the history, education Just my opinion YMMV, Your email address will not be published. Hi, my lovely MINJIONS~!This is a video about cultural differences that I felt when I traveled to the U.S. last month. In the States, individuality matters. It’s completely normal to see girls hand in hand with their friends, old men walking down the streets arm in arm, or even elementary boys sitting on each others laps. But when cosmetic surgery is pushed on young girls in their early teens and is presented as more of a necessity than a choice, I think there’s a problem. I love other cultures and was researching some of the cultural differences between us in America compared to her country. In traditional culture, on the other hand, the elders tend to think of modern culture as "hollow," "ignorant," somehow "childlike." The good education – and then would end their lives in their children’s care.” The In U.S. culture, parents are expected to take care of their children The word for dragon in Korean is 용 (yong). ghosting them) is the way to go. In Korea, on the other hand, friends are super touchy with each other. corner. Other examples include how K-pop stars promote terribly unhealthy diet plans, how eating disorders and starvation as a means to lose weight are neither uncommon nor seen as negative things, and how it’s considered “empowering” to tell women to surgically change their bodies. changing. “Korea was very recently impoverished, so they the elderly population often resorts to suicide instead of devaluing their face The number for South Korea was Celebrating the Christmas season away from home has been a strange experience. globalizing world. South Korea in 2012, I have had an ongoing curiosity with their culture. equal to the student to make them feel comfortable in reaching out and asking Journal of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies stated that “today’s college Whether that be step-parents, aunts/uncles, friend’s parents, etc, using first names is normal and often encouraged. American Sinologist and historian Edwin O. Reischauer also grouped China, Korea, and Japan into a cultural sphere that he called the Sinic world, a group of centralized states that share a Confucian ethical philosophy. South Korea is home to a population of 51,418,097 individuals. In a world that has Traditionally, the oldest person present is supposed to be the first one to eat at the table, and the youngest person is supposed to serve the others by pouring drinks and grilling the meat. Along with the cultural information, we’ll often teach a bit of the language, such as special words or commonly used phrases that might give more depth to what you’re learning about.. Often times you’ll automatically learn Korean just by knowing more about the culture, … based on Korean history. You must bow when you first meet It was an exciting time, but, Seoul is an exquisitely colorful city with an impressive shopping scene. Considering that both countries are business magnates in their own right, it can seem quite surprising to find that there are differences in the way business is conducted in both cultures. should primarily be responsible for household chores, with the husband only In Bali, ride-hailing apps … From the opposite point of view, the instructor will see the student who They are very talkative. We plan to be teaching in Korea through EPIK by February of next year (fingers crossed). but it is a huge part of the culture. students associate authority with effectiveness when it comes to their as the nation of “fast fast” culture. family is exceptionally important within the Confucianism framework. Lee In modern culture, the elders tend to think of traditional culture as "primitive," "backward," somehow "childlike." Thank you, Grace! Korean culture has been strongly influenced by Confucian philosophy and one of the most obvious of its effects is the presence of filial piety—a respect for parents and elders. Language and Intercultural Communication expands on this. In China, establishing cordial relationships in business is extremely important, no matter how much time that takes. Primary Demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts by identifying important ideas and some supporting details (OME, Reading: 1.4). women (Li, 2011). And there's every reason to expect that will continue in the 2020s, say experts. those around them in a productive way. South Korean VS American Culture. separation with North Korea. For Korean students, extracurriculars Do's and Don'ts. After a trip to good education – and then would end their lives in their children’s care.” They are very self-critic. on, are very much traditionalist in structure. If kissing in public is a no-go, how do Koreans … The Petty crime is practically unheard of here—I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone getting mugged or pick-pocketed. Korea is often said to be the world’s most Confucian nation, such values having been instilled for over a thousand years across several dynasties. Where is Korea Located? They tend to think that of culture that can be related back to the ideas of Confucianism. Americanization is conceived as the process of winning global competition where only the 'survival of the fittest' reigns." Create a T-chart in order to show the similarities and differences between Korean and American food culture as described in today’s article. As Korean youth fall deeper and deeper into the industrialized Buses, subways, and taxis can be found in abundance and at almost any time. Korea is a nation on the rise, and we should know about the people who are they want to model themselves after in an economic and cultural sense. U.S. indicated lower satisfaction when their perceived levels of instructor their children possible. Required fields are marked *, Do you want to move across the world? The history of South Korea is influenced by many events and 3. Ironically enough, my husband and I, are getting our TEFL certification and should be done in August. Other times, you might come across things that you think the other country actually does better than your own. Sitemap. In Western culture, people can be friends with whomever they want, while in Korea you can only call someone your friend if he or she is the same age as … The M on November 17, 2011: I've lived in China for 10 years doing business and the article is a biased, idealised version of what Chinese culture is. Different approaches to professional communication are just one of the innumerable differences in workplace norms from around the world. Hello Grace! However, from practices like the Japanese tea ceremony and the Korean hanbok costume, to the way people in Japan and Korea welcome strangers (or don’t), I prefer Japanese culture in every conceivable way. Korean classrooms than in U.S. classrooms (Park, 2009). The paper finds that American web sites provide specific information related to products and online purchase of products, while Korean web sites provide information related to consumers' relationships to the larger community. The chi‐square test of independence is used to determine significant differences between the contents of the two countries apparel … Koreans tend to avoid the use of the words “yes” and “no” and use Hi! professors. While the concept of contracts does exist on quite a large extent in China, they are not given as much importance as in the West. In America, it’s common for young adults or even children to call their elders by their first names. The cultural life of North Korea North Korea's 65th anniversary of the Workers' Party offered a rare insight of every day life in the capital Pyongyang A street scene in Pyongyang. hello on November 28, 2011: thank you. Go anywhere scenic or cute on the weekend and you will find yourself with countless couples enjoying the scenery, going on picnics, or walking together. Individualism vs. Collectivism. My weight, the way I dressed, and the color of my skin were all subjective when it came to the issue of beauty. An example of just how far lookism in Korea extends are how you are required to submit a photo with your resume when applying for a job.  KyungHung was born in South Korea and currently attends university in In recent times, Korean pop culture has gained much popularity all over the world, especially in Asia. Thank you so much for commenting and subscribing to the blog And even in middle school kids are already planning the alterations they will make to their faces or bodies. For Native Koreans (thanks, Michael Han, for suggesting the word change! They are open people. Best of luck with your paper! This is another aspect Korean elders are treated with great respect, and are greeted with a verbal greeting and a vow. Moving on to women in the workplace, according to the Department of Labor, 58.6% In the U.S., professors often want to be treated as more I’m so happy that you read my post and I hope the information it offered was insightful. There are holidays for boyfriends, and holidays for girlfriends. As In China, bu… South Korean Food & Drink. Through the research and interviews explained in this paper, it is This is in stark contrast to Korea, where there is an almost reverential respect for elders and superiors. article goes on to describe how these students understand that these are the Living in America, I never once felt judged for the way I looked. Primary Demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts by identifying important ideas and some supporting details (OME, Reading: 1.4). Sometimes my husband comes home from work and tells me stories from school, and occasionally I hear a story like this: Eric: “So I walked into my first class and noticed that Katie was missing. it. Both countries take pride in their food as it shows a sense of nationalism. In America, a lot of the culture derives around individualism – with one’s personal goals being more of a priority than a collective. Religion professors. asks a lot of questions as engaged and willing to learn and succeed. Koreans believe the hierarchical thinking is a Confucius legacy. I can say without a doubt, Korea has really spoiled me for public transit. YOONAH "LUNA" PARK . Korea is located on the continent of Asia. are plentiful. difference in pay between men and women in South Korea. In America, it’s common for young adults or even children to call their elders by their first names. It can change the way individuals perceive the world, the In the U.S., professors often want to be treated as more Create a T-chart in order to show the similarities and differences between Korean and American food culture as described in today’s article. Individualism vs. Collectivism: The most drastic difference between American and South Korean cultures occurs in the Individualistic vs. Korean students also have a very different perception of their In South Korea, this is I didn’t think there’d be a lot of differences in both cultures. The concept of a ‘middle name’ is not followed in South Korea. We may Today we’re going to look at 10 of the biggest cultural differences that I’ve noticed during my time living here in South Korea. quite the opposite. Elderly Turn to Suicide” reads, “parents would do almost anything to care for However, the appliances and utensils which are used for cooking and eating are different in Korea and America. American students are encouraged to ask questions, be creative, and challenge The United States is highly Individualistic, while South Korea has a highly collective society. It symbolizes water, rain, clouds, and farming. They are very talkative. I’m sure it’ll be great In South Korea, it is important for American managers to manage the group as a whole. Uncertainty Avoidance: South Korean culture evolves around tradition, rules and social code. Moving on to women in the workplace, according to the Department of Labor, 58.6% When you move to or visit another country, it’s a given that you’ll encounter cultural differences that you just don’t understand. Do not single out an individual or else you will risk shaming them. I don’t think (personal opinion here) that it’s a good thing for a culture to be so absorbed in physical beauty, to the point where literally everyone, including small children, constantly complain about their looks and say how fat they are. Introducing Korea! owe the parents the support they need to survive. about cultures that are prevalent in our melting pot of a nation. “maybe” as an implied way of expressing no. In Korea, asking questions is frowned upon. Jesullyna C. Manuel English Teacher Justice Cecilia Munoz Palma High School Grade VIII 2. vary from the United States. The 2015 Australian International Business Survey (AIBS) identified that local language, culture, and business practicalities as the largest single barrier to conducting business in Korea for Australian businesses. These could include English, science, math and other subjects American students are encouraged to ask questions, be creative, and challenge family is exceptionally important within the Confucianism framework. This shows that modern gender and age roles, which will be discussed further in this paper. I got used to the American culture as I see in movies and shows and the culture in southeast Asia in general (I live in the Philippines). South Korea - South Korea - Cultural institutions: The National Museum of Korea maintains artifacts of Korean culture, including many national treasures, chiefly in the central museum in Seoul; there are branch museums in some one dozen cities across the country. education system in Korean culture differs in many ways from this. From BTS to Terrace House, East Asian pop culture exports have taken off in the West over the past decade. strict studies and lack of extracurriculars in order to get ahead academically References . They are open people. Korean Culture Korean culture has faced many changes, and in the modern times, like every other culture, Korean culture too, has been modified. school day. Korean culture also values virtues such as patience, perseverance, self-sacrifice, maintenance of inner strength, self-restraint, modesty, and humility. Korean culture has been strongly influenced by Confucian philosophy and one of the most obvious of its effects is the pre… Using Uber, Grab, or other ride-hailing services is a very big faux pas in Bali. The couple culture in Korea is unlike anything else in the world, so I’m lucky to be here with someone! Because of this, it’s really common to go to a cafe or restaurant and see people leave their phone and purse sitting at their table—something you would NEVER do back home. This is something I see rapidly changing in Korea and I’m excited and curious to see how different things will look in just a few years. is diminishing. Warning: Don’t read this when you’re hungry, you might start to develop a really strong appetite! their children possible. Concerning non-verbal communication in South Korea, the most I have two questions: Will it be hard for my son to be seen as “acceptable” if he visits her family in Korea? They tend to help other person. direct and don’t leave much to implications in conversations. Family. Something like that should be a personal decision, not something you do because you feel pressured into it by society. “Confucianism has provided these countries with high levels of social capital in the form of strong family structure and norms of frugality, hard work, and a high valuation of education.” (Sorensen, 1994, p. authority and lower levels of instructor verbal and nonverbal immediacy in Communication. Koreans do celebrate Christmas, but because it’s. The education system of a nation influences its culture As Americans, we tend to know a lot And if you happen to lose something on the subway or while you’re out and about it’s very likely that someone will turn it over to a lost and found, rather than back home where someone would probably steal it. If you made it all the way to the end, thank you! Everyone wants to be unique, different in some way from the people they know. As an example, I’ve asked many Koreans the question “So what do you like most about America?” to which they’ll give a wordy answer. to ask for money from the government for when their children will not provide She has no family here in the PNW and we really want to be welcoming. Korean students studying in the dramatically. They believe human’s goodness. I’m writing a paper about cultural differences between America and Korea and this was really helpful. describes how bowing may seem strange to an American. view people in the West as very fortunate and rich. When she's not writing content for her clients, Grace can be found dancing in the rain or writing for Wandering Ravens. They are more efficient, cleaner, and a lot less expensive than transit back home and I really like the liberty (so does my wallet) of not owning a car. Koreans are not bad drivers but, Korean bus and taxi drivers all drive like maniacs! New York Times article “As Families Change, Korea’s It can change the way individuals perceive the world, the Busan, South Korea for a year, she explains the perception towards the U.S. Modesty and humility are important in Korean culture and therefore it is best to avoid over-selling yourself or your company’ previous business achievements. They tend to rely less on words and are attentive to a speaker’s posture, expression and tone of voice to draw meaning. South They celebrate being together for 100 days as if it’s their anniversary. In a survey done through the Men make an average of 25.9% more than Low-context cultures include the US, Germany, and other northern European individualistic cultures (Hall & Hall 1990; Irwin, 1996). They believe human’s goodness. juju on November 28, 2011: boring. They feel uncomfortable mind to other person’s hardship. They are very self-critic. It’s a given that there will be differences in communication styles between countries as far apart as the US and Korea. Elderly Turn to Suicide” reads, “parents would do almost anything to care for There is, however, a group we typically can’t say we know much Korean students also have a very different perception of their However, when I moved to Korea, I really struggled with the fact that in most Koreans’ eyes, I was not considered “pretty.” This is made painfully obvious when Korean friends tell me to get cosmetic surgery to fix certain flaws about myself, or tell me that I need to lose weight, or even when I go shopping for makeup and the store associates try selling me lighter makeup and whitening cream. Meanwhile, saving face (the desire to not cause someone embarrassment) plays a big part in Korean culture, so instead of confrontation, avoiding the problem or letting people down gently (i.e. I am by no means the skinniest or palest Asian out there (both things which Koreans believe to be of the utmost importance in regards to beauty). This has resulted in a hierarchy in Korean society where one must always show some level of subservience to those who are older or in higher business positions. culture caused by globalization, they feel less of a desire to hand over their words, creative thought is not needed or encouraged for their multiple-choice injection, we are forced to learn and then we memorize, memorize, memorize.” meet someone tends to be hard for an American in South Korea to get used to, North Korea and Japan, it was forced to rebuild itself at a very rapid pace. earnings to their parents. No matter your body type or ethnicity there will always be people who think that you are beautiful. Core Concepts. They feel uncomfortable mind to other person’s hardship. They are process based and not highly innovative. In America, I feel that there are many different definitions of beauty, because there are so many people from so many different places and backgrounds. As Korean youth fall deeper and deeper into the industrialized In U.S. culture, parents are expected to take care of their children Another every day life situation to see the hierarchy in action is when you’re eating out. CT Business Travel has put together a useful infographic for a quick reference of cultural differences in business etiquette globally.. For instance, the formality of address is a big consideration when dealing with … This is a characteristic of a culture with a high uncertainty avoidance. Sean N. Bennett, RN, MSN- Assistant Professor - Utah Valley University - Orem, Utah on, are very much traditionalist in structure. contact is seen as a challenge, therefore, it is threatening and often times Today people in Korea dress much like we do. Gender roles in South Korea, which have been previously touched Japanese Culture vs Korean Culture . The surname comes before the personal names, reflecting how the family comes before the individual in South Korean culture.  Parents claim that their investment in education made the earnings of You must also avoid touching during conversation or should primarily be responsible for household chores, with the husband only Americans are a lot more blunt and confrontational than Koreans. However, the appliances and utensils which are used for cooking and eating are different in Korea and America. What this means is that there is much more New York Times article “As Families Change, Korea’s There is a single beauty standard, makeup styles seem to be pretty similar across the board, clothing and fashion is also a lot less diverse, and the list goes on. earnings to their parents. Hi Grace and Eric! The education system of a nation influences its culture For this reason, it is crucial to understand some fundamental Korean cultural practices within the business context. Even though I find these instances hurtful and was originally really put off by Korea because of them, I know that being an actual Korean (and not a foreigner) would be so much harder in this regard. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. Being creative is a foreign thought for Your all’s story is so similar to ours and I was very inspired reading your articles. until they are considered adults and independent. Everyone has a role in society as a result of hierarchy - therefore it is vital to respect it. (haha) They are very curious. It's an expression of Korean culture, and the government has been more than happy to capitalise on its success. But then when I change the question to, “What do you like least about America?” There is a long pause usually followed by a brief answer that doesn’t answer the question at all. However, I do think that Korea goes a bit too far, making not just health, but also physical appearance an obsession more than just a concern. However, there is a large characteristics they will need to be productive in a rapidly transforming and The their children – in recent times, depleting their life savings to pay for a jobs they want, the places they will live and more. Korean vs. American Food Throughout history, the food culture has been valued by both Koreans and Americans. dramatically. In Korea, asking questions is frowned upon. The sides are always abundant and delicious (my favorites are the mushrooms and jeon), and if you need more of anything, you need only work up the courage to yell “yogiyo!” and someone will be at your table in a heartbeat. Both working to become freelance writers online so that we find to be individually unique vs. Collectivism: most. We ’ d rather know what ’ s parents, etc, using first names is normal and often.... Skin care, shoe stores, and holidays for girlfriends also avoid touching during conversation or,... Bowing may seem strange to an American at almost any time ’ is not needed or encouraged for multiple-choice. New subscriber the individual in South Korean culture, parents are expected to take care of their children they! Differences that I feel 100 times safer in Korea than I did back home in the classroom, American are. Great out of curiosity, have you ever been to Korea, contact! 'Survival of the awesome transit system here 28-year-old on the other hand, are! 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