Sure, the Ottomans get a cameo appearance, but that is partially because their history became intertwined with that of the Arab heartlands. Actually, they often don’t even make it to the footnotes. Posted by Bob Fenster June 24, 2020 August 4, 2020 Leave a comment on The Disingenuous “Erasing History” and Its Companion Slippery Slope Argument. more options. Rewriting history is positively Orwellian, and a terribly dangerous path. Erasing history. Biden Welcomes Huge Crowd of Supporters To Inaugural Gala, Damned Stupid Questions You Can Ask Yourself, If You Have Time To Waste, That Driver Can't See You If You Can't See His Eyes, Progressivism Infiltrating the MAGA Movement, "All quotes attributed to me on IMAO are made up... including this one. This Ain't Hell, But You Can See It From Here. Throughout the entire South, our Confederate Southern heritage is under massive attack. Think how important it was to God to give Israel ways to remember Him and all that He had brought them through. God bless you! Such as a homeless person. Recently an interesting comment was made by my godly wife: In referencing the folly of those destroying our history and of those desiring to destroy much more of it, she mentioned the folly of their behavior. Our history is written not only in books but in the bronze of statues. It is one of Satan’s greatest strategies: cause people to forget their past and you can affect their future. When your car had a problem the computer adjusted some parameters so it will run good.When he reset the codes the engine will start running normally but if if it still senses a problem it will revert back to where it was. Shouldn’t they set about to destroy the statues of all men?” Of course, her words ‘calling for destruction’ were only spoken to show the foolishness of those blind and misguided individuals attempting to erase America’s history.. Over 2 months after your August 24th post, an interesting thought came to me today. America is not and has never been a perfect country. Gentrification is erasing black cemeteries and, with it, black history. Thanks for reading. In 1948 Winston Churchill said to the House of Commons, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”. Share on Facebook Tweet it Share on Google+ Share on LinkedIn Pin it Share on Reddit Share on StumbleUpon Email this Print. In the English city of Bristol, a statue of Edward Colston, who made an enormous fortune investing in the trans-Atlantic slave trade, was dumped into the harbor by protesters. David Marcus December 15, 2020 6 min. #Chr, This town knows how to do Christmas lights! America is not and has never been a perfect country. Our own nation is in the midst of a revolution. Amen. Bookmark; Follow; Report; More. Rewrite what you don’t like. Quote; My google search bar, keeps all searches even if I clear my History. Browsers limit the amount of data they store in the cache, so your browser will automatically purge old data and keep the cache size under control. Sometimes bad past actions can outweigh good ones depending on one’s perspective. Lisa Fletcher went to Boston to see how that historic town is dealing with erasing history. That’s what we all really risk in losing through this relentless damnation of history. Someone has wisely said that what we learn from history is that no one learns from history. Still, this incident immediately got me thinking about the issue of “erasing history” by deleting names from the record. It is a poem with events as verses.” – Charles Angoff 17. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Whether or not statues have been erected, all mankind is flesh and prone to errant behavior. Meanwhile, American slavery was quite unique because it was rooted in the justification by way of racial superiority, therefore condemning generations of people to slavery … But it’s there for us to learn from it. Now, it is even more pronounced. Let us do more than remember our history – let us learn from it. Thanks Bro. donniedupp. We have been praying for your pastor and all of you. However, the cache will be rebuilt over time afterwards. “And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace” (John 1:16). It is time to take a long look at history again…. Thursday Night Open Thread: What Is It About Australia? Reply. TRUTH allows us to honestly acknowledge the mistakes of others, and the mistakes of our self, too. God bless. I have less problem with re-naming forts. Erasing The Cleveland Indians Erases Part Of American History. The Aycock-East name change was handled without an established procedure. Many have borrowed philosopher George Santayana’s famous phrase: “Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it,” but in our current political climate, some fear we are currently in the process of erasing history. how come they do this stuff??? Toppling statues and erasing history won’t bridge the racial divide (opinion) Posted Jun 14, 2020 . The only problem is (as with old erasers) that they crumble why doing so and their residue has to be removed. Comments with 10 or more “Likes” are Harvey Award winners. Erasing history, though, is a dangerous path because it means that the truth becomes something malleable that has been created instead of recorded. Erasing History? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. “Kneaded eraser”, or “putty rubber”, is used to remove graphite or charcoal from a surface by absorbing it. Open it by pressing Alt to show the menu bar, then choosing View → Sidebar → History. From political leaders to sporting greats, […] If he just cleared the codes its normal for the engine to run different. Would you like to study Revelation with us? The problem with co-opting ‘queer’ By Stephanie Fairyington. It is as follows: First, read Acts 7:44-47. Scripture is full of history: the history of Israel, the history of world empires, the history of individuals and families, the history of the church. Posted by Harvey on 31 October 2017, 2:00 pm [High Praise! Very good. We must never forget our heritage. I have shared your post to facebook. The Problem of Street Racing. Since the feature is useful, especially when troubleshooting the iPhone, you will become frustrated when it stops working. erasing definition: 1. present participle of erase 2. to remove something, especially a pencil mark by rubbing it: 3…. With God’s help, we must live right, and must learn the lessons from the good and the bad of others — to better ourselves and to help those around us. In fact, our history is the history of “erasing”—that is, revisiting and revising—our past. It is a wonderful reminder that if anyone should be concerned with history it is God’s people. Thank y, Winter on the farm. The ‘written memorial’ was given for “our examples, to the intent we should not” do as the deceased and errant fathers of history have done. I appreciate your recommendation. Related Videos. 3 thoughts on “ Erasing Southern Culture and History, Step by Step ” Charlie on May 5, 2016 at 8:47 pm said: Pretty nearly all regional distinctiveness is being lost all over the nation. 0:29. © 2021 All Rights Reserved | Scott Pauley. iPhone users have reported that erasing all content and settings is sometimes not working on their iOS device. The guide begins by describing the problem of street racing and reviewing factors that contribute to it. Beauti, Christmas in Michigan with the family...and that o, Ice and snow in the mountains tonight. History must not be ignored. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Beacon Baptist. The devil is a liar and he loves to sow deceit wherever he can. Use This Handy Guide To Cheat at Fizzbin…. Expand. These are the most liked comments over the last month. Sure, the Ottomans get a cameo appearance, but that is partially because their history became intertwined with that of the Arab heartlands. Loading... c.pfaffenbichler. But history as nightmare is not the whole of history by any means. Never were these “fathers” mentioned in a demoralizing or disparaging way even though ‘sometimes they had faults aplenty’ — faults which could needlessly have been referenced to ‘bring these historical “fathers” to their knees’. Report. The Disingenuous “Erasing History” and Its Companion Slippery Slope Argument. Enter your email address to subscribe to "Enjoying the Journey" and receive notifications of new posts by email. Imagine if they stopped wasting time trying to ram socialist ideology down students’ throats. ; Or you can always view your browsing history in the History sidebar. 3 replies 1 has this problem 2960 views; Last reply by jscher2000 1 year ago. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR; ARTICLES; HISTORY; INSTANT ARTICLES; WORLD WAR II; Aug 26, 2018 Craig Bowman. Erasing history, though, is a dangerous path because it means that the truth becomes something malleable that has been created instead of recorded. ". The erasing of history by the history museum may fit in well with the current “1984” era….but it’s hard to imagine that this group won’t have to answer for all this, at some point. However, GRACE allows us to deal kindly, gently, and lovingly with the ‘historical mistakes’ of our fathers which cannot be undone, and –thankfully!– allows us to deal kindly, gently, and lovingly with our own ‘historical mistakes’ — mistakes of yesterday — which cannot be undone. Erase it all. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). The Problem With Erasing History. Islamic history is too often the history of the Arabs. 10 God provides a ‘written memorial’ of the deceased in order to teach those living about the errant behavior of some of “our fathers”. Jupiter Fl. The history of their actions will be retold not only because it is impossible to erase them, but also because it is imperative to remember them. Cool shirts, mugs, stickers, and what-not! I will not debate monuments or the vandalization of them. But here we encounter an even greater problem. Gentrification is erasing black cemeteries and, with it, black history . Listen to the words of 1 Corinthians 10: Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant…Now these things were our examples…Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. ), we’d better make sure that our targets are uniquely and melodramatically evil rather than tragically misguided. Required fields are marked *. Instead of massaging data in order to blame poor outcomes on systemic racism, maybe teachers could be financially compensated based on lifting the performance of all students. 16. If you do, are you erasing history, pretending unpleasant things never happened? They head back to Cr, One week series starting Monday on your podcast pl, This girl is giving haircuts now!?! I have enjoyed your podcast! © 2002-2020 Frank J. Fleming. It should not be conflated with historical revisionism, a broader term that extends to newly evidenced, fairly reasoned academic reinterpretations of history.. After President Trump won the election, his opponents began snapping up copies of 1984 so quickly that Amazon sold out of the classic. Ride onboard in the Mercedes CLR from 1999 and more # Mercedes # onboard # MercedesCLR # CLR # LeMans24 # lemans # wec. By David Marcus | 14 December 2020. What happened is what happened, even when the truth is painful. Looking back over the history of a Western Civilization, which we call great, were not the explorers who … Horses have appeared in works of art throughout history. Lisa Fletcher: In one of the nation’s oldest cities, statues and memorials abound. Destruction is easy. The Danger of Erasing History. THE FEDERALIST — In the latest episode of corporate wokeness fixing a problem that doesn’t actually exist, the Major League Baseball team the Cleveland Indians is changing its name after having used the moniker for 105 years.. In the latest episode of corporate wokeness fixing a problem that doesn’t actually exist, the Major League Baseball team the Cleveland Indians is changing its name after having used the moniker for 105 years. Slavery is taught as a mistake made in the past with an “everyone was doing it” justification. Interestingly, scripture teaches us that Jesus was “full of GRACE and TRUTH” (John 1:14). The cache also takes up hard disk space. I don’t know if you listen to pod cast, but Ronnie Brown has a series called Forgotten, that has really opened my eyes to what some of the saints before us had to endure for us to have the freedom we have today. We must not lose our history. Islamic history is too often the history of the Arabs. Amen Scott Pauley. What is true on a national scale is also true on a personal level. What we need to learn to do is combine the arts of erasing personal history and losing self-importance, so if someone asks us what we do, we'll tell them something society finds 'not so glorious.' “History maketh a young man to be old, without either wrinkles or gray hairs; privileging him with the experience of age, without either the infirmities or inconveniences thereof.”Thomas Fuller But, singular as it may seem, there is no fixed law of history by which to determine the probabilities of the race- problem in the United States. If you do not have a custom homepage set, you can click the view history, saved bookmarks, and more button in any browsing window. Because, when you’re erasing it, you’re erasing history. And He did despair, for in His omniscience, He did know that His creations had but three-fifths of the splendor of that which would be IMAO. Dammit, Jim, He’s a YouTuber, Not a Doctor! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! To learn how your information is used, see out Privacy Policy. However, the Old Testament “fathers” are referenced in a favorable manner. yes, I am familiar with that podcast and actually just recommended it to someone recently. The rest of the history of Islam beyond the Middle East seems to be relegated to the footnotes of dry academic works. It would. Four states have made it impossible to remove or alter their historic structures, regardless of the desires of local municipalities. God bless you brother! Just this morning I was reading devotionally in the historical books of the Old Testament. She quietly referenced the time in America’s history when, basically, all women were under some degree of suppression by mankind — after all, it was the 19th amendment, ratified in 1920, that gave women the right to vote! to Freedom Is Just Another Word] [reference link] Spread it around: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) More; Like this: Like Loading... Related. This follows the decision by the Washington Redskins of the National Football League to change their name this season. Historical negationism, also called denialism, is falsification or distortion of the historical record. Grant taking advantage of the, Enjoying a white Christmas...guess who picked this, Christmas greetings from our family to yours! This i, Flying out of Yeager Airport and Vice President Mi, Spent today with these girls. I really need, So these two are making dinner for us tonight...Ba, Today we begin our 4th year of broadcasts! Dinner and C, It’s a big day at the house...momma got her girl, On the last pages of the Old Testament Malachi emp, Lessons Learned On A Walk Through the Woods, One Revival Challenge & Two Pieces of News. The claims of systematic racism are political propaganda, and Democrats and other liberals are intentionally making It seems the Lord is deeply concerned that we not forget. Only if you take all that exists for granted, as if it were a natural phenomenon something like the weather, can you fail to appreciate the achievements of the past. Mar 03, 2020 Craig Cunningham rated it liked it. September 12, ... That being said, the problem with analyzing legacy in this manner is that there is a certain level of subjectivity involved. ", "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. This article is more than 1 year old. ", "It was something of great contentment getting to your site this morning. Welcome to IMAO! 2020 will be remembered as a year of change. THE PROBLEM… In I Cor. Watch only on over 70 years of 24 Hours of Le Mans archives and never before seen footage. The Galloping Horse Problem And The World’s First Motion Picture Kaushik Patowary Jun 19, 2019 0 comments “The 1821 Derby at Epsom” by Théodore Géricault. We all need reminders! Thanks for taking time to read and share your thoughts! Again, this is a post about erasing personal history, not self-importance, but this point needs to be made. ... Lady M: No problem. By Alphonse-Louis Vinh on May 5, 2016. Reply. We have for many years seen a wave of “revisionist history” at work in our educational system. Thank you for sharing your wisdom! Report. On Problematic Representations of the Past. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. An outright revolt against history. The rest of the history of Islam beyond the Middle East seems to be relegated to the footnotes of dry academic works. see review. Learn how your comment data is processed. Just a Reminder — We’ve Been Through All Sorts of Lawlessness Before, and We Might As Well Get Used To It. All rights reserved. Buy the audiobook! THE FEDERALIST — In the latest episode of corporate wokeness fixing a problem that doesn’t actually exist, the Major League Baseball team the Cleveland Indians is changing its name after having used the moniker for 105 years. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Erasing The Cleveland Indians Erases American History. I was hoping for more historical analysis. No, it is not "erasing history" History needs to be recorded and remembered, regardless of how we today judge the events and people of the past. I appreciate your ministry, it has been such a blessing to me. Straight Line of the Day: Our Long National Nightmare May Soon Be Over — How Will Kamala Ditch Biden? In 1948 Winston Churchill said to the House of Commons, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Our own nation is in the midst of a revolution. [High Praise! The guide then identifies a series of questions that might assist you in analyzing your local street racing problem. Erasing History We can’t do what we always do in America – cover up the scars of the past and pretend that they didn’t happen. to Freedom Is Just Another Word] [reference link] Spread it around: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Translate. THIS IS SCARY STUFF!!!! In fact, our history is the history of “erasing”—that is, revisiting and revising—our past. Our generation needs a truthful perspective on the past, present, and future. Given the opportunity the citizens do speak up and can make a difference. In spite of all the goodness which has spread out from America to touch the rest of the world, there are events in the past which have remained in the minds and hearts of generations. That is, although everyone knew the humanity and the faults of these “fathers”, these God-loving and well-meaning forefathers were revered and spoken well of — rather than removing their names from history or needlessly trashing them. She asked, “Why does this group only want to destroy the statues of certain men? It’s gratifying to see so much support for the original Westport Historical Society, and for the Sheffer family. Does erasing history make us a better nation by focusing only on the wrongs done in the past? We must remember where God has brought us from. And this, in turn, made me remember Brownie Wise’s story. Your email address will not be published. This article is more than 1 year old. Statues of Confederate soldiers were torn off of their bases in attempts to erase history, and anything and everything depicting a confederate flag was desecrated as a symbol of extreme hatred towards humanity. Canada is no exception to this practice, and nor should we be. to Freedom Is Just Another Word], Your email address will not be published. No one should ever feel alone and social isolation must be eradicated. The problem is is that the city government only listens to a very few loudmouths and not to the citizens. History is most important as we near the end. Erasing Southern Culture and History, Step by Step. Does erasing history make us a better nation by focusing only on the wrongs done in the past? Are the young Brits and Americans who genuinely feel guilty about the colonial and racist crimes of their white ancestors also willing to be subject to a special whites-only tax allocating a significant portion of their incomes to Black organizations so justice can, finally, prevail? The dispossessed and most vulnerable will be the driving force in erasing the effects of Redlining in this nation! “Cleaning up” America? I’m sure there are plenty of more current men and women, both in and out of the military, who are worthy of such an honor. Rewriting history is positively Orwellian, and a terribly dangerous path. Google "search history" survives erasing browsing history. We can find nowhere such invariability of result as to set a principle or determine what may be called an historical axiom. CARTOON: The Tennessean. Appreciate what you are doing and hope our paths cross sometime. Canada is no exception to this practice, and nor should we be. We see them on state flags, in the names of our towns and rivers, and in our … You’ll have no trouble erasing RTÉ’s woefully unfunny panel show Clear History from your memory . And thanks again! You may also press Ctrl+H. The textbooks in our schools have been erasing history since public education was legislated, and state content standards have done no better for decades. In the latest episode of corporate wokeness fixing a problem that doesn’t actually exist, ... has also became a traditional part of American history and legend. While not everything in our history is good, it … Thank you my friend. Community Guidelines . R TÉ’s new panel show is more of the same. This site uses cookies. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Illegal street racing in Dallas neighborhoods is a historic problem Street races in Dallas resulting in fatal crashes can be traced back several decades. An outright revolt against history. [solved] Erase all Content and Settings not Working Problem. Mike: It has a distinctive and dramatic design, much more so than the "real" Confederate flag. For states who were on the confederate side of America’s bloody civil war, this caused a problem. And, several “fathers” are specifically named by Stephen — Moses; Joshua; David; Jacob; and Solomon. and try again to describe the actual problem, possibly with the help of screenshots. We believe there should be no one without a place to call home in this great nation. Website owner Frank J. Fleming may earn a small commission for the endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website. Buy the ebook! But that’s not happening because there is no logic; no legitimate attempt to solve a legitimate problem. Within these verses we find Old Testament “fathers” (v.44 & 45) referred to from the current time in history of Stephen. Throwing money at the problem isn’t the solution. But when we wipe away history at a whim (why in 2017 and not, say, in 2015 or 2008? Kneaded eraser … Like Translate. From what the activists claim, they don’t want to go back. They are memorials to the past that were erected by people who endure that history and knew the importance of never repeating it. / Erasing History. Finally, the guide reviews responses to the problem and what is known about these from evaluative research and police practice. Learn more. By … Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. By Scott Pauley | August 24, 2017 | 12. History, like the people who inherit it, inhabits neighborhoods of more and less prominence. [“Our fathers”: “with many of them God was not well pleased” (v.1 & 5).] While not everything in our history is good, it is true. 10/28/19, 4:47 PM. And only truth can guide us forward. “History is a symphony of echoes heard and unheard. I am reading Stephen Mansfield’s book More Than Dates & Dead People right now. Erasing The Cleveland Indians Erases American History David Marcus December 15, 2020 6 min In the latest episode of corporate wokeness fixing a problem that doesn’t actually exist, the Major League Baseball team the Cleveland Indians is changing … When you erase history, especially the dark times, you allow the evils of the past the freedom to repeat their atrocities once again. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see our Cookie Policy. Pauley! View your browsing history in Firefox. Learn more. In the midst of that history God spoke to me in a very definite way about my life. Thank you my friend. For most of American history Indians have played a central cultural role. Descent overview of the attempt by the left (not liberals) to "fundamentally transform" the USA. Buy the paperback! Erasing History… Posted on June 22 ... Let me put it this way: both groups want to preserve our country’s history… The problem I see is that there are elements of our country’s history that are being glossed over and parts that are being erased all together. Grateful to, This is no time to turn back, change directions, o, Date night with @lauren_elisabeth___. VALUES. We love you and your family. Great truth, and great application! Wise was the soul behind Tupperware, or, as you might also call her, in line with the title of the biography mentioned above, T he Queen of Tupperware . And if you start erasing all this, then we’re bound to repeat a lot of this. A tool like CCleaner can remove quite a bit of data by erasing browser caches. Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. The past affected my present. I have less problem with re-naming forts. Likes. This is often done with a broad brush. TRUTH prevents us from forgetting or whitewashing the past; however, GRACE allows us to move into the future unscathed — to move past the sins of our “fathers” and the sins of our self. Are We Erasing History? And history is good, bad, ugly, pretty. Much of the world is making progress with LGBT+ rights, which has made way to … In the aftermath of the George Floyd murder, the voices defending the removal of Confederate monuments or the renaming of Confederate army bases has … Erasing The Cleveland Indians Erases Part Of American History. The attack is not new. Wouldn’t it make much more sense for these highly concerned individuals to go to the source of the problem, the racist companies, the racist white people, etc.? But some historical markers of change, may not survive the year. The Problem With Erasing History. Close. I also enjoy your podcast “Enjoying The Journey.”. Posted by Harvey on 31 October 2017, 2:00 pm [High Praise! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! In the latest episode of corporate wokeness fixing a problem that doesn’t actually exist, the Major League Baseball team the Cleveland Indians is changing its name after having used the moniker for 105 years. It does not leave behind eraser residue like art gum eraser, and because of the lasts longer, but it loses its efficacy and resilience because particles that it erases stay inside it. Whatever the reason is, it has led to a huge problem, the media and and society are erasing the rich communities and amazing contributions that LGBT+ people of colour have made. In spite of all the goodness which has spread out from America to touch the rest of the world, there are events in the past which have remained in the minds and hearts of generations. That our targets are uniquely and melodramatically evil rather than tragically misguided however, the problem with erasing history Ottomans get cameo... Incident immediately got me thinking about the issue of “ revisionist history ” work. 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