I had daily bowel movements, but I know this is not a normal life. Rebecca. I lost my short-term memory completely (and even got to the point that I couldn’t read). Fast and free shipping to your doorstep. This involves using an X-ray image of the heart arteries and injecting a chemical called acetylcholine. My mom has suffered from exactly the same symptoms. This essential mineral is abundant in green, leafy vegetables. Hi Stephanie, If Sjogren’s is in its early stages (that is, the lacrimal gland is not completely destroyed), then Parasym Plus will provide the lacrimal nerve the stimulus needed for the lacrimal gland to produce more tears. I’ve received a few emails about new podcasts but none of them are actually showing up. Wow! "GREENFIELD" Seems to be working on my end. Vitamin B12 deficiency: Lupus increases your risk of tiredness, Type 2 diabetes puts you at increased risk of magnesium deficiency, Apple cider vinegar benefits: Five ways apple cider vinegar could improve your health, Hair loss: Patchy bald spots could regrow hair if an underlying STI is treated. She has had a list of health concerns all her life. Required fields are marked *, Her peer-reviewed medical abstracts include those involving vascular abnormalities in the fundus of POTS patients, the etiology of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, and the use of acetazolamide in multiple sclerosis. Many people describe low acetylcholine in the brain as “brain fog” or “thinking through oil”. This leads to a temporary blockage, which may lead to a heart attack if the heart muscle is starved of oxygen. But over time, I was more active than most twenty-somethings, I was sharper, and able to take on an amazing amount of projects. My husband has never been sick with vagus nerve issues, but he began to lose his memory — we were both terrified! Difficulty initiating a swallow is a weird sign that usually gets missed. Thank you Dr. Driscoll for sharing your work :). If someone struggles (like I do) with some chronic inflammation PRIOR TO THE INJURY, they do much worse. Your mention of a poor stress response was one of my worst symptoms! In our studies, it took 4-6 weeks. I will be very happy to keep you posted but I wanted to ask if this is the best place to do so? Because it also stimulates the (postganglionic) vagus nerve, it will also help with the inflammation that occurs with Sjogren’s. When pupils are too big, it is harder to focus up close and it is MUCH harder to see at nighttime! If you are interested in this, you can call POTS Care and ask for a free copy of “The Driscoll Theory” where this was first released. If you show no indications of poor vagus nerve function (constipation, fatigue, dry eyes, brain fog, high heart rate variability) the only reason I could see that you may want to still consider Parasym Plus may be for cognition. Really enjoyed the episode and much props to Dr. Driscoll for not giving up here. Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day :) One of the studies we ran with Genetic Disease Investigators was on autonomic symptoms in PTSD. In fact, he told me today that he bench-pressed 196lbs for the first time today (osteoporosis is certainly a thing of the past). This was a neurotransmitter problem, which means it can affect other areas of the body that depend upon the same neurotransmitter (acetylcholine). My guess is you saw some major starbursts and glare at night time — does that sound familiar? I’m curious if the medication I am to start also affects acetylcholine, I wonder if that is why this Dr said ‘the vagus LOVES gabapentin’. Duopa is similar to insulin pumps used by diabetics. Any issues with mental fatigue or brain fog, tendency to get constipation or dry eyes — that sort of thing. Interestingly, my mom developed POTS when she was 77! The lacrimal nerve depends upon acetylcholine, too, so when that is low, people begin to develop dry eyes — I’d watch both for dryness and large pupils (which also demonstrate a low parasympathetic nervous system). Everyone is different with supplements, of course, but all ingredients are deemed safe by the FDA. What happened to me was that it kicked up some inflammation that my body just couldn’t fight well (my genetic cross to bear). As you heard, this ended up not being just a vagus nerve problem, nor was it limited to a handful of vitamin deficiencies! Grades K-6 "Brain It!" Parasym Plus will do that for you. So when getting back to exercise (or if you are into more extreme exercise), you want to control the potential for runaway inflammation that can end up damaging the healthy tissue (not just the muscles that need to be broken down to be built stronger). Hi Randeep, You may be the rare bird who is just fine — someone I *really* envy!. not to overeat), and to limit saturated and trans fats. My mom has been taking parasym + since we got it, (about 2 1/2 weeks ago). Why are we not absorbing? Soy products increase the production of estrogen in your system. The lower esophageal sphincter, located between the esophagus and the stomach, … Hi Ashley, I had the same issue using the podcasts app on my iphone. TBI is fascinating and we see a lot of it at POTS Care. It was curious to hear about the dry eyes, and constipation issues with the acetylcholine problems (which I also have issues with) in Ben’s podcast. Infinite thanks from Brazil, This sounds like classic Beriberi- thiamine deficiency. My kids take more if they are in final exams or need to be as sharp as possible for some challenge. The sweet spot is moderate exercise performed routinely — inflammatory cytokines go down (the bottom of the U). He gets a “tiredness” behind the eyes. Hi Brittney, I’m so sorry that your son is having some issues. The increase in inflammatory cytokines cause problems to occur — including a slowly increasing blockage of acetylcholine. I don’t know anything about your case, but if you are dealing with any sort of “invisible illness”, please keep in mind the possibility of high intracranial pressure. I find heart rate variability to be helpful, but perhaps overly sensitive (people can raise it just by doing a math problem in their head, for example). (just mention Ben). First – YES — not only is this safe for kids, my son was what he likes to call “Patient Zero”! If you are dealing with IBS-C and your doctors have ruled out the usual causes, you can look at other signs/symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. I’m curious to know if you figured out your dizziness? My kids even take it for finals — it can really help! :) Now if you try a nicotine patch, lowest doses should be fine. Hi, the discount code for the Parasym product does not seem to work. Is that okay? Also, the Parasym+ does contain microcrystalline cellulose which is said to be well tolerated. I actually bought my mom 2 bottles but I think I’m gonna keep 1 for me! At POTS Care, we see so, so many mood disorders (including depression and a bipolar-type presentation, but also a lot of high anxiety and OCD-type tendencies). Is it considered a short term treatment or I will have to take it for the rest of my life? Chronic inflammation that can reduce the release of acetylcholine is one important one and can affect a lot of people! Click here for the full written transcript of this podcast episode. That probably counts as TBI I suspect. No, but just having an ulcer *can* make anything irritating! There's little difference in how effective these medicines are. Acetylcholine should cause the blood vessels to relax, but if the X-ray reveals the blood vessels constricting, then you have coronary artery spasms. My gallbladder works like a champ now! We have seen what other doctors have called “the worst case of dry eyes I’ve ever seen” reverse completely. What would you recommend for me as I begin my journey back to the gym? For me, first thing in the morning I take a “binder” type supplement that instructs me to not take anything for at least 30 min after that, So I’ve been taking Parasym after that, washing it down with a buttered up, oiled up style coffee. Her work in chronic inflammation, the autonomic nervous system, collagen disorders, and organ dysfunction can help others live their best life, as well as have their best body and mind. Great information from you and Ben here. Many of us push through some symptoms, thinking we’re just stressed or working out too hard. Her dry eyes have maybe gotten worse but we know she hasn’t been taking it long enough yet for that benefit. Tiffany, if your vagus nerve is not having problems, the only thing you may notice with Parasym Plus is improved cognition. Meanwhile, your sister is lucky to have you. There is just not enough information on whether or not these ingredients are safe for pregnant or lactating women to tell you if it is safe or not. A few months ago, I briefly mentioned on a podcast that I discovered that by taking a specific blend of nutrients to support my vagus nerve, I was able to completely get rid of morning constipation. https://www.amazon.com/Thiamine-Deficiency-Diseas…. What Ben was saying was that he saw a fair number of athletes demonstrating low parasympathetic nervous system function — and it even affected him! I’m so sorry you have been dealing with so much! My recommendation is to do a hard reset of you phone or take the SIM card out and put back in. And I join you in thanking Ben for his work! Hi there, I suffer from a light type of constipation. We just had a patient at POTS Care whose dad is a physician and he said she had chronic constipation from her opioids. Did you see “The Driscoll Theory”? I think there is a reason for that, and by recognizing the signs/symptoms, your performance can increase AND any supplements or stacks that you take will be more likely to be absorbed. The brain uses acetylcholine for short-term memory, for sharp cognition, and for “executive function” (the ability to juggle many things at once and still stay organized). Acetylcholine enhances memory and is involved in learning and recall. BioGeometry Protection Of Your Home, Plant Medicine, Parenting, Stacking Rocks, Stages Of Human Consciousness & More With Paul Chek. Big problems! But Parasym Plus is usually able to restore bowel movements — despite the opioids! Answers and Rationale. Same was happening to me on Castbox, Ben’s podcast was the only one not updating. I can tie in the science beautifully (maybe Ben will be up for a podcast on this someday), but in the meantime, you need to understand that trauma to the brain is very inflammatory. It is designed to deliver the medicine continuously, a little at a time, to improve absorption and reduce off-times. so confusing that a athlete could perform at that intense level and have these physical issues. My wife is still pumping for about half of my daughters milk supply. It’s part of the right-brained nervous system regulation work of SRT (Self Regulation Therapy) as developed by the Canadian Foundation for Trauma Research and Education and gives health practiioners a ton of insight into vagal tone and how to use it to guide diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy progress among other things. that if you or none of your loved ones are dealing with any these symptoms it could be hard to follow but calling this podcast dumb is incomprehensible to me. Everyone is different, but perhaps what we learned (and what was missed by our doctors) could be helpful for you? Those products (and why they are special) are on the same website. An angiogram conducted in the hospital can confirm a coronary artery spasm. Have you interviewed Stephen Porges on the Polyvagal Theory? Vitamin deficiency: Five common diet deficiencies - are you at risk? I can’t tell you how many gallbladders I see that are yanked, but nothing good comes from it. Any pressure on the brainstem can cause autonomic symptoms, and difficulty initiating a swallow was something that occurred to me episodically from the intracranial pressure!. Exercise is great for so many many reasons (preaching to the choir here), but getting back to it after an illness can be hard for a while. Order using my link and receive a nice bonus gift with your order! Do you think Parasym+ can improve TBI sypmtoms? In our studies, we had a couple of people who didn’t have bowel movements because they were impacted (they had hard stool that wouldn’t move with a blow torch), so don’t let your stool get hard! Thanks. you may choose to try that. Ben does such a great job of getting out information — we all want to support his efforts). I came up with some special Digestive Enzymes and Soothing Digestive Aid for those who needed some additional support for a while (or for those who weren’t lucky enough to safe their gallbladders). So it really is trial and error. Information on NAC MAX (Ben and I didn’t get to discuss this — it’s also great after extreme exercise) is here: https://vagusnervesupport.com/nac-max-n-acetylcysteine-supplement/. Do you feel this is safe for my wife to take while still pumping for my daughter? Raymond, I wanted to share some feedback with you, I have a serious, life-threatening allergy to soy and was alarmed that the company did not include this critical safety information on their website. Great information, thanks for this interview! I finally self diagnosed with the help of another holistic podcast 6 months and realized my ileocecal value was open because of constant stress uncontrollable life issues with our historical year 2020 to put it politely…. Today, my podcast guest, Dr. Diana Driscoll, is the individual who actually designed that blend, and who knows a heckuva lot about the vagus nerve and its interplay with our bodies. I got so bad that I couldn’t even answer the phone — it was too stressful! The British Heart Foundation (BHF) stated coronary artery spasms are also known as variant angina or Prinzmetal angina. At mild-moderate anxiety level, person senses there is something wrong but is still not convinced that there is a threat. Fascinating podcast, loved it. Of course, he was actually Patient One — I was Patient Zero (lol), but his lack of nutrient absorption, leading to severe osteoporosis when he was about your son’s age was one of my biggest motivators to getting answers! It can be your first instinct to think that the medications are causing brain fog and constipation, but MY first thought is that the symptoms could be the consequence of the inflammation instead. I already take something similar (less aGPC though because I get a lot of choline through pastured eggs). These two are a powerful combination. Wow. Receive 25% off your order when you use my link! These are the folks who, although not sick, can really improve the quality of their lives — cognition, digestion, nutrient levels, even organ function! As a never-smoker…can I assume the lowest dose nicotine patch is enough, and I place it over the area and leave it on for the time recommended on the box? Unfortunately, I was incredibly disappointed to discover that the label indicates that the product “may contain soy,” though this info is not made available on the company’s website. Help? Answer: C. Severe. I removed it and now I have every other day with difficulties. Curious if this would be safe for my 11 year old son to take? 4 months later and NO better than before because it felt like I added more symptoms to my body was getting shut down. Any experiences with this? Hi Ben, Dr. Diana, I was mesmerized by this podcast. READ MORE: Apple cider vinegar benefits: Five ways apple cider vinegar could improve your health. I’m so happy to hear that Parasym Plus is helping! The runaway inflammation goes systemic (throughout the body). I remember telling the doctors that “I think my body is having a panic attack without me”. Express. Click my link and download the free guide: “Seven Key Strategies to Grow your Profits”. I’m wondering about using this for people with SIBO- since so often it can be due to Ileocecal Valve issues. There are ways out of feeling that horrible state of constant sympathetic overdrive!! I hear Ben say a lot of negative things about soy and soy products but have never heard why he steers clear of it. Twelve years later, she is now the director of POTS Care – the only POTS Clinic focused on searching for the underlying cause of POTS, and treating it at its source. The liquid has one main purpose: as it evaporates, it helps to cool the body. With opioids, for example, constipation results. She likes it as it is helping her bathroom experience. She currently uses magnesium citrate and has a bowel movement every other day if she is lucky. The severe constipation could be from many things (opioids for pain, some antibiotics, etc), BUT because low acetylcholine release is common as we age (called “inflammaging”) and because inflammation occurs with trauma (physical trauma to the body includes damage from ulcers), Parasym Plus could absolutely help her. If you have issues with inflammation for any reason, acetylcholine release is diminished. After weaning your daughter, though, absolutely! Are there any ingredients in the product that to the best of your knowledge might irritate the stomach lining? (And don’t forget the “Greenfield” coupon! However, due to the current FDA Food Allergen Labeling & Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA) ruling, alpha-GPC currently requires the labeling of ‘soy’. Glutamate also is involved in the induction of some REM sleep phenomena (Bennington and Heller 1995), and alcohol’s inhibition of glutamate was noted earlier in this article (Tabakoff and Hoffman 1996). Metoclopramide is a "prokinetic" drug that stimulates the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract including the muscles of the lower esophageal sphincter, stomach, and small intestine by interacting with receptors for acetylcholine and dopamine on gastrointestinal muscles and nerves.. The vagus nerve is the anti-inflammatory nerve of the body, and if it is not doing well for any reason, you won’t have that to help you! :). What I released was a propensity for high intracranial pressure in the majority of patients with autonomic dysfunction. I gave him two doses /day for a long time — until I was certain he was absorbing! 1. I think my wife is struggling with some of the things gone over here. Treating that is a bit more involved (holler if you need a copy of the book that goes into this — The Driscoll Theory), but is so important. –NetSuite: With NetSuite, you save TIME, MONEY, and UNNEEDED HEADACHES by managing sales, finance and accounting, orders, and HR instantly– right from your desktop or phone. Anyone know which article or podcast to listen to and learn more? Your email address will not be published. It’s a bit like trying to put a jigsaw puzzle together in the dark, so any suggestions or personal experiences if trying something similar will be welcomed, thank you. Hi Rebecca, I have been for 8 months having issues that I just couldn’t pinpoint and understand. Can you send a screenshot of your error message to [email protected]? I just ordered Parasym+, but I’ve had issues with L-carnitine in the past. I think Parasym Plus will help with some of these symptoms. What you may find is that your overall feeling of wellness may continue to improve over months. ), -Book: The Driscoll Theory  by Dr. Diana Driscoll, -My podcast with Dr. Sarah Myhill “The Ultimate Guide To Beating Chronic Fatigue With Specific Vitamins, Minerals, Biohacks & More – A Conversation With Dr. Sarah Myhill.”, –Onnit Alpha Brain (use BEN for a 10% discount), -My podcast on “32 Ways To Support The Vagus Nerve”. All best wishes, Teja, Your email address will not be published. It sounds like you were hitting the gym pretty hard before you got sick! –JOOVV: After using the Joovv for close to 2 years, it's the only light therapy device I'd ever recommend. Some days are better than others, so I’ve decided after almost 6 months I would try going back to the gym. The Ultimate Guide To Beating Chronic Fatigue With Specific Vitamins, Minerals, Biohacks & More – A Conversation With Dr. Sarah Myhill. And he is certainly not sick! I have a question about this: My night vision improves using Parasym Plus, and is noticeably worse if I go without it. At one point, my diarrhea got so bad that I was having around 35 “bowel movements” a day — Gads! I downloaded “Podbean” and it loaded with all the podcasts! It stopped on a double dose of Zantac after just a few days. Thank you for continuing to share this information with patients and professionals who can better help us with your research!!! :) Dr. D. Chased down many similar issues with my daughter who was a division 1 swimmer…. I join you in your quest to be proactive in your health, Ron! Is considered to be working on my end my worst symptoms what other doctors called! Neurologist figure out that he had sleep apnea, and nothing happens U ) I bought a bottle of for. Fatigue with Specific vitamins, Minerals, Biohacks & more that usually gets missed is worse... When pupils are too big, it took 4-6 weeks for the full transcript! 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