When the sun conjuncts our north node, a person might experience a little more luck, things might fall in place easier, or you might be in the limelight, as the sun loves to be the center of attention (and our solar system). This creates tension but also opportunity for you. The square indicates that you will experience growth the most when people or situations challenge your structure. My ex husband has Neptune, Amor and his North Node at 10 degrees Sagittarius in his 7th house. Very extreme, Pluto! The North Node is actually much busier than the South Node during their tour of these signs. And I hear what they are telling me but I receive it with much more attention and then Im strongly holding on to they words and I often feel like a fool because many people will say something they dont really mean. I have Saturn conjunct South node in Cancer, both 3. I am so honored to have you, Joody. I follow gut instincts and guided actions daily. We see a node transiting our natal axis, angles or a planet and stare at each other, mystified. We go to our cookbooks and teachers to try on their theoretical conclusions about karmic reckonings and fated 'karmic' meetings, but that's elusive, too. I too felt blown away by Barbaras post and it provided so much insight. I am exceptional in knowing what others need (though not always what they want) and am impervious to lies, manipulation and facades, which tire me. It will conjunct transit Jupiter May 7th (Mean) at 2 degrees and June 1st (True) 2023 at 3 degrees Taurus, and conjunct transit Uranus on July 26th (Mean) and July 31st (True) 2022 at 18 degrees Taurus. I dont believe in the Starseed thing lol, What does that mean? These are astrological transit interpretations for Jupiter transits to natal planets, and Jupiter transits through natal houses. My Jupiter is at 29 degrees 55. One will not feel satisfied until one finds ones calling. 10% of Astrolada's profit goes to LightSource Charity. Thats now after decades of this parallel existence covering many countries, languages and cultures. I am so lost! My life has been exciting, challenging and eventful. Its taken me a long time to work this out. Transits can help us to understand the situation in which we find ourselves in. Neptune is the planet of deception, illusion, creativity and spirituality, Hence, it covers a lot. There can be a tendency to rebel for no real reason. Thanks! i am sorry you went through that, Ashley. Saturn is the critical, stern parent. I embrace my unique look and individuality and my writing is never like anyone elses. Any type of communication work will help you along your path to find your souls ultimate journey. Nodes transiting Nodes. I use the one Astro.com has.Thanks so much for all your info, Carmon! It may be that the sacrifice is to bring attention to some matter that would be a considerable contribution to the world. I have an urge to be successful but I feel traped in my mind so most of the time Im just sitting and stressing. With erratic Uranus conjunct the north node, youre here to find a calling that shakes you to your core and your job is to help introduce it to the masses. Growing up you may have felt like you were in direct competition with your peers or siblings. Call on Jesus Christ when scared, if the energy is of bad energy it will dissapear with the sound of his name. Transiting Jupiter Conjunct Natal North Node Jupiter Transits in the Houses Jupiter Transits to Natal Sun Jupiter Transits to Natal Moon Jupiter Transits to Natal Mercury Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yea, Nessus is very hard to see but when you do, you despise the person, usually. . Its about a mental/psychological posturing of the mind. I have the same conjunction on my north node, I have Neptune conjunct my north node. We last experienced a Libra south node/Aries north node in 2006 and will again experience it in 2023. Many of us are drawn to explore our birth charts to access a deeper understanding and acceptance of who we really arethe characteristics and flaws that make us uniquely human and uniquely us. Your influence in strong and that can factor into what you choose to do with your life and how you spend your time. You might be incredibly driven and goal-oriented, but have to learn to battle your ego and put it in check in order to make successful strides along your lifes path. [woocommerce-edit-address-nonce] => The north node, in particular, is one of the most important parts of our birth chart, as it shows us what we are working toward our karmic destiny during this iteration of life. Transiting North Node square natal North Node. Maybe none of it has anything to do with this and more with other points. It can be occult or famous. Barbra, its been a few years since your wrote this post. People consider me an old soul. For the most part, when the planet of luck meets our north node, we can expect a lucky life. Each of us has a zodiac sign. The meanings are flexible and multifaceted. North Node Conjunct Mercury Youre likely a relationship-type person and attract them on a regular basis. It is sometimes very hard to be present. I have NN conjunct Neptune, and I find that I am extremely empathic and compassionate. With the conjunction, it is your duty to share your artistic talents with the world. This native may be an inventor or an artist, but he will make his mark as an individual. You were born into this life with intuitive gifts. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Youre likely a creative person who uses art as some type of outlet and that will factor into your career and life path. But life has gotten much much easier with age. Also, when you are used to wielding very little power in life, and suddenly you are in a powerful position, this is another trippy layer of reality to contend with. I do find that sometimes i dont know where to go or what direction to take with my life. Im a very kind and healthy person its all so crazy I was ever such a wreck! I have an almost exact Neptune NN conjunction within a 018 orb. Thank you. Fortunately, your intuition will guide youtrust in yourself and listen to your inner voice. Pluto has a deep sense of knowing, and with a soft and kind aspect like a trine or sextile, this will increase your intuitive abilities. This is a sensitive placement that fuels a lot of emotion. Your capacity to enjoy and explore altered states is innate, you dont need substances. I won't expand on it as I don't want anyone here reading the astrology and getting all worried and read negative things in charts. The concept of purpose is clearly shown in the natal chart, as is the difficulty or ease in attaining it. Much like the planets and angles in your chart, the Nodes can be activated by transits and progressions. The outer planet transits are the most powerful . The past few years Ive come to a new groundedness but it felt like I might be insane also I write, research, study a lot of history related to a fictional book Im working on. I started asking people about the things that would come to mind and i ended up finding out that everything i would think or feel was something that the person was going through. It illuminates the terrain that's calling your name, but climbing to the peak of this mountain is like trekking up Mt. O got thinking how to do to help her in life with her aspect, that seemsto be hard. Sometimes people arent ready for your line of thought, as you can be a little too far ahead of the curve. What are your experiences? Most important to me is that you find Jesus. Thank you for watching! The trine and the sextile reveal a very hard workersomeone who isnt afraid to go after his or her dreams. I feel this is an interesting opposition, because were supposed to leave the SN behind, yet it brings me luck. I discovered astrology when I was 23 years old. Im a dreamer, an amateur philosopher, an idealist but also practical: what I believe is what I do. House Witchery Consuming information and knowledge is a full-time job. The moon is also a symbol for mother figures in our life, and this can indicate that you were incredibly influenced or close with your mother. With so much energy to burn I think sport and exercise could be beneficial or perhaps a competitive pastime (games) if you are not particularly sporty. I find that i can connect with people very easily. This native will, likely, have ambition and be a go getter when it comes to goals. I have North Node conjunct Neptune in the 8th house. Your sensitivities and emotions can help you along your path by helping others heal and recognize their feelings. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. I got sober two months ago, and then started hearing voices, and thought I could read peoples thoughts and project my own. I believe that the house and sign provide clues to purpose (where energy is directed) and the aspects to other planets the avenues for that energy to manifest. We are always evolving. When Saturn conjuncts the North Node, the person may be too serious. I get visions and random revelations and Eureka moments. Im curious what would happen if you had certain asteroids conjunct your north node like pallas. ( This planet encourages you to develop mastery and independence in this lifetime. its very prominent push -Sun Leo 7th house and NN. I feel like there is always something hidden thats out of my reach to attain, and which ultimately causes my background type of suffering. Did I mention Pluto is squaring my natal Pluto in Libra by 7 degrees? We seek insight into our internal world, the solutions to our problems, how we can fulfil our potential and our place in the larger scheme of things. But its the purpose issue that I question. Asteroid Angel. If we don't purify our rahu we will never get to the destination in this life that he is trying to drive us towards and give us impetus to get to. I hope I can do this in my articles. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. You might feel that you are an especially sensitive person, picking up on others energy. My Valentine is tightly conjunct at 27 degrees 47. My St3ellium is part of a finger of fate, with the Pluto-Neptune Sextile. With Jupiter there is always optimism, but we want to look out for overindulgence. Like Pluto quintile NN? Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. Wish I could help more with this placement. Yikes Im a bit worried with all the transits in my chart right now- any thoughts / wise-cautionary or optimistic advice would be welcome . There are a lot of different ways to interpret the North Node and the South Node. North node this year is hovering on my Moon + Saturn Leo conjunction Are out of the equation. As explained by Bernadette Brady, Predictive Astrology (1999), the Nodes are established at the two points where "two circles intersect." Furthermore, grant it i have failed in the eyes of the masses I consider myself a success in many schools of thought and my success lies in my mind which i hope to express through the written word. This native will likely be positive and upbeat. The conjunction lends you great amounts of passion and determination. Weve already gone over what it means when someones personal planet (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) aspects their north node. Virtually all these transits to the Nodes open up the possibility of encountering someone who shakes up or changes your life in some way, and helps propel you forward. You can become quite obsessive about your career with this placement, so getting lost in work should be avoidedyoull need to manage your work-life balance. Sun and Venus sextile NN I think I get but what about quintiles? In my case Jupiter in 9H is a manifestation planet/placement and happily sitting in its natural house). As for dealing with all the feelings you get I think maybe you are already too present in the moment and that focus of being more present may be counter productive. There can be a lack of compromise with this placement, which will need to be worked on in order to access your journeys ultimate purpose. Although I dont know if youre going to see this, I saw your reply just now. You sound like me when Im having a bad day, lol . Crazy. I worry too much about others, what they think (in general and about me), how they feel about things/myself, etc. I didnt see myself clearly. Its like living in 2 worlds since the age of 4 and knowing it doesnt really matter ))). Rahu to Pluto transits are highly transformational and need to be understood and embraced in a healing way, in a positively empowering way. His purpose is to show his heart to the world in some form or fashion. North Node Transit Natal Moon. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. A Saturn conjunct north node natal placement enhances all these qualities. The day it was all confirmed, Chiron was exact on his natal Saturn/Mercury conjunction. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Which typically makes us feel worthless, hopeless and hazy-minded. It was a painful lesson, a culmination of 2 years of struggle. Thanks! 7th house NN is cardinal axis you can really manifest the changes you want in life. He may not know how to let loose and play. North Node in Gemini - South Node in Sagittarius . Throw Neptune conjunction in there, and all the beautiful things about it, are hindered (for myself) because of my previous inability to see that I NEED to focus on myself. The North Node () is a mathematical concept, and it represents one point of the Moon. Hmm mostly I have been deceived all my life and to this day i can be tricked. Conception is further indicated if transiting Pluto aspects your natal Moon and/or ruler of your 4 . Here are the highlights: Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces - 2022 (new cycle) Pluto enters Aquarius - 2023-24 Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus - 2024 (new cycle) Neptune enters Aries - 2025 Uranus enters Gemini - 2025 If you have this, please comment, so we can all learn! Conjuncts Midheaven at 19Sag42 i Have north node conjunct Neptune and Uranus. Like you I have a conjunction of my natal NN and Jupiter. Your individuality may be the strongest identifying factor in your personality. I have NN conjunct Uranus/Ascendant exact trine to Jupiter/Chiron in 5Th house. Opposites Mercury (3rd) at 16Gem49 and IC at 19Gem42 (Yeah.. its a lot.) The nodes are always exactly opposite one another. That is so interesting <3. Astrology transits online Planets and other objects are in continuous motion. You have strong intuition and generally lead with empathy. I relate to what others here have said re: having strong intuition. If the north node is transiting your Sun, Sun-related topics, like sense of self, get a little extra prominence in your life. So I can absolutely see how the pendulum swings when the energies are used effectively! Likely, he will not have an ego crisis or identity issues. My stelluim is mostly trine my jupiter but my moon and Saturn. I dont believe in past lives, P, so cannot speak to that but Neptune conj the NN may bring problems, in that people may be deceived. and that awareness is half the battle won, but admittedly, Im quaking in my boots I have not seen this placement enough to know. Chiron is pain and no one really wants his purpose to be pain, but this is the case for some people, through no fault of their own. I have my Venus,Mars and Jupiter in Leo in 2nd H. So feeling safe and comfortablw is very important to me esoecially now with my health problems. Hey Barbara! You have incredible discipline and self-control and hardly let anything get in your way. YES, Love. However, when one thinks of him, one will, likely, think of his mind and its gifts. I have NN in Sag 8h conjunct with my Pluto and Sun. The opposition can make you a very shy personthere is a need to stay out of the limelight. It can bring spirituality to the community if the other planets are well aspected in the birth chart. Required fields are marked *. Easy aspects( trines, sextile and conjunctions) will make it easier to find. To simply explain it to you, transit is the movement of the seven among the nine planets in astrology Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun, and the Moon from one zodiac sign to another. It is valid if there is a connection natally with these two. It just makes me a loser. We will discuss planetary conjunctions here. It means that I am bringing beauty to people? ITs really weird for a long time i thought i was crazy because i could sense peoples intentions and feelings. Other NN: Jupiter sits in 9H (7 degrees from NN) and NN/Neptune (exact less than 1 degree) are conjunct MC and in 10H. Rahu Transits Chiron in Aries: Chiron last entered Sidereal Aries in 1974 (Chiron was discovered November 1, 1977, orbital period 50 years). North Node In Aries, South Node in Libra: Natal & Transit by teaandrosemary2 May 6, 2022 Astrology / Planets Every 18 months or so, the moon's nodes switch into a new sign. Hi Amiann what about NN hitting angles? The opposition can indicate extreme intelligenceyouve entered this life with knowledge. I like to think the journeys i have gone under and past though have not been so vain that my worth is based on money.. So its nice to hear folks sharing their similar feelings on this. Nnode crossed his midheaven the fortnight he was interviewing (3.5 degrees past, actually). They are mathematical locations that are calculated based on the amount of time and space between Eclipses along with the placements of those Eclipses. You likely had to grow up young and situations from your childhood taught you how to be self-reliant. I have never heard of NN Neptune being an unlucky position. Mercury is exact, maybe a hair ahead of NN. You can heal others through artpainting, singing, dancing, writing, etc. I have neptune conjunct north node in 6th house in placidus, can relate to all the confusion surrounding life path etc.. but when I change it to wholesign houses its in my 7th house which makes sense too, as I avoid relationships due to anxiety and oversensitivity even though id love to have a relationship. I definitely can read others energy and project my own, however I am more responsible with these gifts these days, since having an awakening a few years ago especially through the teachings of Real Love I feel like a Jedi Monk Goddess Priestess. Here, well look at what it means when one of the outer planets, which tend to define our unconscious side, forms an aspect with your north node in a conjunction, opposition, square, trine, or sextile. Ive been sober almost 2 yrs and since then Ive discovered I am psychic and ran with it. His death was dramatic and attention-getting (Leo), associated with a short journey (3rd)and sadly may have . In a natal chart, it's the thing we have to address in order to get the nodes working. Id love to get to know you better so we can better understand the impacts of this placement. I have the same placements and I feel you described me to a T! Youre energetic, spontaneous and fun to be around. I am talented with arts pretty much any type of art. My Part of Fortune is 8 degrees Gemini conjunct my South Node. I have a hard time letting loose and relaxing because my concerns are always about everyone else. And thats where I have gone wrong, and allowed the negative qualities of Neptune to cloud my judgement. Firstly, I wanted to share a specific perspective of the nodes, and how the nodal transits influence our psyche, and ultimately, our evolution. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Lol!!! My Neptune is trine Sun, w/ Neptune in my 12th house in Sagittarius. And aspects to Saturn. He will be in touch with his own heart. I wanted to make money and move out of my parents home.. Ten Bad Asteroids Conjunct the North Node in the Natal Chart. Can an orb of 10 degrees be used or is that too wide? Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. The North Node in Taurus South Node in Scorpio transit is taking place from January 2022 to July 2023. The North Node is one of the major points in the natal chart showing purpose or calling. A planet aspecting the lunar nodes comes into special focus. When this is square Jupiter from the 8th it tastes wonderful and frightfully poignant at times and yes it costs but I wouldnt change this for the worldSeeing through walls is a natural ability and not being believed is par for the course. This may make it hard to interact with the world because your own nature demands a lot from you. So I understand what youre feeling just from this combo alone. The sextile and trine can indicate a sensitive person, who is ruled by their emotions. Hi ashley. His Nessus is at 27 degrees 52 Gemini. Thank you for the great post, B. Trines Venus (1st) at 17Ar57 This is how you will feel the most fulfilled during your lifes course. Theres a lot happening under the surface with this aspect, but ultimately you possess extreme power to bring about change and that is your destiny. Too much neptune or is my imagination in overdrive, I have always wriiten stories and lately reconnected with that side of me, if I allow people to inspire me then my storytelling skills become apparant. So looking at my NN, it is conjunct Pluto by 2 degrees(2nd house, Libra) also tightly conjunct astroid Sumeria (under 2 degrees) and Paradise (under 1 degree)- also tightly sextile Venus as well as Neptune. [woocommerce-reset-password-nonce] => You learn to build the emotional foundation that will support your success. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. Thank you for those excellent points, Georgia and Welcome! Inconjuncts Mars (5th) at 18Can18 I may be a poor hermit but I have shoveled volumes of psychic debris off of me and one day I will give back what i raked in. I feel like Ill never know or find my purpose and that what i desire most may not even exist. I wish you so well in your new house and thank you for your thoughtful post!