Humans Are Free - The real power behind the United States is the Rothschild banking family, which can trace its roots to 1743 when Moses Amschel Bauer put the red hexagram above his doorway. Ownership of central banks throughout the world vary, but many are owned by governments, therefore negating the claim that Rothschild owns them. Socialists never admit the failures of the past, and will only keep trying to force socialism on the people until they succeed a success that will always elude them for eternity because a socialistic form of government cannot exist for long. Yet, most Americans have never heard of them. . The Darkside of Zionist John Maynard Keynes, Architect of the US Federal Reserve, His Perversion & Pedophilia. So attacking North Korea is actually a moot point when using the humanitarian argument its the financial system he wants to procure as the totalitarian system is ironically already established by resisting rothschildism not anti-capitalism. ~Volubrjotr. They ask questions of non-socialists not because they are searching for answers. Facebook is heavily censoring information from independent sources. This happened as 160 children were liberated from an Atlanta child trafficking operation, they noted. They desire a communal society [SERF RANCH OF WORKING PEASANTS] that theoretically eliminates poverty, the need for monetary wealth, and assaults the very concept of winning and losing. Of course, the Rothschild public servants gathering at the G6 meeting in Canada last week did not mention any of this in their communiqu and instead rambled on about things like gender (something Mother Nature already figured out at the dawn of time). When Congress refused to renew the charter in 1812, the Rothschilds threatened the U.S. with a "most disastrous war" with Britain. The Utopian Society is the final goal of those concepts, and todays progressives. New World Orders Slavery InDubai, North Koreans beyond middle age remember well when they had more electricity (and for that matter food) than their pro-American cousins in South Korea, and that compounds the indignity of spending their nights sitting in the dark. After all, they think they know what is best for society more than the individual does, and that somehow, despite all historical evidence to the contrary, in the end collectivism will win out over individuality. Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan. Norman Thomas, six-time U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. A conclusion that could only be reached by wilful blindness to the human rights violations of the United States, its democracy-abominating allies in the Gulf, and its south Korean neo-colony. Yes, the Soviet Union crumbled, Cubas communist government is falling apart, and the eastern bloc countries have all shed their communist veil. The ultimate goal is to install Western puppets in these countries after regime changes take place. Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan Albania: Bank of Albania Naval Research Laboratory Confirms Manipulation Of Climate By Taxpayers HAARPAntennas! Obama & Hitler From No Where: Thats How Rothschild LikesIt. [5] However, the bank failed to accomplish its objectives, being unable to meet its costs of operation, and the 100 million wn capitalisation was ineffective. Hungary Kills The Rothschild Banks: Ordered To VacateCountry. In Libya, a Rothschild bank was established in Benghazi while the country was still at war. BYPASS THE CENSORS What If The Citizens Of The United States Knew TheTruth? The gold also financed the founding of the CIA and the country of Israel, they claim. A kind of we know what you want and what is best for you attitude that supposedly exists simply because of their elite positions and higher-institution intellectualism. 2003: The United States invades Iraq which is now one of six nations left in the world who don't have a Rothschild controlled central bank. By the 1970s, three Rothschild banks remained: the London and Paris branches and a Swiss bank founded by Edmond Adolphe de Rothschild (1926-1997). Part of their drive for a new system was the belief in the supposed existence of a general will that does not necessarily appear as something obviously expressed by the general public, but is presumed to be known by the ruling elite. Gaining Control of America's Money Supply. They also financed the construction of the Suez Canal in Egypt. The public gathering was the G7 (now G6 following the U.S. de facto withdrawal) summit meeting of Western leaders and a summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (a.k.a. At first, in the cooking pot, the frog luxuriates in the warm water. The Rothschilds are a family of Jewish financiers. So in the need on this particular point, it doest really mater if there is a difference ~ as both differences contain the same deadly means of existence for the unfortunates. Republicanism is demonized. Trump made his true feelings about the G6 and the EU known in a meeting with Rothschild slave President Emmanual Macron: Macron told him Lets work together, we both have a China problem, and Trump responded, the EU is worse than China.. Also, in England riots broke out over the imprisonment of Tommy Robinson on charges of reporting about a mass pedophile trial. Countries without Rothschild controlled central banks really seem to have $#@!ty economies and oppress their own people. Head of Rothschild & Co Bank AG Javed Khan Managing Partner Head of Merchant Banking Alain Massiera Head of France Wealth and Asset Management Jimmy Neissa Head of Rothschild & Co, North America Deputy Head, Global Advisory Gary Powell Deputy Head, Wealth and Asset Management Martin Reitz Head of Rothschild & Co, Germany It makes me wonder about the U.S. Pueblo fiasco during Johnsons term. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply." Global Advisory provides impartial, expert advisory and execution services to large and mid-sized corporations, private equity, families and entrepreneurs. The Russians just picked up where the Germans left off. If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions.. The New World Order is Communism: Also Known As Rothschildism Or More BluntlyRobbery! Austria: Austrian National Bank. The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are: Cuba. Like any other evil, communism spread despite any attempts to stop it short of military action. NK PRO. [8], The Central Bank has over 220 branches. Most people dont want socialism, and they do not desire to live under a socialist system, so the Socialists resort to deception through a series of lies, coupled with the unrelenting demonization of any system that dares to oppose their liberal philosophies, including capitalism and faith-based religions. A great example of this is the pro-Obama video by the Democratic National Committee that emerged after the GOP debate in New Hampshire that took the entire debate, and the responses of the GOP presidential candidates, way out of context. After the instigated protests and riots in the Arab countries the Rothschild finally paved their way into establishing Central Banks, and getting rid of many leaders, which put them into more power. By 2001, only seven nations in the world -- China, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, and Libya -- did not have Rothschild-controlled central banks. Every action by the liberal communists are to specifically demonize the positions of those that oppose them, rather than simply debate the issues. Why Should the Central Bank Be Charged with Maintaining Financial Stability; The BOKs Role in Ensuring Financial Stability; Financial System in Korea; . We're getting softer with Cuba and it won't be long before we impose a private central bank. [7] On December 6, 1947, a comprehensive program of currency reform was announced. China and North Korea remains, however, as does American Liberalism. Heads Up: Rothschild Bankers Who Screwed Everyone In Ireland Are Finally On Trial: Ireland Joins Iceland, Egypt, Russia, Hungary, China, &Iran. The entire goal of asking pointed questions is to receive answers that can be used as fodder for the destruction of any faith voters may have in any dissent of liberal policies. For example, between 1895 and 1907, they loaned more than $450,000,000 USD (more than $13 trillion USD by 2022 standards) to various European governments. North Korea's economy suffered its biggest contraction in 23 years in 2020 as it was battered by continued U.N. sanctions, Covid-19 lockdown measures and bad weather, South Korea's central bank . Former Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke, the grandfather of current Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, was also in on this scheme, Zang claims. ObamaCare Website And The Ukrainian Wheat Farmers: Soviet Gorbachevs Agenda 21 Within The U.S. The sources say that then Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek, Japanese Emperor Hirohito, and South Korean President Syngman Rhee were all involved in this scheme. The family of Jacob Lord Rothschild owns the powerful Rothschild Italia in Milan. Of course, finishing the liberation of the United States will be the key to making sure all of this happens. More than that, by passing over regimes that do what North Korea is accused of doing, it sanitizes the behavior of the United States and its allies, buttressing the ideological fiction that anti-capitalist governmentsareuniquelyhuman rights violators, while upholders of global [ Rothschild Crony} capitalism [ Known as keynesianism] are uniquely champions of human rights. We were unable to contact Kim Young-hee (the character for Hee means princess) to confirm this, but we hope she will contact us upon reading this article. Part of that philosophy is the General Will, which is a concept that was once promoted by a man named Jean Jacque Rousseau at about the same time as the founding of this nation. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. The Founding Fathers saw such a view of government as a radically dangerous system that could not be in sharper contrast to the American traditions of constitutionalism, federalism, localism, and representation. Rothschild & Co. has an office in Moscow and has been operating in Russia since the mid-1990s. Rothschild: The New World Order is Being Destroyed, Lord Jacob Rothschild warns NWO 'at risk', Kim Jong-Un Requests Pope Francis Visits North Korea, North Korean leader wants official visit from head of the Catholic Church, US Troops Caught Hiding Outside North Korean Border Ahead Of Summit, US troops have been engaging in a series of secret military exercises w, China Threatens 'Never Before Seen' Measures Over North Korea, Chinese government warns situation has reached tipping point, North Korea Secretly Developing Missiles, Satellite Images Show, Kim Jong-un's regime continues to push forward with missile expansion sites, Biden Claims Economic Success as U.S Enters Recession: 'We Are on the Right Path', DC Mayor Deploys National Guard: Illegal Immigration at 'Tipping Point' in Capital, Biden Agrees to Close Gaps in Border Wall as Migrant Crisis Hits DC, Alec Baldwin's Wife Complains 'Enemies' of Husband 'Seek to Destroy' Him, Concert Canceled after 'Woke' Mob Complained about White Performer's Dreadlocks, Bill Barr: 'Hunter Biden Investigation Warrants a Special Counsel', Pokemon Go players entering restricted areas, READ MORE - Hanging from Doorknobs: 12 Pedophile-Related Celebrity Suicides So Far, Chris Pratt Drops the Hammer on Cancel Mob as Anti-Woke 'The Terminal List' Soars to Number 1, Joe Biden Confronted Over Child Molesting Claims At CSPAN LIVE Event, Police: Satan-Worshiping Schoolgirls Plotted to Kill 15 Students, Drink Their Blood, 5 Things to Know About the Democrats Rebuttal to Nunes Memo. 1913 was the beginning of Rothschilds Federal Reserve in the U.S. as well as the Rothschilds ADL. It is known that the bonds were issued by the North Korean military during the Korean War to secure funds to continue the war. Regardless of the name, the hope by these leftists is the same, and the path to enact such a system of collectivism always follows the same destructive route. The Rothschild family's banking businesses pioneered international high finance during the industrialization of Europe and America. Obamacare Biggest Job Killer In The United States Of America: 21 States Have Made ObamacareIllegal. In The Year 2000 There Were 7 Countries Without A Rothschild-Owned Central Bank: They were Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. American Citizens Forced To Pay A Percentage Of Their Taxes To The Queen Of England Via TheIRS. Add the United States record of extrajudicial assassinations, its world-leading rate of incarcerations, its illegal wars, and its support for the most vile human rights violators on the planet, among them Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain, and the case for referring US leaders to The Hague is overwhelming. Pentagon sources have previously told this writer that Kim and Trump did meet in secret then. The aim will be to liberate humanity by ending the Khazarian mafias stranglehold on the financial system, the sources agree. As things are going, it will not be long before these child-killing mass murderers are dragged out of their houses and hung from the nearest lamppost, as famously predicted by George Bush Sr. Named the Second Bank of America, this bank gave the Rothschilds control of the American money supply again. The series of public and private meetings have transpired over recent weeks in which the future for North Koreas economic future has been mapped out. [4] History [ edit] How General Eisenhower Solved Illegal Border Crossings From Mexico. These ideas are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government unconstitutional. Liberals already have their preconceived notions on where their opposition stands on the issues, and what their opposition thinks. The People The 99% Vs Rothschild's The 1% International Cabal Bankers! The Bank is subordinated to the Cabinet of North Korea. General Patton said that after we defeated Germany in World War II, we needed to continue on into Russia and destroy the communist threat before it became too large to contain. Even though the Federal Reserve is overseen by a board of governors appointed by the President of the United States, the bank's real control still resides with the Rothschild family. We see the rise of governmental preference to certain corporations in the form of bail outs and governmental influence, as well as laws passed to benefit particular groups over the rest of the population (like affirmative action). Since 2021, the president of the bank is Chae Song-hak. Human Nature stands in the way of the plans of these social engineers. This became the Rothschild family's mantra -- control the world by controlling the world's money supply. If we would have called it communism you never would have accepted it, this is why we use the word liberalism. Regardless of the name of the utopian philosophy of government [FOR THE ELITE], in the end it seeks to spread worldwide. Here's what it's like inside a North Korean grocery store. Ron Paul: Corrupted Republicans Marshaling Their Resources And Turning Their Big Guns Against You &Me. Putins Purge Of The Rothschild Money Changers From Russia: Another Rothschild Goon Found Dead & Another Flees ToU.K. Pope Francis Has It Right On Unfettered Capitalism aka; Communism aka; Keynesian Economics: Its What Bill Clinton Actually Did In1999. The Attacks of September 11th were an inside job to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to then establish a Central Bank in those countries. Syria's Rothschild central bank is being formed right now! In 1987, Edmond de Rothschild created the World Conservation Bank to gain control of land in third world countries, which represent 30% of the land surface of the Earth. Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, in full Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild of Tring, (born February 8, 1868, London, Englanddied August 27, 1937, Tring, Buckinghamshire), British zoologist who became a great collector and founded the Rothschild Natural History Museum in London. Trump was given this information by Kim when they met in secret at the Panjunmon peace village on the North and South Korean border last November, Zang claims. One of the banks that retains the family name previously known as Rothschild Group but now called Rothschild & Co. had been operating in Russia since 1994, according to a 2016 Reuters. BANKS Owned by the Rothschild Family - REVEAL Complete List of BANKS Owned or Controlled by the Rothschild Family ROTHSCHILD OWNED & CONTROLLED BANKS: Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan Albania: Bank of Albania Algeria: Bank of Algeria Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba They inject the socialism slowly, careful not to deliver so much socialism that the populace discovers the exact nature of the strategy, and removes the liberals from office. Bank Underground published a report in 2019 describing the breakdown of ownership of central banks as owned by the public sector, private sector and a combination . Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia. The Central Bank of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is North Korea 's central bank. Debt Up $2.7T in 2.5 Yrs Under Boehner Cantor Debt-Limit Deals | CNS News. 2005: On 7 July the London Underground Network is bombed. 6. For those that aren't aware the Rothschilds own 80% of the landmass of Israel and are the true face behind the zionist movement. It is however, certainly obvious that N.Korea is paranoid and that is what drives a totalitarian system. President Vladimir Putin Ends Media Abuses: Opens Russia Today International News Agency ~ Vatican Catholic Radio Maria Opens Eleven New Offices In FourContinents. Kiss Your Savings Including IRAs Good-Bye: Bail Ins R Here ~ On July 2, 2013 Dodd Frank ~ Basel IIIImplemented. Planned Parentless Pays $2 Million Wrongful DeathPayoff. The Offshore Outsourcing Of American Jobs: Congressional Act Of UnemploymentTerrorism! With statist Alexander Hamilton at the reigns of the Treasury Department, more government debt was accumulated for government expenditure programs, and the economy was in shambles as a result. The natural tendencies of humanity will never support the destructive pipe dream of liberalism. At 1:31 minutes on the video time bar, you will see Reuters Muckety Tracking Map linking Reuters [A Wholly Rothschild Owned Company] to all the Media outlets. Liberalism has progressed using a system I call creeping incrementalism, where the liberals get a little here, and a little there, and before the people know it, the public has accepted the philosophies of communism under the guise of liberalism little by little without even realizing it. The family's business empire encompasses a diverse range of business interests, including investment banking, asset management, mergers and acquisitions, mining, energy mixed farming, wineries, and charities. Zang says he was jailed in South Korea shortly after meeting this writer in 2015. The threat of a progressively ever-expanding government was a danger to the concept of American Federalism. Communism is a form of Utopianism, a political concept that the Founding Fathers of the United States warned us continually about. The Central Bank of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is North Korea's central bank. This article about a North Korean company is a stub. For America to attack North Korea by the ruse of humanitarianism would be to ultimately perpetuate centralization aka; rothschildism. Taqiyya Obama Didnt Promise Us A Website: He Promised Us We Could Keep Our Health Insurance And OurDoctor! In other words, it was not thought to be the role of government to force their views of what is best for the public good, but for the society to determine it for themselves, and create a public good through the individual efforts of the free market. Rothschild's Protege' Pedophile Queer Bait ~ John Maynard Keynes. Each time rejection of their progressive system of government happens, the elitists behind the movement towards a Utopian society determine that they must push harder. Alert => Bankers Martial Law Build Up: The Rothschild Government Is Ready For Chaos To Escape Justice For Their Crimes ~ Nuremberg Trials AwaitThem! Following the US/NK summit, Kim Jong-un agreed to disarm his nuclear weapons, we a full denuclearization of his countries nuclear facilities. But under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.. The utopian schemes of leveling (re-distribution of the wealth) and a community of goods (socialism scheme of central ownership of production and distribution), are as visionary and impractical as those which vest all property in the crown. The Bank of Korea plans to issue Monetary Stabilization Bonds worth approximately 11.0 trillion won (competitive bidding 9.8 trillion won, fixed rate tender 1.2 trillion won) in February 2023. Measures C, D, and E in Murrieta, California were designed to limit the terms of city officials, as well as limit their compensation. ), discriminates against them based on supposed ideological impurities (has the United States ever been kind to Marxist-Leninists? You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. [8] It operates the Chnsng electronic cash card.[9]. Obama Fires Nuke Officers As He Did Our Generals: We Are, In Fact, In A Crisis Right Now, The Commander, Lt. Col. JayFolds! The other Manchu royal, who shuns publicity, is going to present bonds to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, Japan and demand that the Federal Reserve Board honor its commitments by monetizing the bonds, he says. On February 15, 1946, a central bank of North Korea was announced, which was to be under the control of the Soviet military. The newly separated regions appointed their respective leaders, and in 1950, North Korean leader Kim II-Sung (backed by the leadership of the Soviet Union), made an attempt to capture the U.S . The meet between the two leaders preceded by a tidal wave of high-level public and secret diplomacy because this is no ordinary agreement, multiple sources agree. As a result, they decide to enact a new strategy, one that must be implemented without the people realizing what is going on, so that they can force liberal socialism upon the people whether the people like it, or not. Putin Removed Rothschild From Russia In 2006. He says he was released only because President Park Geun-hye, a Rothschild agent, was imprisoned this April. Therefore, along with the stealth tactics of implementing socialism gradually, the leftist liberals also work to destroy the trust and faith the people have in their current system. 9/11 Campaign Gains World Momentum: Italy Supreme Court Submits U.S. 9/11 Crimes Against Humanity To International CriminalTribunal! Most of the Founding Fathers denied the existence of a general will, nor did they believe the federal government should follow policies for the general idea of the public good. To Control The Warming Hype WhatElse? According to Benjamin Fulford, the secret meetings were the Bilderberg meeting in Italy, and meetings between Asian royals and representatives of the White Dragon Society (WDS) held in Japan, according to Asian secret society sources. Also, in England riots broke out over the imprisonment of Tommy Robinson on charges of reporting about a mass pedophile trial. NATO has placed the most severe sanctions on North Korea and historically, North Korea knows the only way to get concessions is the threaten the world. Following June's historic summit between the U.S. and Pyongyang, North Korea was told that it must disarm its nuclear weapons and allow the Rothschild-controlled Big Banks to operate in the country. [3] He was preceded by Kim Chon-gyun since 2014.[4]. North Korea Look at how high tensions are in this region of the world right now. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Staggering allegations are made that raise serious concerns: There are only 3 countries in the world without a Rothschild-owned central bank: Cuba, North Korea and Iran The US Federal Reserve is a privately owned company (controlled by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Morgans) and prints the money for the US Government The very fact that people can be naively optimistic about a utopian style belief system when it has failed so many times in the past is amazing. found it :) [link to] 2001: On September 11th the attack on the World Trade Center is orchestrated by Britain, America and Israel under the orders of the Rothschilds as a pretext for removing the liberty of people worldwide in exchange for security, just as they did with the Reichstag fire in Germany where the citizens were lied to in order to give up liberty for security. The current Rothschild manager of these misappropriated funds in Japan is Finance Minister Taro Aso, he says. ~ Volubrjotr. Remember, the answers by the Republicans were responses to questions asked by a liberal media: The liberal left doesnt ask questions with the determination of figuring out where right-wingers stand based on the answers given. Persons violating the laws of North Korea, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. reports: The public meetings this past weekend were the G7 (now G6 following the U.S. de facto withdrawal) summit meeting of Western leaders and a summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (a.k.a. Yet posts on social media falsely claim that Russia has barred the Rothschild banking family from. Eighteenth century French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau was one of the minds behind the madness of the French Jacobins (secular socialists) that eventually led France into the destructive upheaval of the French Revolution. Rothschild-owned or controlled Central Banks Central banks are illegally created private banks that are owned by the Rothschild banking family. Obama is no fool. Top U.S. General Joseph Dunford flew to Finland last week to meet his Russian and Finnish counterparts to help the Swedes in their Trump moment, the sources say. Once attaining that power, as we are seeing now in the American system, liberals work to create within America the very philosophy we fought to defeat during the Cold War. In fact, last week the Bush cabal was decimated as its top loyalist and Carlyle founder Frank Carlucci met his maker, Pentagon sources say. Kim Jong-un has agreed to allow North Korea to open its doors to the Rothschild Central Banking System. Austrian Economic's Capitalism vs Keynesian Economic's Communism. There are now only 7 nations 4 nations in the world left without a Rothschild controlled central bank: Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya. The Bilderberg meeting was presided over by high-level financial fraudster Henry Kissinger and included, apparently for the first time, a representative of the Vatican, Cardinal Pietro Parolin. Capitalism must be demonized, and the citizenry is convinced that the free market is the cause of their economic woes. Progressivism in any form is very dangerous. Seven Countries Without A Rothschild-Owned Central Bank - RUSSIA KICKED THEM OUT! Its title is "Only Three Countries Left Without a ROTHSCHILD Central Bank!" Yet it immediately declares: In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, Iran. Behind the scenes the Rothschild dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful bloodline on Earth and their estimated (not confirmed, inofficial source) wealth is around $500 trillion. The Founding Fathers held on to the idea of a limited federal government that retained most of the powers to the States, and the people, therefore they hated and feared the Jacobin theory of a general will.. The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family were: Sudan Libya Cuba North Korea Iran The Attacks of September 11 th were an inside job to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to then establish a Central Bank in those countries. This happened as 160 children were liberated from an Atlanta child trafficking operation, they noted. Whenever the leftists attempt to equalize, or be socially just, through a system of wealth redistribution, claiming that it is their goal to make all things fair for people through government intervention, individual human nature will always reject the liberty-killing philosophy.