Our editors have independently chosen the products listed on this page. The Lovers card also correlates to the number 6 in numerology. A reversed Lovers is what happens when Gemini is at its worst bad decision-making, anxiety, and lack of direction are the quintessential qualities of a reversed Lovers card, just as they are with Gemini when they are not at their best. While this may be fun at first, you may be feeling that there are too many choices, or too many possibilities that you have to give up in order to develop a partnership. It includes self-love, familial love, platonic love, asexual love, community love, and every other type of love. As with the general meaning, this comes from gaining a deeper understanding of yourself, who you are and your personal morale code. Your body is capable of amazing things but sometimes is needs rest and recuperation to restore itself. Note: If you are a man, the card number 1 refers to you and you place it on the male's side of The Lovers card. This can mean: Relationship difficulties or breakup. 2023 Biddy Tarot. A modern Lenormand deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright colorful full-bleed illustrations. It can also signify cheating, or temptation to cheat. This article will tell you the lovers tarot card meaning, in order to know about it in detail keep reading. You and your lover are separated by distance or circumstances. The Lovers shows up reversed in a tarot reading for career if you feel like there is no teamwork happening at work and everything feels incredibly unfair. The Lovers in reverse signifies some sort of imbalance when . When it is upright the body is in balance and connected to spirit. The Lovers can represent finding the balance within oneself. The Lovers in a health reading is a signifier that having the right support will help you to get through any health issues. Dont automatically go for the easy road, make sure you have all the information and make the right decision. Drawing the lovers tarot card has a particular effect on a reading that is concerned with interpersonal relationships. Raise the caliber of your expectations before proceeding further with any commitments . You muststart making up your mind about what you find important and unimportant in your life. Answer (1 of 8): As always, the best way to interpret a tarot card will be to consider the context of the question you are asking. Make sure that you understand what youre truly able to afford when it comes to your finances. The trust and the unity that the lovers have gives each of them confidence and strength, empowering the other. Gemini is a mutable air sign. When The Lovers Tarot card in a spiritual context, you will be beginning to find harmony within yourself. Are you making responsible choices, or are you looking for immediate gratification? If a romantic relationship exists, it could mean that your partner truly loves and appreciates you for who you are. A gilded edge tarot deck based on the language of color, the tree of life, and the tradition of the Golden Dawn. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot. The Lovers signifies perfect union, harmony, love and attraction. It can indicate being materialistic and seeking instant gratification by material means. It can indicate a time when you are making important choices about your love life or your career. Read on to learn more about The Lovers card in the Major Arcana of the tarot. Lots of Love on Valentine's Day and forever. While talking about The Lovers t arot card relationship meanings, commitment and unity go hand in hand.This is also the card that points towards the possibility of making . The position of their hands and arms signals openness to a relationship. When it comes to love and relationships, the Lovers card can be a welcome sight to any seeker. When The Lovers Tarot card in a spiritual context, you will be beginning to find harmony within yourself. Additionally, if The Lovers shows up reversed in a tarot reading for money, it typically means that an exorbitant amount of debt is appearing in your life. In general when The Lovers Tarot card appears it is an indication that . The relationship may have started off with you both feelings connected on many levels but you dont feel as close as you used to. A minimalist iconographic tarot card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. Tarot is a powerful tool for understanding your life and the world around you. As dating and relationship coach, Rosalind Sedacca, CLC, tells Bustle, "A respectful relationship encourages acceptance, forgiveness, overlooking the little things, seeing the best in your . This understanding leads to a deeper connection to your spiritual self. Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings, Intuitive Tarot: 31 Days to Learn to Read Tarot Cards and Develop Your Intuition, The Tarot Readers Blueprint for Attracting Clients. If you are single The Lovers does indicate a relationship is coming your way but it may not happen as soon as you hoped. A break in communication could be another possible interpretation. Upright: Love, kindred spirits, twin flames, soul mates, partnerships, relationships, physical connections, shared values, choices and decisions, commitment, personal belief systems, expansive energy, Reversed: Discord, bad decisions, issues with trust, imbalance, conflict, disconnection, lack of accountability, detachment, noncommittal, communication issues. Reversed, this card can mean that someones expectations of you are too high or that they dont entirely appreciate who you are and what you bring to the table. "It is shedding inherited patterns so we can have the life and relationships we truly desire, but we must first make those tough choices and leave the old ways. Ltskrivare: Peter Bostrm, Thomas G:son, Erik Hiby.SVT Play. This is a time of letting go; not of the . Its message is one of needing to behave in a way that is probably the opposite of what is instinctual for you. The twelve flames suggest the twelve zodiac signs, the symbol of time and eternity. As this card is about partnership, it is only natural that there are two other cards in the deck that reflect this partnering up. You may be at a crossroads, or shifting from one path to another, or you may need to make choices between your work and other aspects of your life. The Lovers Tarot Card Reversed as Intentions/What Someone Wants. This may be a time when you have many suitors, or your dating life may be very active. Ultimately, The Lovers Tarot Card indicates strong feelings, be it with a partner, family member, or simply yourself. Perhaps it was solid, and you learned what genuine love might be from them. Dont forget to check in on your free daily Tarot reading to see what the day has in store for you! Look to the supporting cards for confirmation of the root cause. - Elaine Davis. You are figuring out what you stand for and your philosophy. The position of the Lovers Gilded Tarot along with the surrounding cards will determine what the specific message of it is to you. If this does happen, make sure you understand the kinds of risk that you open yourself up to, and make a decision both with your head as well as your heart. Before making a choice, consult with your higher guidance. (For example, feeling triggered and shutting down, or unconsciously rejecting your partner out of fear.). The Lovers Reversed also speaks to self-love and respect. Learn about the 78 cards and elements. You could be carrying these old feelings and that could make it harder for you to truly connect with new people in your life. They are fearless and love trying new things. That would be an example of a Lovers connection. You may be reluctant to open your heart to the relationship for fear of getting hurt. There is also a volcano in the background, representing the passion between two lovers when they connect. Indeed, it is considered a love Tarot card. A Little Spark of Joy - Everything Tarot and life's Higher Vibes This is the foundation through which you can interpret the present and future cards in the spread. The fruit tree with the snake behind the woman is a reference to that story, which tells of humanity's fall into temptation and into the realm of flesh and sensuality. Something simple such as taking a meditation class with a like-minded friend could be very beneficial.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'thetarotguide_com-box-4','ezslot_9',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-box-4-0'); Disharmony, trust issues, imbalance, conflict, disconnection, lack of accountability, disunion, detachment. Youll be able to work together as a team and see all sorts of positive outcomes take shape because of the connection you will have with this person. The Lovers can . You may be feeling uncertain about situations, people in your life or what direction you should take. Tarot Spread. The Lovers reversedcan also indicatethat you have been avoiding responsibility for your actions. . Enjoying beautiful things. If you have been romantically involved with two people at the same time, The Lovers reversed card may signify that one person will end up leaving you for another. With all of that in mind, lets dissect the Lovers Tarot card and see what it means. You are learning to understand yourself, your own personal moral code and what you value in life. Companion to the Seventh Sphere Lenormand deck. 29. The image on The Lovers tarot card is that of a naked man and woman standing underneath an angel, who blesses their partnership. Or check out the rest of the Major Arcana or Minor Arcana in The Tarot Guide for free tarot meanings online! Whether you are looking to ask someone out - or to request their hand in marriage . How can it help you in the days that follow? If you are single and manifesting love, receiving The Lovers in a tarot reading is often a positive sign that you will find love soon. You may have to choose between having one big expense versus another; the important thing to remember is that it seems like you cant have both. The Lovers along with the Knight of Swords is a sign for Gemini. The Lovers in a career Tarot reading can also indicate the possibility of getting romantically involved with a work colleague. The Lovers tarot card signals a wonderful cohesiveness and balance of forces, indicating complimentary energies. The bond that they have created is very strong, and it can indicate that the two are joined in marriage, and other close and intimate . The Lovers card asks you to explore your own desires and values. The Lovers Tarot reversed indicates that you may be struggling to take ownership of the decisions youve made. A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. As a child or teen, they can be full of non stop energy. The most common interpretation of the Lovers card is that it's about love and romantic relationships. The Lovers tarot card is the 6th major arcana card. What was in balance is no longer working. Mary Davis, Every Day Spirit: A Daybook of Wisdom, Joy and Peace. Having gone through the indoctrination of The Hierophant, you are now ready to establish your belief system and decide what is and what is not essential to you. The Lovers reversed usually indicates disharmony in relationships or terrible conflict within when making a decision. The Lovers tarot card in reversed position can indicate that you or your partner is missing a sense of connection. "It's a conflict between the head and heart that causes an imbalance." Alternatively, The Lovers upright may mean that you could wind up finding a romantic connection at your workplace or in business. This card does not show up in a Tarot reading simply to distress you; it has appeared to alert you to what must change in your life so that the Lovers can turn upright once more. The Lovers answer this question with a question. The Tower (16) is an echo of the Lovers (6) as cards of balance, equilibrium, harmony. The Lovers Card Is About Free Will: You Get to Decide This complicated card is full of nuance but great for self-exploration and figuring out where in your life you may be sacrificing yourself. The Lovers represents all the love that makes the world go 'round. Everything I do, I can only imagine doing with you. The Emperor card represents an authoritative figure. Send out some resumes and network with people outside of your close circle of friends. If you are in a relationship, The Lovers reversed can indicate that while the sexual aspect of things is still great, you and your partner may not be on the same page in other important areas. Do not carry out a decision based on fear or worry or guilt or shame. This will bring harmony and balance to your life. With this card, all strong emotions are ignited within you. A modern Marseille tarot deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright, gentle, colorful full-bleed illustrations. Some issue likely stands in the way of your relationship, and must be resolved to once again form a closer bond. The Lovers, resembling Adam and Eve, stand uninhibited in a pastoral scene, naked and gazing upward and outward. You are constructing your own values, beliefs and moral code to stand by. Much of life, in general, is about doing the same thing. This is a card of fascinating contradictions. Tarot Alley uses the Rider Waite type of deck for our meanings, symbols, interpretations, etc. This card also shows up reversed for love if you believe that a current or former partner cheated on you or did not have your best interest at heart while you were being true to them. . Be very cautious. Its also a fantastic way to hone your intuition, which will serve as a guide in all aspects of your life. The Lovers can represent finding the balance within oneself. At this time, you should also think about your personal values and belief system to make sure that they are aligned with what you want from your life. So if you are in a sticky situation, gather all of the facts before you decide what to do. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Create a deep and personal connection with the cards. The Lovers - Love Meaning. The primary meaning within the Lovers is harmony, attractiveness, and perfection in a relationship. The Lovers Tarot card is a card that people love to see in relationship readings because it usually denotes the meeting of a soul mate or life partner; at the very least, someone with whom you share a deep bond and connection on a romantic level. Love this deck? Mystery Anime Box. Why this may temporarily make you feel good, it will not bring you the harmony you need. One is beautiful destruction and the other a beautiful union. The Lovers Reversed can also reflect that the feelings within a relationship are not mutual. The Lovers signifies an intense, close bond between two people that's deeper than infatuation. Gemini is a sign of creativity, communication, wisdom, playfulness, versatility, and energy. - The fool is a nice card.it shouldnt always be looked at from its negative aspect. #tarot #dailytarot . 4. Reversed, it could indicate that someone is expecting too much from you or putting unrealistic expectations on the relationship. You are learning to understand yourself, your own personal moral code and what you value in life. This could also be a sign that if you are considering making a romantic connection tied to your income, it is not in alignment with your highest and greatest good. Instead of making a decision based on your values, you feel tempted to cut corners and avoid responsibility for your actions. Upright, the Lovers card can be a sign that you are seen by someone as an ideal partner or confidante. So whats on the table? You may think you can get away with it, but The Lovers Reversed implores you to think again and choose the path most in alignment with your Highest Good no matter how hard it might be. His blessing seems to give this card a sense of balance and harmony, the symbolization of union in a grand and cosmic sense between two opposing forces. Fear or trust issues could be stopping you from jumping in fully, which is necessary for the relationship to flourish. You might feel like you are being burdened with an extreme amount of responsibility and things dont look good for the immediate future. "Ruled by Gemini, it's a card about connection and the possibilities of deep intimacy. The Lovers card is pure love and harmony. The lovers tarot card meaning indicates a prior relationship will most likely be represented by their past position. When you break down the question - what does he think of me - you find that she is wondering about how she fits in his world. Lovers Tarot Card Meanings and Keywords: The Lovers tarot card meanings stem from its connection to Astrology and Numerology. Both colleagues may be dragged down because of one persons inability to put in their fair share of work. The Lovers is quite obviously the card representing romantic relationships, but there is so much more to this card. 03 Mar 2023 18:44:43 Discover Your FREE Personalized Tarot Power Cards, UPRIGHT: Love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices, REVERSED: Self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values. When the Lovers is upside down then our couple are thrown and disorientated. Among other things, it may point towards a strong disconnect with someone. should all be considered. The Emperor and the Lovers are a good tarot card combination. This is so much more than just sexual or romantic love. Also in some decks there is a man standing between two women. As Dr. John Demartini says: When we admire qualities in others, its the Universes way to get you to wake up and recognize your own strengths in other words, you need to realize that whatever you perceive in other people you also have within yourself.. That will guide you on how to move forward. One person may be more emotionally involved than the other, and this gap could lead to disappointment and insecurity later down the track. The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning Lovers and Fool: a. There will be an intense attraction and sexual passion as well as romance and a deep connection and mutual understanding. that experience or opportunity would be coming from someone you're either close with already . The volcanic mountain in the background is rather phallic and represents the eruption of passion that happens when man and woman meet in full frontal nudity. You may believe you have found your soul mate or life partner, and the sexual energy between you both goes way beyond instant gratification and lust to something that is very spiritual and almost Tantric. The Lovers is urging you to act like the Fool and embrace who you are, NOT what other people tell you you are. The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning - In the words of Robert Browning, "Love is life's energy." In a reading focused on personal relationships, drawing the Lovers tarot card has a specific impact.. The idea here is that there may be a sacrifice that you must make in order to have this love. Although they lack maturity, the Page of Cups desires love, care, and affection. Focus on what might be best for all parties involved and choose the path of love. In the past position, the Lovers indicates a strong relationship that has helped you become the best you can be. Upright, The Lovers tarot card represents love, commitment, and noncommittal communication issues. Sarah believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Sarah has authored. Gemini people are witty, communicate, charismatic and really witty. To make good choices, you need to be clear about your personal beliefs and values and stay true to them. You have come to a place of clarity when it comes to values and beliefs. This doesnt have to refer exclusively to another person, but can also indicate a choice between love or work, love or family, love or friendship, or even sometimes love and your entire lifestyle. Artist: The Lovers Of Valdaro. If so, come back to the reason you have this person in your life. Sign up to get the link! This will likely require some introspection on your part; make sure you are honest with yourself about your fears as well as your desires. The Lovers tarot card can also suggest that there are big decisions that you need to make when it comes to your future career. Avoid bringing old baggage into new relationships. The man looks to the woman, who watches the angel, showing the path of the conscious to the subconscious to the super-conscious, or from physical desire to emotional needs to spiritual concerns. For example, the fraudster might contact you and claim . Alternatively, it can represent picking partners for the wrong reasons. "For you see, each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and . Some decks feature a minister officiating a marriage. If you are single, the Lovers in reverse can represent holding yourself back from (new) love. Meaning of The Lovers. Sarah Brownlee is a harmonious Libra Sun, Conflicted Scorpio rising, and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.A whirlwind writer with a passion for Tarot cards and Astrology in all forms, she is fascinated by other realms and experiencing both the negative and positive that goes with its inhabitants. You may need to have long discussions in order to agree to a decision that everyone can accept. The Lovers reversedcan point to both inner and outer conflicts that you are dealing with. Love sayings and quotes tout the distance or a temporary separation between couples as a force that brings the passion back in their love life and reignites the flame of love. You may want to return to the energy of The Hierophant and seek the counsel and advice of an institution or spiritual mentor. Finally, The Lovers card encourages you to unify dual forces. Major Arcana cards are considered in Tarot circles to have a huge impact on the sitters life, whereas with the Minor Arcana, there is a smaller impact, or the sitter has more say in what goes on. In general, the Lovers indicates deep love, sex, or intense partnership or it indicates a choice to be made, and temptation is often part of that choice. Imagine how empowered and excited youll feel unlocking your inner power with this journal in your little bag of magical tricks! But this time, that Full Moon is occurring in, Buckle in were transitioning from February to March! "It's a process of choosing yourself first before engaging in a healthy relationship with anything outside yourself [] We're being asked to fully accept ourselves as worthy. Something simple such as taking a meditation class with a like-minded friend could be very beneficial. Its time to go into the big wide world and make choices for yourself, staying true to who you are and being authentic and genuine in all your endeavors. It is astrologically associated with Gemini. Finding guidance within, intuitive. True love is real, and it is extraordinary. However, this card can also mean about partnerships that have a foundation of love, but not necessarily romantic or passionate. You wont always have all the answers life still has its challenges, of course. Tough questions, like, Is your relationship no longer suiting you? The Lovers is rarely smooth-sailing. It stands for harmonious relationships that are founded on true attraction and passion. All Rights Reserved. The Lovers in Depth spread template - four cards: Female. Pull the third card and place it bellow The Lovers. Communication with like-minded people. "You are being asked to not act impulsively and to get to the heart of the matter," they add. Again it may seem like you are only faced with undesirable choices but thats not actually the case. While the persons soul acknowledges the other as the missing half of themselves, the decision as to whether they will embark upon this union is another story altogether. If you are going to get involved with someone, this Major Arcana card tells you to make sure you connect with them in more than one way. Do you go for the person you dont love to please your family, or do you choose the person you love and risk upsetting everyone? The Lovers represent you and your partner having a spiritual, emotional, mental and physical connection that most couples can only dream about. Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck (coming soon!). The Lovers in spiritual context can indicate that you may find it beneficial to pair up with a partner on your spiritual journey. The Devil represents a love that is obsessive, possessive, and destructive. You are learning to understand yourself, your own personal moral code and what you value in life. Below are some ways you can make the Lovers Tarot card work for you: 2021 approaches, and after the challenging 2020 we have had, we are likely to find even more decisions facing us in the coming year. Ultimately, the card is inviting you to take a closer look at the situation to figure out what you need. The corresponding sign of the Lovers card in astrology is Gemini. "Say 'I love you' out loud and often.". These are important decisions you are faced with. The Lovers tarot is closely associated with the astrological sign Gemini, with The Twins as its symbol. For example, you might see a puppy that you fall in love with at first sight (and which falls in love with you too!) To do the right thing, according to your heart. You may have different goals, values or hopes for the future. As with the general meaning, this comes from gaining a deeper understanding of yourself, who you are and your personal morale code. The Lovers card can mean many different things in different situations, just like all the other cards. If this card is showing up in a reading, its time to put yourself out there a bit more! What Does the Lovers Mean in a Career Reading? Full Moons, major transits, and just getting through March oh my! Behind Eve is the legendary apple tree where a green snake coils up the trunk, and behind Adam is an orange-leaved tree where each leaf flares off its stem like a candle flame. Like the upright meaning, The Lovers reversed can indicate the possibility of a romance at work but it comes with a stark warning. The Lovers comes up when the individual must decide whether they will choose to follow their heart or not. These are important decisions you are faced with. The choice about who you want to be in this lifetime, how you connect with others and on what level, and about what you will and wont stand for. The Hierophant and The Devil are both cards that, like The . There may be a "sense that this other person is 'too good' for you," Vanderveldt says. Throw away your preconceived thoughts about who the other person is and enjoy taking the time to get to know them again. With this journal in your life, no matter what youve got going on, you will always be able to find the clarity you need to not just survive, but thrive! Wearing your heart on your sleeve. Therefore it would influence the decision made by the individual as to whether they will pursue. Both of these entities are not easy to understand. When you accept these dualities, you build the unity from which love flows. Hopefully, this article has given you a good idea of what the Lovers card is all about. Each of the 78 cards in a tarot deck has a specific meaningand it's not always one you'd expect.. For example, the Lovers card, despite its name, doesn't necessarily mean smooth sailing. Merging the qualities of "Page" and the qualities of the "Cups Suit," the Page of Cups card would represent: Being emotional. The Lovers card reversed suggests theres a lot of blocked or stuck energy surrounding you, now. The unity normally present within the card has become lopsided. It is not just for the storybooks. Do you stand up for the person at work being bullied even though it may put your own job on the line, or do you stay quiet to keep your job safe? This is the number associated with family, love, and home life. In other cases, you may realise that you have simply grown apart and its time to move on. The Lovers card can also mean that you are in a better place to accept yourself. c. The Fool is a person who can be anyone he wants. Each of the 78 cards in a tarot deckhas a specific meaningand it's not always one you'd expect. Does it seem as if you are just not on the same page and no longer share the same values? And as Porter and June explain, "On some level, this card will always have an aspect of choice, and this is where the challenges come in.". 8. The seventh Major Arcana card in the tarot deck, The Lovers depicts unconditional love or agape, and the twin flame. If The Lovers Reversed shows up in a reading, you might face a tough choice with significant consequences. Got questions? If you pull this card in reverse, it may just mean these challenges will come in a bit harder and faster, Porter and June say, "but the idea that you are being asked to be in alignment is there." Love letters can be a really romantic way to let someone know you like them, but they can also come off strong and can veer into "creepy" territory if you're not careful. This could refer to the decision between love and money, career and relationship, or even self-love and love for others. Doing a tarot reading is a fun and mystical way to tap your intuition and dive into your subconscious. 6 red flags for online dating scams. They're a sign that you're willing to give a higher level of commitment. Also, this card can symbolize balance and harmony within oneself. Historically, the Lovers card is often depicted as a couple being struck by Cupid's arrow. In its upright position, The Lovers card symbolizes union, love, connection and natural attraction. You need to remember that you are the master of your own destiny. The Lovers teach us to take a look and examine both sides . The Lovers Description.