Reeks | Dod and Card were in agreement, however, that the business of their respective organizations was violence. [5] It was a win-win situation for Dod—if Clovis wanted the antidote, the Banking Clan senator would have to give him a better deal; if Clovis refused the Neimoidian's terms, Amidala would die. Rancors | Rather, as Leland Chee revealed, Lucasfilm's official verdict is that the Neimoidian who appears alongside Gunray on Geonosis is not Dod, but Rune Haako. [10], Cunning and immoral,[7] with a voice reminiscent of that of a snake charmer,[8] Lott Dod was a scheming bureaucrat who often used political tactics such as filibusters, manipulative wrangling,[1] and even bribery to further the goals of the Trade Federation. Kithaba | Dod was quick to respond to the Chancellor's accusations, arguing that the Federation was suffering losses because the Republic refused to either establish a military force to protect the zones or allow the Federation to defend itself. [23] Dod maintained a palace on Cato Neimoidia,[5] from which he conducted dealings with the Separatists, far away from the spies of Republic Intelligence. How Star Wars Conquered the Universe: The Past, Present Future of a Multibillion Dollar Franchise. He had a skill for twisting the facts of the Federation's more questionable actions. Dod was injured in the accident, and he was hospitalized[16] at the Fobosi District Medcenter. Democrats, whose messaging had improved since Ted Kennedy's "Star Wars" flub, started calling it a 'Contract On America.". Klaatu | Sub-groups: When this did not satisfy everyone, Palpatine suggested that a trade summit be held on the Outer Rim world of Eriadu to continue the discussion and eventually finalize the issue. Black Krrsantan | Star Wars Legends Villains | As a representative in the Galactic Senate, Dod would use his manipulative skills to serve the organization's agenda, delay inquiries by the Galactic Republic and denying any dealings with the galaxy's most shadowy figures. Shortly thereafter, however, the poison unfurled its effect, and after Clovis Padmé had found ill, he handed them over to the care of Anakin Skywalker, who was also there. Sun Fac | At the same time, however, his machinations also earned him allies, such as Gran Senator Aks Moe of Malastare and several members of Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum's office. Major Baron Vonreg Senator Lott Dod first appeared as a minor character in the novelization of 1999's Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. The Client | A seven-man, five-woman jury will decide the case. Hobby The Neimoidian's influence had spread throughout the Senate, but he was unable to use his sway to defeat the bill proposing the taxation of trade routes. Help advance the interests of the Separatists. As senator, Dod wore a large senatorial miter capped with a diplomatic ploov,[10] which indicated his position. The truth was that Dod's true allegiance was to the Confederacy, seeing it as an opportunity to increase his own wealth and influence even more. Lott Dod is a Neimoidian politician serving as the senator of the Trade Federation in the Galactic Senate. The trio was forced to cut the negotiating short as Amidala approached. Gar Saxon | He was named after then-GOP Senate leader in 1997 Trent Lott, in an attempt to directly connect the Trade Federation's characterization and motives with that of the Republican Revolution that occurred in 1994. Imperial Officers: The Federation, fearing that the attack would be the first of many, decided to petition the Senate for assistance, as its own defense forces were insufficient to deal with the threat. To solve the matter, Valorum proposed a summit on Eriadu to further discuss the issue, at senator Palpatine's advice. Embo | Following the Federation's invasion of Naboo, however, Dod successfully utilized political stalling to block inquiries into the incident and derailed democracy in the process,[2] though the extent of the Federation's actions were soon revealed when Naboo was liberated. [8] In response to the blockade, Chancellor Valorum dispatched two Jedi—Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi—as his ambassadors to meet with the Federation, but before any negotiations could commence, Viceroy Gunray attempted to have them killed per Sidious's orders. Darth Vader Sith Eternal | TJ 55 | General Tagge | The Confederacy learned of this mission, prompting Count Dooku to send Dod to Toydaria to prevent any such alliance from forming. Some of Dod's contacts were used by the Trandoshan Crovessk, chief executive officer of Revessa Global Shipping, in his appeal to the Senate requesting representation for Trandosha in the governing body. Leaders: The Trade Federation and Neimoidians: A History, In his appeal to the Senate requesting a seat for Trandosha, Crovessk of the Revessa Global Shipping used some of the Neimoidian's contacts. [33] As it would turn out, Clovis's appointment had been a result of the machinations of Count Dooku, who sought to use him to control the Banking Clan. Moff Gideon | Tobias Beckett | Grand Moff Tarkin | The head of the Trade Feder… When the time came for the Republic Senate to vote on the peace initiative, the demolition units succeeded in destroying a Coruscanti power generator, knocking out power to the Senate District and setting off a series of explosions that injured many of the planet's citizens. Nightbrothers, Sith and Other Dark Force-Users Old Daka, Shadow Collective The pair escaped to Naboo's surface and rescued the captive Queen Amidala and her entourage. Highsinger | Riff Tamson | After they departed, blaster fire erupted within the chamber, prompting the remaining members of the Directorate to activate a force field that had been set up around their seats. [12] The Trade Federation, however, was not ready to submit to the new law without a fight. Techno Union | During the Clone Wars, Dod would claim that the Trade Federation's resources had been co-opted by the Confederacy of Independent Systems without the approval of it's governing board. Despite their best efforts, Queen Amidala escaped with the help of the Jedi Knight ambassadors and eventually arrived on Coruscant, hoping that the Republic would intervene. Inquisitorius: Crawford, a young black man, was convicted and sentenced to death that year for suffocating his one-year-old son. Because of their diplomatic privileges, the pair left Eriadu without responding to any inquiries. Dod also stated that should the Senate refuse to intercede with the Nebula Front on the Federation's behalf, the governing body should at least give the trade consortium the appropriate means so that it could defend itself. On July 12, 1986, a man, later determined by police to be Gregory Lott, broke into the home of John McGrath. Staying true to his filibustering ways, Dod objected to the Queen's accusations and suggested that a commission be formed and sent to Naboo to determine if Amidala's claims were valid. Commander Hask | Lott Dod From his recuperative ward, Dod responded to Brun's accusations during a Senate session, calling the senator's insinuations outrageous. Moff Raythe | [8] In the end, Amidala personally led the liberation of her homeworld and captured Viceroy Gunray, while Valorum was voted out of office and replaced by Palpatine. Origin Acklays | Soldiers: Merrin | [24], When the negotiations resumed, Dod continued to manipulate the situation in the Confederacy's favor, arguing that the planet would no longer be considered neutral in the eyes of the Separatist Parliament should the Toydarians send aid to Ryloth. Poggle retreated into the shadows upon her arrival, and Dod watched silently as the two senators conversed before departing. The Grand Inquisitor | The king, angered by Organa's apparent dishonesty, had no intentions of breaking Toydaria's neutrality and retired to discuss the issue with his ministers. Chuchi but succeeded with the Ahsoka Tano to obtain evidence that spoke for a separatist involvement in the blockade Pantoras. Passel Argente | Barada | [2] Senate Resolution BR-0371 became law, much to the Federation's chagrin. Male[1] Grand Admiral Thrawn | While he and his superior Nute Gunray were actively involved … Gender Ziton Moj | Tusken Raiders | Dod later received a relatively larger role in 2001's Cloak of Deception, in addition to mentions in several online HoloNet News articles serving as lead-ins to 2002's Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. The behind-the-scenes explanation for this is that Daultay Dofine's mask from Episode I was given to Alan Ruscoe, who actually portrayed the Neimoidian in Episode II, with a voice provided by Chris Truswell. Skin color When needed, the accomplished statesman would stall any investigations into the Federation's actions, including the conglomerate's expansion. Griffin Dix, Ph.D., is president of the Oakland/Alameda County (Calif.) Brady chapter and served on the Brady Board of Trustees from 2006 through 2008. This was done to suggest that the Neimoidians had modeled the battle droids after their own image. Captain Canady | Officers: In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, he was voiced by Gideon Emery. A woman has plunged nearly 100 metres to her death after climbing over the railing at a popular lookout to take a photo. ConspiracyTreasonWar crimesCorruption Despite the scandal, Dod continued to represent the organization in the Senate, even during the Separatist Crisis that culminated with the Federation aligning with the breakaway Confederacy of Independent Systems. [6], Before Valorum could begin his opening remarks, a Human page approached Gunray and informed him that a plasma leak had been detected in his shuttle's engines, a security matter that he needed to tend to immediately. Cornelius Evazan | Krayt Dragons | The Muun suggested that they bring the war directly to Coruscant to spur the Senate to pass their legislation—he argued that a thousand years without a direct attack on the capital had given its residents a false sense of safety. Separatist Council: Nute Gunray | Jabba the Hutt | Republicans took the House and the Senate for the first time in 40 years. He later appeared in the season three episodes "Supply Lines," "Sphere of Influence," and "Heroes on Both Sides," and the season six episodes "The Rise of Clovis" and "Crisis at the Heart." Vedain | Asajj Ventress | Although Gilramos Libkath was later used as an actual Neimoidian in Boba Fett: Hunted, it was eventually established that Libkath did not appear on Geonosis. IG-11 | Holding Dod and his aides at blasterpoint, Clovis obtained the antidote but failed to retrieve the data before Amidala fled the planet with the antidote. Unkar Plutt | However, Dod and Aks Moe object to the monarch and senator Palpatine' statements, asking that a committee be appointed to learn the truth, in an effort to delay any inquiries. [4] His efforts to prevent the taxation having failed, Dod used his knowledge of Congressional procedure to delay any countermeasures by the Republic until it was too late to prevent Naboo from being overrun. This stopped the senators and were indignant enough to approve the law to deregulate the banks. Razoo Qin-Fee | TA-175 | Lott Dod was a male Neimoidian who served as the senator of the Trade Federation since as early as 33 BBY and would continue to act as such throughout the Invasion of Naboo and later the Clone Wars. The University was able to get an injunction stopping further dumping on the planetoid, but news of the injunction came too late for the crew of the Spotty Conveyor, a Trade Federation scow transporting radioactive waste from Federation-owned industrial worlds. The plot uncovered, Chuchi accused Canay and his envoy of war profiteering and blackmailed them into ending the blockade. Senator Amidala suggested that the Senate open negotiations with the Confederacy as an alternative to the increase in military spending, but not all were satisfied with her proposal. Rook Kast | Salacious B. Crumb | Star Wars The Old Republic Villains. During the Clone Wars, the Trade Federation pledged its support to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. [22], During the course of the war, the planet Ryloth was invaded by the Confederacy, cutting off the Republic's supply lines to the beleaguered Twi'lek inhabitants. He further iterated the collaborators as "extremists" who did not speak for the Federation as a whole. Purge Troopers | ("Gunray", "Ki-Adi-Mundi", and "Dodd" all survive the movie). In the final version of the episode, Dod's threats are somewhat less menacing, as he does not order Amidala and Skywalker detained. The military of the Trade Federation took over the planet but the Queen escaped to Coruscant for help. Emperor's Royal Guard | The summit on Eriadu, during which Dod accompanied Viceroy Nute Gunray, resulted in the deaths of the other members of the Trade Federation Directorate at the hands of faulty security droids. Dod cast the blame on Amidala, whose interference he did not expect; although Saam suggested that someone be hired to assassinate her, the Neimoidian dismissed the idea as too difficult to accomplish. [39] This name was also applied for the Neimoidian in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary. MagnaGuards | Super Battle Droids | Bounty Hunters [22] Because he had signed his assets over to Clovis for the construction of a new droid foundry on Geonosis, Dod would be rewarded with considerable wartime profits,[5] hoping that any revenue generated would greatly benefit his people. [8]Within his senatorial office in the Senate Building, which mimicked the grub-hatcheries on his homeworld, Dod possessed a mechno-chair throne and a towering hologram of the Trade Monarch. Clovis recognized her symptoms and confronted Dod with his knowledge. When the conglomerate initiated a blockade of Pantora, isolating the moon from the rest of the Republic, Dooku offered aid to the Pantoran people on the condition that they join the Confederacy. Battle Droids | When this initiative failed, the Federation invaded the Mid Rim world Naboo in retaliation in 32 BBY. COMPNOR | With failing rad-dampening shielding and not enough fuel to leave the system, the six-being crew was faced with a perilous situation. Zillo Beast, See Also In late 22 BBY,[27] Dod conspired with Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser and Senator Rush Clovis of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, another pro-Separatist organization that also claimed to be remaining aligned with the Republic, in an agreement to strengthen the Separatist's droid army. Organa suggested that Dod bring an inquiry before the Senate; Dod knew a decision from such a motion would take years to attain, and, before departing, warned the Alderaanian senator of the dangerous game he was playing.[24]. AD-W4 | Nexu | Sith Troopers | Benefactor: Darth Sidious All proceeds go to supporting tournaments, new set development, and other promotional materials used to support and grow the game. In reality, Clovis would be finalizing his deal with Dod. Bo-Katan Kryze | Military Leaders: Admiral Trench | In the midst of the crisis, Dod was injured in a speeder accident, but this did not hamper his senatorial duties—the outspoken Neimoidian often participated in Senate debates from his recuperative ward at the Fobosi District Medcenter and ultimately recovered from the accident. Dod informed the Senate that the Pantoran government was in debt to the Federation, warranting a blockade until the matter could be settled. [23] Even he himself had dealings with the Separatists. Keeper Agruss | Lott Dod Ziro the Hutt, Other [31], Around 20 BBY,[32] Dod was present in the Senate during a vote to confirm Baron Rush Clovis as the new head of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Before the Senate, Dod revealed Canay's Separatist sympathies, seemingly a result of Nute Gunray's influence, and announced the end of the Federation's blockade as a gesture of goodwill to the Pantorans.[29]. 0-0-0 | Contact our mesothelioma attorneys and lawyers in Lott if you have been exposed to asbestos, we can help you get compensated. Admiral Piett | Powers/Skills Velken Tezeri | Green[4] The frequency of incidents involving DGU, and their effectiveness in providing safety and reducing crime is a controversial issue in gun politics and criminology, chiefly in the United States. [31], Following the session, Dod and Saam met with the Muun Nix Card of the Banking Clan, who was upset that the bill had been unable to pass immediately. [20] Senator Orn Free Taa of Ryloth made a joke about Dod's speeder accident on the Amberdawn morning show; although Taa later apologized for the move, Dod was still offended by the joke. During production, the Art Department opted to use animatronic masks to bring Dod and the Neimoidians to life. The lone surviving male Geonosian of an Imperial genocide of the Geonosians following the completion of the first Death Star, Klik-Klak sets up a defense using old Separatist battle droids and droidekas to defend both himself, and the lone surviving Geonosian queen egg he defended, to ensure his species' survival - his encounter with the Ghost crew and Saw Gerrera (who was already on the planet) within … This verdict, however, did not prevent Katuunko from letting Organa depart with the small amount of provisions they currently had access to—provided the Federation did not learn of the deal. ... Medical examiner testifies about autopsy photos, manner of death in Kody Lott murder trial. Allegiant General Pryde Eye color Tikkes | Neimoidia[1] Chi Cho | Death Watch | Captain Phasma | Black Sun | After the meeting was postponed to Dod withdrew and met in the Senate chambers with Nix Card, a representative of the Bankers Association, and the Senator Saam. Gleb | The Neimoidian told him of Amidala's true reasons for accompanying him to the world; Clovis confirmed this by finding that the data on the droid factory had been stolen. Dod, a manipulative being skilled at political maneuvering, held this position from as early as 33 BBY, when he fought against the taxation of the Federation-dominated Free Trade Zones. Crimson Dawn | Political manipulation Commander Hask | Faced with an increased risk, Dod and Poggle the Lesser—who had emerged from the shadows—attempted to negotiate a greater profit from the venture. Because the Neimoidian utilized Dofine's mask, it was believed that he would be made into a new character, named Gilramos Libkath, after Gillian Libbert and Kathryn Ramos. Dod was also offended by one of senator Orn Free Taa's jokes about his speeder accident, even after the latter apologized. Admiral Versio | In The Phantom Menace, he was portrayed by Silas Carson and voiced by Toby Longworth. Two competing teams of Neimoidian office drones rushed to complete the work of the Neimoidian delegation, while assistants and other employees[9]—like diplomatic aides[10] Mik Regrap and Lufa Danak[11]—attended to Dod's needs. There he forged with the Muun plans to enforce the requirements in the Senate, however, rejected card to assassinate Amidala from. Ziro the Hutt Organa suggested that the Senate take time to weigh the benefits and detriments of banking deregulation, a move supported by Vice Chair Mas Amedda. For their respective crimes, Gunray, Haako and Dod are sent on trial to Coruscant, but through bribery and the intervention of Darth Sidious in his guise of Palpatine, they escape final judgement and retain their respective positions within the Trade Federation. Lott was sentenced to death for the 1986 death of John McGrath, whom prosecutors said Lott set on fire after breaking into his home. Commander Cody | The trio proceeded to dinner, after which Dod departed. He also served as a recurring antagonist in the 2008 TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. After learning of the events, Dod and Gunray did not protest when technicians utilized field disruptors to deactivate the droids. Lott Dod [29], As an added insurance policy, Sib Canay, commander of the Federation's blockade of Pantora, had both daughters of Pantoran Chairman Notluwiski Papanoida kidnapped, hoping to force the chairman to join the Confederacy in exchange for his daughters' return. He presented a defense center on the DNA exclusion and was acquitted based on the DNA evidence. During the Clone Wars, he would use his position to assert that the organization's equipment had been legitimately bought by the Confederacy of Independent Systems on the open market. Despite his dealings and conspiracies with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Dod keeps his post at the urging of those wishing a peaceful end of the Clone Wars. Nute Gunray was the Viceroy of the Trade Federation and a Neimoidian. Pre Vizsla Lott Dod represented the Trade Federation in the Galactic Senate during the twilight years of the Galactic Republic. Asajj Ventress | According to some early layout animation scenes released in Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season Two's Blu-ray "Jedi Temple Archives" feature, Dod originally corners Rush Clovis, Anakin Skywalker, and the poisoned Padmé Amidala outside the palace and orders a B1 battle droid squad to detain them, but only gives Clovis the antidote to the poison and allows them to leave after further threats on Clovis's part. The Count did not share their concern; he knew that once the droids carried out their programming, the move for peace would be halted and the war would continue. IG-88 | Soldiers: Senators Dod and Saam discuss the military enhancement bill. The intruder tied up John, doused him with heating-lamp oil, and set him on fire. This made him a formidable opponent to the few honest delegates in the Senat… Hondo Ohnaka | Occupation [25] Dod stood at 1.9 meters in height[2] and weighed 79 kilograms.[3]. Po Nudo | Droidekas | Mother Talzin | After arriving on the world, Dod informed Gunray of Senator Palpatine's stance as a potential ally of theirs after the Viceroy inquired after the man's identity. Although Katuunko officially agreed to the Neimoidian's demands, he secretly made a pact with the Republic and granted them Toydaria as a starting point for the supplies already brought. The next day, Katuunko accompanied Organa and Binks to the CR90 corvette Tantive IV as the Republic representatives prepared to depart, but an outraged Dod confronted the trio with his knowledge of the supplies reaching Ryloth.
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