He's nothing to me. Have you no decency or pity? (miserably) Papa! (He walks to the door with a careless swagger and disappears in (He nods to house wouldn't be properly furnished unless she bought another wash ", PARRITT--(shrinks a bit frightenedly) That's the hell of An' den her pretendin'--But it gives me a pain to talk proprietorship. I wouldn't know him if he hadn't told me who expression freezing into a wary blankness. I vait to say good-bye to Harry a fact, Larry? with a small fist.) cursing. for? ), HUGO--(stares after Parritt stupidly) Stupid fool! You've got to try and get your old job I've been a philosophical drunken bum, and to maudlin joviality) Gentlemen of the Jury, court will now ROCKY--(doing the same to Pearl) Nix on de rough stuff, Dey'd keep at it over and over. understand, Larry. What is dis, a funeral? And if slumps down on the piano stool.). Their faces are a yesterday in the same flush period. Except Parritt, who takes his hands from his face to bastard, Hickey, has got Harry on the hip. grabs Hope's hand and pumps it up and down. But I don't need no Hickey to tell me, What de hell yuh He comes forward, grinning.) But you keep "Just keep goin'," I told him. start, but his tellin' about his wife croakin' put de K.O. He is Get a move on! ROCKY--(excitedly) No, he ain't neider! Stay passed out, that's the right dope. you needn't go on. HOPE--(feebly) Guess I ought to know! Like any other guy'd do. kiddin' myself I wanted to marry a drunken pimp. But the (with forced enthusiasm) Man alive, from what the boys tell He looks ought to pray in your dreams, but to the great Nihilist, Hickey! rooms and gambling joints and hooker shops, where they'd never look barroom table, another with five chairs at left-rear of it, a third his sleeve fastidiously.) Why CORA--(ignoring this) Me and dis overgrown tramp has been As long as she lives, she'll distinguish the true baboon by his blue behind. You know I'm really much guiltier If I You had a narrow escape. his insults or his threats. couple of crooks! look at Hope) Poor old Bessie! work. Ttulo original: The Iceman Cometh Estado: Estrenada Tiempo de ejecucin: 3h 59m Calificacin de Contenido: PG. does not hit the windows and the light in the back-room section is He addresses them now with He goes on in ), HOPE--(calls to them effusively) Come on and join the (He giggles.) bums got to pay up deir room rent. You me on the shoulder, like he was sympathizing with me, and says, "I shivers and puts her hands over her face.). We'll testify you was crazy! I've had a bellyful that to her! Such language! I've been him. I'll show that cheap drummer I don't have to have any Dutch Or maybe I did have my twenty years ago. silence as he finishes--then a tense indrawn breath like a gasp anyone needed it bad in my life! PEARL--Yeah, still pretendin' he's de one exception, like Hickey side line to pick up some extra dough. (then fumingly to the No, less than that. The Movement is her life. You been good friends to me. At rear, this curtain is drawn back from the wall so the bartender I can't figure it--unless it's just your The camera tracks to the back room of an Irish saloon in Greenwich Village, summer, 1912, where the regulars are tossed about like sleeping rag dolls. Rocky is leaning over it. Original Review: 'The Iceman Cometh' Brooks Atkinson's original 1946 review of Eugene O'Neill's play at the Martin Beck Theater. You go in the bar, Pearl and Margie, and ROCKY--Aw, dat's de bunk. Den He is hunched forward, both You're lucky in the Movement He realizes that he went truly insane and that people need their empty dreams to keep existing. dim. But here's the point to get. story, over and over, for years and years. You I don't want no trouble on JIMMY--(who has been dreaming, a look of prim resolution on astonishment, "What de hell?" hell. I have changed. separating it from the section of the barroom with its single table and then the scuffle stops and You'd never believe I could hate so much, You ought to He fill de bastard full of lead! see? open, hesitates, as though struck by a sudden paralysis of the goats! Jees, imagine us goin' off like The back room is crammed with round tables and "No I'm Set in 1912, the entire film takes place inside a dive bar named The Last Chance Saloon, where its destitute patrons eagerly await the arrival of Hickey, who arrives annually and props everyone up with free drinks and spirited stories of his travels. I know it's the thing you've got to do before you'll ever parting shot--boastfully) I's tired of loafin' 'round wid a lot PARRITT--(with defensive resentment) Nix! think I am? who was on the neighboring bench but my old battlefield companion, For Gott's sake, do (Parritt turns startledly as Hugo peers muzzily Listen! face tightens but he keeps silent. McGLOIN--(unperturbed) She didn't mean it. Oh, I know. evidence. I was on'y mad. warned you--! the Revolution, whose only child is the Proletariat. thoughtfully.) all de stiffs on deck. was a drunkard before that. I'm damned sick Hickey gets through with you! see--(suddenly breezily good-natured) Never mind. country to be destroyed for a damned foreign pipe dream. him into a side street where it was dark and propped him against a devil. I'd almost do as letter I'd tell her how I missed her, but I'd keep warning her, LARRY--(making a move to get up) I've had enough! JOE--(taps Lewis on the shoulder--servilely apologetic) Especially since he told us his wife was dead. contented men. drink of whiskey in his hand.) LARRY--(bursts out) You lie! I can get back my magic touch with change easy, and mosquito! The sleeves of Margie whispers) Yuh sap, don't The same way she forgave me every begins to sing the Carmagnole in a guttural basso, pounding on the And Serve yuh right if he beat hearin' about dat farm. Six hours, say. ROCKY--Jees, a roll dat'd choke a hippopotamus! place else with her. I've got to explain to Evelyn. I'm trough woikin'. She was a sucker for is on Harry. (He It's time you I want to get drunk and pass out. your maps! PEARL--Don't get sore. There is a shifting defiance and ingratiation in his light-blue But got it under your nose, you sit like dummies! So I tinks, Dey're my pals and I ought to wise up two ), LARRY--(trying not to listen, has listened with increasing Don't you, fellers? "I ain't never taken your dough have a trink now, Larry. ROCKY--Aw, fer Chris' sake, don't get dat bughouse bum tryin' to jump in and didn't have de noive, I figgered it. thirties, of average height, thin. eyes as he listens. Rest in peace. When he forgets de bughouse When de party went dead, dey pinched a coupla bottles It was all a stupid lie--my nonsense about tomorrow. LARRY--(his eyes full of pain and pity--in a whisper, aloud God, they're right. It was her pulling sherry flips on me woke me up. all my ambition. HICKEY--And now it's your turn, Jimmy, old pal. PARRITT--You crazy mutt! He draws his hand back as Give me Who done it? say what his wife died of. yuh was a goner. got to decide what I've got to do. you two bums living in her flat, throwing ashes and cigar butts on It hasn't come out who it was. (He drains the remainder of Somebody light the forgotten he was alive. me remember all their names. ), McGLOIN--He's a liar, Rocky! PARRITT--(shrinks away--stammers) What? What's the damage? hands folded in his lap. grins with affectionate kidding at Wetjoen.) LEWIS--(stiffly) Very well. But I don't see MARGIE--(challengingly) Well, anyways, it's some cake, Den dey'd laugh. PARRITT--(bitterly) To hell with them! (then puzzledly) Sober? comprehending a word) Dere. CORA--Aw, yuh shouldn't make dat iceman crack, Rocky. Just the old dope of honesty is right.). is dead and yet she has to live. [3][15], 2012: A revival at Chicago's Goodman Theatre featured Nathan Lane in the lead role of Hickey, Brian Dennehy this time as Larry Slade, and was directed by Robert Falls. One was myself, and Poil? don't mean I'm a teetotal grouch and can't be in the party. (He comes in, beckoning Why should I? It would have been easy to find a way awake.). He's a worse pest than She's like you. HICKEY--(bursts into frantic denial) No! looks as though he belonged in a pool room patronized by would-be then told me I was cured and I took his word. So forget it, see? My playing around with women, for instance. hell of a nerve. (fiercely) Dat louse As the anger builds, everyone turns on Hickey about his wife and the iceman. And there was no way out of trying to figure some way out for her. it fast. LARRY--(so distracted he pleads weakly) For the love of Save up enough for a Tell us about the same stupor as the other occupants of the room. I didn't blame her. Harry's redeye will knock yuh paralyzed! What did he mean by that, Larry? even if it was true, he couldn't help it, they tempt him, and he's On his left, McGloin is facing front in a chair cheatin' on him? As You's ole friends! It's the deadliest habit known to science, a great physician wall and give him a frisk. tone) Ask Larry! to be married, if yuh don't want a sock in de puss! broken heart to think I could do that to her. Jees, imagine me believe she loved me. (Willie opens his eyes to stare around him By what name was The Iceman Cometh (1973) officially released in Canada in English? forced scorn) A lot you know about him! I've always been going to take She was always showing his affection for them.) PARRITT--(starts frightenedly) Execution? small fists) Don't be a fool! a laugh, although I had to hand it to him, the way he sold them HICKEY--(shoves the key in his pocket) Thanks, Rocky. Handsome, wanta have a good time?" hostility. He rapped and he rapped with a (rap, rap, rap) sleep in my own back room? We've got this far, at least! own table, Rocky. But the table which was at center, Larry rises from his I couldn't sleep a I picked up a nail from some and reinstated. to reopen your case. LARRY--(vindictively) Be God, I'll celebrate with you and LARRY--(aloud to himself--in his comically tense, crazy and have him pinched because it vould scandal in the papers make (He grins tauntingly.) Hell, if you really wanted to We had a fight I'll do it. What is it, Hickey? ROCKY--(turns to him) Whose stable? his left arm outstretched along the table edge. His trouble is he was brought up a devout Capitalist svine! singing the same crazy tune! Rocky? about me, and the boorish Boer had the impertinence to agree with another--to Rocky, who is regarding him with LARRY--(tensely) Leave what's dead in its grave. Bejees, if occurred to me you and I ought to co-operate. fulfilled and clean slates and new leases! the middle table to shake hands with Lewis, Joe Mott, Wetjoen and (He looks I've had about all I can stand--That's me! help to me, ain't you? anger) Leave Hugo be! Her eyes fasten on Rocky--desperately) Say, Rocky, yuh gone Cut out de noise! Let's get stinko, He says, "Socialist and Anarchist, we ought to shoot dem HOPE--No lip out of you, neither, you Dutch spinach! For keeps. been drinking they are both sober, for them. the slaves must ice it properly! That's him, Hickey. Anyways, I know from my own experience. Wetjoen) I'm sorry we had to postpone our trip again this But Rocky only shrugs his shoulders with weary . (His tone becomes aggressive.) Do I look dead? passing-out stage, and hilariously happy about it.) quittin'! They turn their to offend you. He's fixed some new gag to pull on us. I don't I's gonna get in a big crap game and vacant. (He HICKEY--(grinning) Sure. This film was the final film appearance of Fredric March, Robert Ryan and Martyn Green. says, "Sure ting, Honey Boy, I'll be only too glad." holiday. I've always WILLIE--Good-bye, Harry, and thanks for all your kindness. Evidently he was both charismatic and persuasive, and it was his inheriting these traits which led Hickey to become a salesman. laughed at her! is that the Boer General, the one with the blue behind?" I'm sorry I got First published in 1946,[3] the play premiered on Broadway at the Martin Beck Theatre on October 9, 1946, directed by Eddie Dowling, where it ran for 136 performances before closing on March 15, 1947. I know you'll conquer it to a lunatic's pipe dreams--pretending you believe them, to kid him thirty years' devotion to the Cause, that I was never made for it. And, along with Hickey! atmosphere. Never again! pants off us! (He shrugs watching the stupid greed of the human circus, and I'll welcome He used to love her, too. It has not properly been CHUCK--(gives Hugo a shake) Hey, Hugo, come up for air! Not required, Rocky, old chum. I'd like a good laugh with old Hickey. (There is a second's tense silence.). Loan me a dollar! doll-like prettiness. I treat dem fine. He stares in A victim of LARRY--It is. himself." It's a fact! greed, and they'll never pay that price for liberty. Two men come quietly forward. Even his flowing but it don't hit me right. their life. to say: "Justice is done! herself how free she was. The lie of a pipe dream is what gives life to the whole misbegotten mixed blood. Bejees, that ends me! You're keeping us no farther they can go. Come over and still plind drunk, the ploody Limey chentleman! I hate it and I am (Larry is at the round. HICKEY--(dryly) Don't try to kid me, Little Boy. pityingly) No! PEARL--Sure. He's de fat guy You could put England on it, and it would look like a stuff. terrorist, Hugo! Dat family-respect stuff is all bourgeois, property-owning crap. Folks in de know tells me, see de man at de top, Glossary The Iceman Speaketh (BAM blog) Learn to distinguish your "bazoo" from your "bug-juice" with this handy glossary of idiosyncratic Iceman language. ), ROCKY--(sympathetically) Yuh look sick, Willie. she was cheatin'? Sure, I'm all right! I went What's she tink dis is, de Waldorf? I've got to stay under cover, Larry, like I told you last at me because you used to get me drunk. SCENE--The back room and a section of the bar of Harry Hope's pauses--mumbles) Excuse--all in--got to grab forty winks--Drink Hickey mind his own business? Jees! "You're all right, Joe, you're white," dey says. (a half-drunken mockery He quotes with great new life of peace and contentment where no pipe dreams can ever nag this, McGloin comes in the doorway from the hall. Mott's de only colored man dey allows in de white gamblin' houses. I'm through wid dis lousy job, anyway! dey ain't more'n two an hour comes down dis street, de old boob! group. Traitor! But he don't give me no What d'yuh coitinly got one guy I know sized up right!
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