistic people thrive on attention. The main reason this happens is that narcissists don't bond with people. It could start with a smear campaign, whispering rumors to friends, family, or colleagues. A police officer threw his pregnant wife to the ground with three other children filed for divorce and never talked to any of his children for 20 years.My children have no empathy and are just like their mother. This is what those numbers exist for, so please use them. Empathetic people often believe that if they offer vulnerability, it will be returned in kind. They need to feed on . Bitterness. Even when the stories are so absurd. Please hear me out for a second, as I will elucidate what that (living happily) does to the narcissist. BUT you can get them back. Thanks for the nice blog. The Narcissists Love Destruction: How To Hurt a Narcissist. I dont consider it revenge. In the long-term, you wont have wounded them at all, and may even have helped them to just keep doing what they do. In fact, I wrote an article called 10+ Mental Illnesses Caused By Staying With A Narcissists. This is why so many of these methods backfire or cause more issues. This will only prolong your depression and victimhood. The 20s is an age where we are STILL KIDS. Narcissists need constant attention and validation to feel good about themselves, and if you ignore them, it will be a deep blow to their ego. Oftentimes, you wont even know that youve made them feel inferior, your first clue will be them putting you down. They need to be stopped. Furthermore, they take many things you do as criticism anyway and might not notice that anything has changed. But yes, it will truly affect a Narc if it wasnt tooo long ago the breakup occurred. In addition, humiliating them is also likely to invoke hostility and unpredictable acts of rage and vengeance from them onto you. 1. You should fight back. Bigotry. Getting revenge doesnt really help you get over it. Yes, it seems counterintuitive, but the truth is that when a narcissist feels complimented or appreciated, they tend to become even more complacent and entitled. The reason why is that many emotions were manufactured in us over time through the relationship, and some of these urges will stem directly from those emotions. Unfortunately for you, the narcissists only option for regaining their sense of self-worth is to attack the party that has injured it. Can someone please tell me how to get my narcissistic husband to want to leave on his own? Im dedicated to exposing a narc that is also an abuser(hits his gf). Or cock your head and squint as if what was said did not make any sense. Thank you for your comment! Right now, they think that they have you wrapped around their finger and you cant live without them. None of the methods will provoke an epiphany from the narcissist about how they have been treating you. Getting even is no easier than getting closure, because narcissists dont suffer for the same reasons that we can and then, as a result, grow and change because of this suffering. These are easily the most dangerous types of narcissists. 3. One person hates bananas with the passion of 10 fiery suns. -Kristen, It is very sad watching children being used as some manipulation tools. They often have a weird giggle. that brings down their illusion of superiority, Bundle Pack: Empathic Warriors Survival Stories + FREE Confuse Them With Silence,, Why Being in a Relationship with a Narcissist is Like Being a Handbag, 10 Reasons Why Narcissists Make the Best Exes (According to Narcissists), How To Heal After a Narcissistic Relationship, Narcissistic Victim Mentality: Narcissists Love Playing Victims (Crazy Narcissism), When Your Narcissists Turns Everyone Against You. For many of us, pain blinds us to this obvious truth. It is so absurdly expensive and painful that I think that just laughing about the ridiculousness of all of this just might help me survive. You can give them complete and utter silence and do everything you can to heal and become an even better person without them. Want to know more? Just imagine how satisfying it would be to humiliate the narcissist in front of his friends or colleagues. The real idea with this not just that youre leaving them for someone else, but that youre making sure they know, right? Use it to protect yourself and family. If you have any of these signs present in your relationship, it is important to get help immediately. Im not saying that everyone will get to where they can laugh, but I did. Things Narcissists Say That Give Them Away. These methods are highly rooted in emotion. He knows I crave his attention, he knows I like him more than he likes me. But youve told your truth. 4. And many people may be hurt. Tried to put me in jail on a restraining order and at that time the judge told me in his chambers asi had to sign papers that there is something serious wrong with your wife and I may say stay away from her . So without further ado, let's take a look at 10 things that can drive a narcissist insane. Revenge is a dish best served cold. We may be dealing with financial or legal consequences or struggling to put our lives back together if our stability has been disrupted in areas such as our housing or job. Or move away and begin speaking to someone else as if nothing was said at all. Especially if it gets physical. You may have lashed out in anger at the narcissist in the past. And it is so subtle that they will have a hard time getting back at you or possing as the victim. Getting over it is a very difficult process that Im not trying to gloss over here, but I think you make an important point. Youll have a sense of control for once. Not exactly, the desire to be needed and seen as needed can result in toxic relationships that arent based on mutual trust and respect. This is spot on my hubby does these things that make u pit of ur stomach. Maybe you would feel some validation that they would finally understand the pain they caused and could relax knowing they couldnt cause you any more pain. Therefore, if you want to take revenge, do this. For the sake of argument, lets say you want to get a little payback after enduring frequent episodes of narcissistic abuse. Personally, I think we are getting revenge by being online exposing ourselves and sharing our true story. A narcissist wont let you have the final word though, they will almost certainly try to pull you back into the relationship. It tickles their ego, knowing that they can bad mouth us to other people and then have these people foolishly believe every word they have said. [1] Because in their twisted minds, they can not stand the idea of being left alone, so EVERYONE ELSE MUST think the same, right? You will confirm that the narcissist was right about you all along, that you were no good and would eventually just run off with someone else. It's not just that they talk about themselves a lot, as the stereotype would suggest. Many of us cannot see the answer because we have been so hurt by what the narcissist did to us, which is understandable. Required fields are marked *. Even if you did, the things they do are so blatant and heinous, as noted above with direct criticism, they can use what you do to make themselves into a victim to gain sympathy and support and to justify their poor treatment of you. Interestingly enough, narcissists can also get that superior feeling by being the worst, the most wrong, or the most ill, upset, or injured. If you were, you probably wouldnt be here because a narcissist would have found you an undesirable partner. Narcs are like parasites. Exploitation. Narcissistic personality traits are on the rise, and it can be toxic in relationships where money is involved. 5) Don't let them isolate you. When dealing with a narcissist, there are certain phrases that are more than likely going to be a trigger for a tantrum. And prepare yourself for the character assassination. When that isnt the case, which many times it isnt of course being seen with someone else who can be seen as good looking as them (which theyll see as hotter lol). 4. Ramani Durvasula, a psychologist and licensed therapist, wants anyone who is in a narcissistic relationship to stop saying one phrase: "You make me feel." It's a way of expressing yourself that . After my encounter with my Nex, I realized I could either be a victim or heroin. [Read: 16 characteristics of a narcissist that give them away instantly] How to beat a narcissist at his own game. Trying to hurt a grandiose narcissist usually results in belittling behaviors that are designed to boost their ego. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. When you ignore a narcissist, you aren't giving them anything at alland they can't stand that. Narcissistic people can do wonders on someones mind and psychology. They appear likable at fist. These people get pleasure from causing harm to others, and when we can turn that frown upside down, that messes the Narcissist up in more ways than one. 11 Signs You're A Narcissist's Worst Nightmare. A person with a narcissistic parent often feels as . And he tells lies that can be easily identifed as lies, which makes me think whats the point of lying in the first place? Completely away. Be smart and crafty. I get heal spiritually from the a******. But not after you have expressed your anger to them in very explited terms. Narcissists are so self-absorbed that they cant see past their own feelings. That means the world to me. Unfortunately, theyre likely to use your words and actions against you, even when youre being amicable. Phrases and Words That Destroy Narcissists. If you don't need to maintain contact with them, don't. Walk out of that door and never look back. Sure, they can be managed, but it means they . -Kristen, You have to break away. I am stuch in a relationship with a narcissist for almost two years now. And I ask you, is destroying our lives,this giftwe have of experiencing only one time, really worth the revenge? If you are going to continue to interact with the narcissist or people that he or she knows, you can also cause yourself more harm either directly from the narcissist, or indirectly through your reputation. You might be wondering what words you should use to hurt or humiliate a Narcissist. We are okay, good, but still working on our relationship. Narcissists, with their controlling, contrarian ways can emotionally wear you out. There are other ways to get over it. They know exactly what they have been doing wrong and try by all means to keep this a secret to anyone else. And they are perfectly willing to play the role of conqueror. How do you fight someone that doesnt operate on a normal emotional level though? Its the truth; words to live by. Even if you had a long day or are sick, a narcissist may start a fight while you are trying to sleep. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Everyone laughs and teases others sometimes. But you can beat them. Individuals with this disorder expect to be treated in certain ways and don't regard the opinions or problems of others. Then I went silent. I have been estranged with my mother as well for the past 8 years but reached out to her after realizing she wasnt a narcissist. OK, it doesn't but it should . Additionally, you should never try to outshine a narcissist or make them feel inferior in any way, as this will only . Create a support system. The worst thing you can do to a narcissist is leave them, they can NEVER recover from that. That feeling will be very short-lived; narcissists always have more time and energy to spend on hurting you than you do on hurting them. Write in detail about your feelings. Narcissists are known for being able to dish it out, but not being able to take it. The silent treatments or disappearances for days on end? Now Im also set on revenge. Upload the recording. One of the weird things narcissists do involves destroying your happiness and relaxing moments. The win is truly ours because walking away shows them we no longer care about anything they have to say and they have no more control over our lives. Thank you so much. Moreover, the worst way of hurting is by especially focussing and undermining the talents that your narcissist regularly boasts about.. that too with perfect facts. To seek revenge on the narcissist is to BE like the narcissist. Yes you can win. Its probably not as satisfying as youd hoped and might make you feel even worse. Defiance. But we certainly dont have this opportunity a lot of the time, but if one does play that card. The worst thing you can ever have in your life. And if she says NO or she doesnt want to talk to you. I also have a 15 yo son who I have shared custody with. Despite their confident exterior, narcissists are nearly always worried about what others think of them. Do the diary because she will see you from a different light. Empathy is at the heart of every human feeling we have. I'll call them Sean and David just for kicks. Never argue. This website is making sense to me. They live in fear of their victims who might come after them all the time, or to their (new) friends and partners. It wasnt all. 2. I dont want to cancel my plans., Or, No, I dont want to drive for an hour to come see you tonight. but in some point you have to face him to get out of this ****..the reason why i said that i feel because i go through the same thing with my mother..and she did fight for us..and im thinkfull to her for the rest of my life for being soo brave to your kids..they will be greatfull to you..i hope happiness find you where ever you go. Thus the first step is to forgive yourself. It all sounds nice; Get over it, live your best live and ofcourse thats what you should do. Ceased contact. Without having to leave them for another person, youre telling them youre strong enough to stand on your own. Only it was with the other woman. Threatening me, throwing her belongings and hitting her. When everyone around you is trying to convince you that YOU are the bad person, sometimes an objective view of you from someone you dont know maybe what saves you from drowning in the sea of insanity the narc and their legion of fools try and drown you in. But first lets discuss the weaknesses of the Narcissist. Losing. What are the things about how they treated you that hurt or upset you the most? Yet he or she is not likely to even recognize this as revenge or a reaction to anything he or she did. We are now building our relationship. They were not the partner you fell in love with and now it seems that this narcissist is actively trying to destroy you. I'm going to get straight to the point: it's all about calling them on their bullshi. And when we lose who we are (our true self) that is when they take full control over who we are. But never give up being a mother. Narcissists hurt us so that we always have something to remember them by. Vulnerable narcissists also project their negative feelings onto others and have a dim overall view of the world. Just to get away from it all is the answer. Getting revenge isn't going to work, you have to understand narcissism deeply. Check out this article on HOW TO HURT A NARCISSIST AND GET AWAY WITH IT.. And I know right now for many of you, who are angry those of us who are bitter. Dr. Les Carter cautions that as you are fatigued by them, bad habits can . They stole your love and trust. Our experts advise the best way to approach the narcissist in your family . I havent been brave enough to list my last name but both of you have so we arent anonymous. Or they will think youre so hung up on him or her that you had to run out and find someone else immediately to get over them.