What remains to be seen is whether the United States will be able to continue in its role as the most dominant power in the world, or if smaller, weaker nations will be able to join together to limit the power, influence, and global reach of the American empire they relied on for their survival just two decades ago. At some point in time, most likely the past, when the population The End!!!!! However, the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and New York City on September 11, 2001 fundamentally altered President Bushs plans and caused the United States to launch the Global War on Terrorism, beginning in Afghanistan in October 2001. One Athenian tyrant named Cleisthenes made his assembly a genuine legislature, which is an idea that the United States government uses today (Page 11, P. 1). The opinions of Financial Sense contributors do not necessarily reflect those of Financial Sense, staff, or parent company, Financial Sense Wealth Management. Ancient Athens was an extreme example of direct democracy, in which every citizen was eligible to vote on nearly every decision made in government, and all officials were decided by random lot. 1 How is Athens and the United States similar? Because each city-state in ancient Greece possessed its own government, some of these types existed other than democracy, namely monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, oligarchy. Another way that they differ is that Athens was ruled by a council of 500 and the Roman empire was ruled by the senate and up until third century BCE Roman kings.The Roman Empire is far more superior to the Athenian city-state because of the more efficient government, better laws and more in touch citizens. In the end, the Athenians gradually discovered that there will always be those that seek to gain power, and no matter what political system is in place there will be those that will discover ways to increase their individual power. Peasants were used. Similarities between US and Athens are that US and Athens have a democracy. As areas grew larger in size due to the growth of population, the set laws would need to The similarities do not end with the structure but also there are similarities how citizens view democracy and who should lead. None of the states applied the fundamental concept autocracy that was the basis of the ruling. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Waiting for a major crisis to force reforms, as Greece has done, brings unnecessarily painful austerity. This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent . Once men break with tradition, venturing upon a colossal political experiment, they lose the ability to navigate. They also cherished courage, honesty, and duty, and their convictions, he says, were key to their rise as a culture. This early attempt at a fair and equal government run by the citizenry was unprecedented, and it served as a model for all the democratic governments that came after it. This is not true. The two governments might be a little more democratic than the Federal Republic of the United States but its certain that they have been introduced., The first well-known democracy was in Athens. While there are important differences between the U.S. and Greek economies, policymakers and the public should be concerned with the dismal U.S. fiscal outlook. The idea of free and fair elections as a democracy is simply giving a voice to everyone and giving them the opportunity to use it to influence government. temperature The most influential democracies were Greece, as it was considered one of the first democracies, and the Roman Republic which lasted several hundred years. . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Sparta and Athens were both Greek city states that dominated ancient Greece during the fifth century BCE. America could be seen as more similar to Sparta, attempting to stop the inane rule of an all-powerful city-state that is holding the rest of the world hostage. (Select all that apply) They were first in war, first in freedom, first to discover new ideas. An example of a political privilege can be use by citizens in Greek was that laws were voted upon and to able to nominate by the assembly of all citizens. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. They chose to structure the United States as a representative democracy. Because each sovereignty ruled differently, they had different advancements in the areas of democracy especially in the people's role in the government, the method of voting and fairness of law., Like Mesopotamia, Athens might be well known for their system of law and order. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Martin Luther King is widely known as a figure of justice that fought for the equality of afro americans, he was a radical. They both allow men to vote. Required fields are marked *, Prove You\'re Human * In Athens only men that owned property are allowed to vote. During much of the Cold War, the United States focused on the containment of communism as part of a foreign policy designed to protect nations against domination by the Soviet Union (Alexander, 1995, p.22). In addition to this, the social gatherings of Athenians and Spartans both had affinities and contrasts. old as human society itself. It is always dangerous to mistake where you are, to lack the means for recognizing error, to believe that immediate success or successes earned to date indicate some newfound path to collective happiness. The Future of Warfare. Ancient Athens wasnt., Democracy has been around for hundreds of years and while the basic principles have stayed the same though each society governed in a slightly different way. One difference is that US has a representative democracy and Athens has a direct democracy Advertisement Advertisement THE COLD WAR Hastedt (Ed. However, waiting too long on reforms diminishes the ability to phase in major changes gradually, in a way that will protect those who rely on benefits the most and leave others time to adjust to new fiscal realities. Thucydides would probably agree, as expressed in his history when he stated about the Athenians, And when tremendous dangers are involved no one can be blamed for looking to his own interest (Thucydides, p.80). , Pls explain In Athens only men that owned property are allowed to vote. Recent research by the International Monetary Funddraws lessons from nine country case studies on how changes in fiscal policy coupled with structural economic reforms, such as labor-market liberalization, drive increases in economic growth. The Lessons of Terror. vertical air currents Many ancient political Greek philosophers would use the phrase "the governors are to be governed" which we can relate to today. More than half of the U.S. debt is held by creditors within its borders, rather than by foreign entities. They themselves are limited by a constitution. Direction and preservation of safety is vital to every society. The bipolar world that existed following the Allied victory in 1945 eventually came to an end as the poor economic conditions in Eastern European countries dragged down the Soviet economy, forcing Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to release his communist empire in an effort to save his government at home. They still acknowledged though the freedom of human nature to those governing could not be fully trusted and the possibility of temptations of power existed. A balance of power in which the two world leaders fought each other off and on is reminiscent of the struggles between Athens and Sparta in the years between the Persian War and the Peloponnesian War. Cons : This essay will compare and contrast the ancient governments, namely monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, oligarchy and democracy in Ancient Greek city states., Athenian democracy ensures that a citizen in a society acts according to what society deems appropriate rather than by an individual's assumptions of what is acceptable. That is, every citizen voted on everything. 5a. One difference is that US has a representative democracy and Athens has a direct democracy. would grow and/or change to the population the government would have to grow and/or change It began in 461 B.C. What does Greece and the United States have in common? New York: Penguin Books (1972). All these evils entered together with this war, Thucydides stated. In United States, 3.9% of adults are unemployed as of 2018. I hope you learned some of the differences between the US and Athens government. If U.S. policymakers and the public take away only one key lesson from whats happening in Europe right now, it should be to put the budget on a path to balance during good times such as these. The Constitutional Republic is also flawed, however, it is better at safeguarding individual rights, when applied correctly. In describing his time, Thucydides wrote: For neither had there ever been so many cities expunged and made desolate nor so much banishing and slaughter, some by the war and some by sedition. When society itself is disrupted, even nature appears to rebel. The truth might be that an experiment, successful to date, is nonetheless headed for ultimate disaster. What does Greece and the United States have in common? One of the main similarity between USA and Canada is that the two countries use English as their official language despite having other sub-languages in their respective countries. Both governments have left a mark on history and in fact, they even are partially emulated by our very own, the United States of America. Democracy is equal. The ancient Greeks were the first to create a democracy.The word "democracy" comes from two Greek words that mean people (demos) and rule (kratos).Democracy is the idea that the citizens of a country should take an active role in the government of their country and manage it directly or through elected representatives.In addition, it supports the idea that the people can replace their . However, in some cases that deal with countries adopting democracy; the country elects to use the doctrine without any pressure or influences from prodemocracy groups. It is fitting, therefore, that we examine the past, in this case in the form of Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War, in an attempt to understand what is happening now and what may happen in the future. The similarities with the United States are essential. Advisory services offered through Financial Sense Advisors, a registered investment adviser. We rarely see the danger, and the abyss opening at our feet. Even though democracy disappeared from history after the fall of Athens until the 1700s in America, its concept still hasnt changed from time and it became Greeces most enduring contributions to the world., The word democracy is derived from two Greek words, demos, which means people, and kratos, which means rule. Year 5 Geography - What are the similarities and differences between my region and the Western United States? In Sparta the military professionals were the only ones who had the right to vote; in Athens, the aristocrats were wealthy landowners who were also military leaders. cold air below warm air In what way were Athenian and Colonial American democracy similar? Even in small Athens, with only about 30,000 citizens, this was not easy to administer. Sparta is better then Athens because of its respect of women, more equal school system, integrity of government, treatment of slaves, and superior military. We change a few words, we loosen restrictions on participation just to provide the masses with the illusion of democracy. / What was the government like in ancient Athens? What is associated with stable air? In addition to a policy of preemption being exercised as part of the Global War on Terrorism, the United continues to intervene militarily in regions of the world where it feels its promotion of peace or human rights is more important than national sovereignty. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Nigeria and the United state have been great allies for a long time with the United States being Nigeria's greatest trading partner.Also, approximately 1 million Nigerians and Nigerian Americans live, study and/work in the United States while approximately 25,000 Americans work and live in Nigeria.Today, I'm going to compare the two countries: The predicament of the United States in the years since the end of the Cold War is similar to that expressed by Athenian businessmen speaking in Sparta in Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War, It was the actual course of events which first compelled us to increase our power to its present extent: fear of Persia was our chief motive, though afterwards we thought, too, of our own honour and our own interest. The Lonely Superpower. Each has defined city-states that act as a separate political entity from other city-states. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. We will discuss those arguments and how they conflicted and which one had the more convincing argument. Finally, there came a time when we were surrounded by enemies? (Thucydides, p.80). Athens and Sparta are famous as they are two major city-states in ancient Greece. Democracy means rule by the people, and the citizens vote to decide the rules of their country. Socrates, a Greek philosopher, is a firm believer in examining one's actions in life and ensuring that a morally righteous life is being led. a steady barometer In the background, is the Acropolis. Zareef Peeroo Tim Bailey October 15, 2014 Athenians vs. Spartans The differences between government, the role of women, and the education status of Athens and Sparta led to similar yet very different societies residing in the same area; therefor I will deconstruct these issues using an analytical comparative framework. Following the Persian War, the Athenians immediately began to build their empire, and continued to expand their dominance until their aggressiveness threatened Sparta and her allies and confrontation was inevitable. They lose their sense of proportion, their sense of right and wrong. Why was direct democracy important to the Athenians? C. Clockwise The city is centred on the Island of Montreal, which obtained . This means that ancient Greeks could enjoy exotic foods, good music, and read literature, just as we do today. This chaos appears in our economic behavior in our indebtedness and failure to observe the traditional rules of economy. Similarities between US and Athens are that US and Athens have a democracy. The Council of 500 helped carry out the everyday work of the assembly. Her wealth was envied. From the latin meaning (radical - radix, which means root . Both firms doing business as Financial Sense Wealth Management. American leaders can expect to see more alliances or coalitions of the type represented by the European Union as nations try to reduce American dominance and counter the power and influence of the United States. Pericles, an Athenian statesman, makes it clear when he says that "each individual is interested not only in his own affairs but in the affairs of the state as well" (p.147 Thucydides).