Additionally, country-scoped triggers are also supported, which'll assume the country that recruited the character. Removes a focus from list of completed focus, and potentially all focuses requiring it as a prerequisite. template = The template the units must use to be deleted. Syntax age_ruler [years] [country tag] Search Our Database of 304 EU4 Console Commands Yes Please >> Examples Applies a division-scoped trigger block that must be met for the unit to be modified. Resets any changes to the current state's name. days = / The number of days to add the idea for. Sets the specified character to also act as an advisor, activating if specified. Activates the specified targeted decision for the specified target for the current scope. Optional.Equipment scopetype = The name of the equipment to produce.creator = The country which is producing the equipment. Optional, only has an effect in locked templates. Optional. Teleports all railway guns to the province where they get deployed. add_country_leader_role = { Character = GER_Character_token //the character ID of the person you're giving the role to Promote_leader = yes //Whether or not the character is actually being promoted to party leadership Country_leader = { //the country leader info (retire date, ideology, traits, etc.) Now use 'add_latest_equipment 1000 Matilda LP Mk. An if statement allows an execution of effects to only be done if certain triggers are met. setcontroller [] [province id], Gives Army, navy and air experience to player, pp(fuhrer_mana,political_power) [PP amount], Gives(or removes) political power to player, fuel 100000 (capped at your deposits capacity, adding much more will result in decreasing fuel), civilwar [] [], add_party_popularity . Open 'Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of iron IV\Save Games' , open the newly created savegame file, search (CTRL-F) for the name of your generic created Admiral Activates the specified decision for the current scope, ignoring triggers for the decision. In the first case, the else_if or else is put directly inside of the preceding if or else_if, while in the second case it's put right after. female = The gender of the leader. Adds a core for the specified country on the current scope. Only define one of to_state_array, to_state, or to_province. The effects within an unfulfilled if statement (or an else/else_if that's not read due to the if statement being met) will be hidden from the player, and so will the trigger. Country leaders are defined with the country_leader = { } block. Releases the specified non-existent country as a puppet of the current scope within the current country's owned states. Effects are used throughout the game in numerous scopes, most commonly National focuses, Events and Decisions. This includes the default assumed scope, so, for example, ROOT, Targets the current scope where it's used. Optional.random_days = / Adds a random number (between 0 and random_days, inclusive) of days to the scheduled fire time. name = The name of the file used for the order of battle without the .txt extension. In events, this refers to the country that sent the event. Optional.set_root = Sets the scope of ROOT in scripted localization. Persists after execution until cleared via effect. Commander trait - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki Commander trait This is a community maintained wiki. Releases the specified non-existent country as a free nation within the current country's owned states. Do code about civil war make a new country. Scripted effects serve a similar purpose to functions in that they can be defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/scripted_effects/*.txt and then used elsewhere as a shortened version. Print out all console commands to game.log file. limit_to_naval_base = yes In order to hire an advisor to be within their proper slot, activate_advisor is used as such: As an effect, this works within country history files as well. Optional. combat_breakthrough = The bonus to grant. If the current country has a core on a state transferred to the released country, the core will be lost. When you reduce a family tree to a family bush, you can't hide as much underneath. Characters not assigned a valid portrait will show up as having no portrait or a default silhouette during the country selection process, only receiving a generic portrait after the game's start. (with the exception of convoy: 'ae 1000 convoy_1') To add ships, consider using instantconstruction(ic) (ic also effects AI). Starts a border war for the specified attacker and defender. JavaScript is disabled. Bypasses the specified focus for the current scope (marks as complete without firing. debug = yes can be added to meta effects. Ideology type refers to a sub-type of an ideology group assigned to characters, commonly referred to as sub-ideologies in community jargon. The effect does nothing if the country exists. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Sets the legitimacy of governments in exile. Can remove slots with negatives. Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and is not the same country as the one this is contained in. In addition, specific skills also can be set, with attack_skill = 3 and defense_skill = 2 being shared across all unit leaders, planning_skill = 5 and logistics_skill = 6 being only for army leaders, and coordination_skill = 3 and maneuvering_skill = 5 being only for navy leaders. disband = If true, will refund equipment and manpower. A weight of 0 will result in it never appearing for randomly-generated unit leaders. slot = Slot of the character. You can limit the construction to victory points using: Damages the specified building in the current state. Cookie Notice controller = Prioritises provinces controlled by this country. Sets that the war between ROOT and TAG is a civil war, resulting in the victory being the annexation of the other side and setting world tension limits on intervention. Commonly, the traits = { } block is used, where each country leader trait that the character has is listed, separated with a whitespace, as traits = { my_trait_1 my_trait_2 }. If it is 1, it will return "artillery_equipment". New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Forcefully refreshes the specified mapmode for the player, rather than waiting for a daily update. Toggles debug display of normals/bounding boxes/collision. Equipment types, including module slots for them, are defined within /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/equipment/*.txt. Adds the TAG_TO_ADD to the faction of the FACTION_LEADER_TAG. Transfers the current scope navy to the specified country. Allows to nuke every province without checking any conditions. These effects can only be used within history files, failing when used outside. Executes contained effects on a random navy leader that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. The following arguments can be used within: ideology = socialist is the ideology type that the leader is assigned. Turns the targeted operative against their own country, transferring them to the current country. Loads the specified order of battle for the current scope, applying the effects within. damage = The percentage of damage done to units. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. In case of overlap, unnested if statements are preferred. defender = / The defender state.attacker_win = Makes the attacker the winner.defender_win = Makes the defender the winner. Optional, defaults to false. Switches the current character to the specified country, giving them the character. The Germans having the ability to assassinate Hitler later, and the Soviets allowing Trotsky to come into power. Adds coordination skill to the current navy leader. tag_color [rgb] Players can use this command to set the tag color of your current country. ratio = Distance between starting position and target position where the entity is to be placed. Executes contained effects on a random state that meets the limit and is controlled by the country this is contained in. Optional. instant = Whether to instantly give a tech instead of a bonus or not. name = The name of the bonus. 0 is the oldest, 1 is the second-oldest, etc. disband = If true, will refund equipment and manpower. Makes the current scope the controller of the specified state. Noticably, the effect that fires the country event gets hidden from the tooltip. available, cost, and visible arguments are also common. Saves the current scope as a key. Adds the nationality to the current operative. Removes a country leader role from a character. Targets the scope that the current scope is contained in. As you can see, we have created a meta_effect that takes two arguments. Respectively, these use corps_commander = { }, field_marshal = { }, and navy_leader = { } blocks for definition, which are similar in structure. We've rolled similar guides for Victoria. Removes one trait and adds another. For example, the leader of the Allies changes from UK to USA. Optional, defaults to the current scope. So the final result is [EQ_TYPE] is being replaced by "artillery_equipment" and [EQ_LEVEL] is being replaced by "2" and in the end our effect will be built as: which will give you 10 artillery_equipment_2. Defaults to 10 million if the number isn't specified. Use set_character_flag instead. Optional. Since the filenames are only used for organisation purposes, this is done within the country's history file (in /Hearts of Iron IV/history/countries/) as such: If this is not done, the character cannot ever be used. trait = The trait to add. Creates an import for the current scope with the specified resource and from the specified exporter. The song must be defined in a music station in order to work. Equivalent to a combination of Operation.Instant, IntelNetwork.Instant, Agency.InstantSlotUnlock, and Agency.Autocomplete, Your operatives/spies won't be detected anymore. Makes the current scope white peace the specified scope. Optional. Module scope = The modules configuration for the variant. You can reverse this behaviour by including the following line in the decision block: This is only for decisions. The portrait uses a spriteType, defined within. After doing so, this character can be given a role within an effect block, such as this completion reward for a focus: Effects on this topic include add_country_leader_role, add_corps_commander_role, add_field_marshal_role, add_naval_commander_role, and add_advisor_role. If there are several characters that fill this role, then the first-recruited one is selected. Removes the specified trait from the current character. 1 Explanation 2 List of Modifiers 2.1 State & Diplomacy 2.2 Industry, Trade, and Research 2.3 Land Army & Military 2.4 Airforce 2.5 Navy Explanation A modifier is a numeric multiplier that represent certain strengths and weaknesses of a country. As an example with a trait of the name not_polish_person, this definition is used within the spriteTypes = { } block encompassing the entire file: These arguments are for the modifiers that the trait gives to the unit leader, whether it's the modifiers themselves or something related to them, as well as effects executed related to the trait. Delete all armies and fleets of the specified countries. 2nd: set_ruling_party fascism. Adds the specified amount of intel towards the specified country. Use with. Last one, IF I make a new country, how to make a it look like it continue from the earlier country? priority = The priority the template receives in receiving supplies. Effects that will be executed on the new dynamic country. Optional, only can be defined for ships. subject = ""Logged entry. Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is at war with the country this is contained in. level = / The maximum level to add. Questions, Paradox keep_political_party_members = Controls if non-promoted party leaders of the revolting ideology group will be kept by the country or join the revolt, yes resulting in the former. Assigns a type to the trait, which gets used to assign where it's positioned on the user interface, as well as deciding if and when it's possible to assign. Used after. start and target arguments: rotation = The new angle in radians. Adds a flat bonus to the specified skill. The default faction leaders in-game are the United Kingdom leading the Allies, German Reich leading the Axis and the Soviet Union leading the Comintern. Cannot remove equipment into negatives, in which case equipment will not be received by the target in entirety. Shows the name of the specified character as a tooltip. ahead_reduction = The reduction to the ahead of time penalty. ideology = The sub-ideology of the country leader role to which the trait is added. For now check the tag - coutnryname.txt located in history/countries/ and near the bottom you'll find all the leader info. Effects that change the scope include the following: The following scopes can be used either as effect or trigger scopes; some can also be used as the right side of some effects and triggers as a target. HOI4 Gain_xp Command General Information This command can be used to add experience to a Leader/General. gender = female assigns the specified gender to the character. Optional, defaults to false. If looking to make a subject into an independent nation, use set_autonomy. popularity = / The amount of popularity to change. Optional.efficiency = The initial production efficiency. Sub-units are defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/*.txt files. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. state = The state to nuke. Adds the specified amount of experience to the divisional commander. Meanwhile, my_variable will take the value of the according temp variable or the current scope's variable as the weight of the option. Where triggers do not need to be repeatedly checked random can be a performance light alternative to mean_time_to_happen for scheduling events. Adds a province modifier to the specified provinces in this state. As it's possible to specify the character itself in the trigger, defining an ID is unnecessary. Kills the country leader for the current scope. If the initial limit within if = { } is false, it moves on to the next else_if = { }, checking the limit there. It is also possible for a character to have a different definition depending on set preconditions checked at the game's start. If you want the game to choose between effect blocks, random_list can be used instead. Delete all countries' armies and fleets, with the exception of one country. spawn [unit name/id] [province id] [amount] Spawns a specified amount of a unit in a province. This includes national spirits, laws, designers, and advisors (using the idea_token). The effects here must be used within a state scope. Retires the character, removing every role they hold and making them disappear from the game. You can not store "infantry_equipment_2" in a variable and use it here. defender = / The defender state.dont_fire_events = Stops the events from start_border_war from firing. Optional, defaults to 0.5. folder = naval_folderThe folder to steal from. It will be a feature in Man the Guns. Hoi4 modding Wiki 110 pages Explore Project folder Keywords Other things Effects/create country leader < Effects View source create_country_leader = { name = "Peter II" desc = "POLITICS_PETER_II_DESC" picture = "" expire = "1965.1.1" ideology = despotism traits = { } } However, operatives are not considered characters and are still created with the create_operative_leader effect. I want to know if it is possible to change a leader from a faction, thanks to a command. Note that if you wish to change the ruling party of another country, you will first need to switch to them with the tag command. Fires the specified event for the current country. Removes the specified mission for the current scope. name = Name of the ship. Enforces the entity used by the units using this template to be the specified one, order of battle assigned within the history file, custom effect tooltips can be used to tell the player what this effect block would do,, Play HOI 4 Console Commands The console, where you type the commands, can be opened by pressing the ` key (usually located under ESC). An update is done daily by default; this can be used if the applied values need to be changed urgently, such as if modifiers are checked or used later in the effect block. This thread is archived. Yes by default. For example, the following will add 10% Stability to the country this is executed on if it has positive Political Power and below 90% stability: If the limit is not met, then none of the effects inside will be executed. For current country only, Force the AI to only spend army XP on template design, Force the AI to only spend army XP on equipment design, Get the address of selected group's front debug ID. This part is about the new . Adjusts the popularity for the specified party in the current scope. Adds logistics skill to the current unit leader. If the decision is on cooldown, it gets removed, in order to reactivate or remove completely. EU4 Age_ruler Command General Information This console command sets the age of your ruler to the specified amount of years. GFX = The graphical reference of the picture of the leader, taken from a file in /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/*.gfx. Deprecated. force_allow_recruiting = Whether the locked template can have units deployed using it without allowing editing. Optional.random = / Adds a random number (between 0 and random, inclusive) of hours to the scheduled fire time. ideology = Ideology type of the character. version = The version indicates which variant should be licensed. Makes the current scope drop the current cosmetic tag they are using. desc = The localisation used as the rule's description. For example, if the following is put within a file within the /Hearts of Iron IV/common/characters/ folder, the blank characters my_character_1 and my_character_2 will be created: Every character must be assigned to a country in that country's file in the /Hearts of Iron IV/history/countries/ folder by using the recruit_character = my_character effect. enemy = The country attacking the ally.hostility_reason = Localization for the reason for joining. Where triggers do not need to be repeatedly checked random can be a performance light alternative to mean_time_to_happen for scheduling events. Optional. Makes the specified state the current scope's capital state. Using name is recommended because 1.11 made id obsolete. Open 'Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\settings.txt' with a text editor and change "save_as_binary=yes" to "save_as_binary=no". terrain_factor = The modifier applied to terrain bonuses. resources = { <> }The resources to which give resource rights to. OR Annex the specified country for the current scope. Sets the specified character to also act as a country leader, promoting to the party leader if specified. female = The gender of the leader. trait = The trait to remove. Writes Texture info to application debug log, spawnactor [] [] [ OPTIONAL], Spawns an actor with an optional animation, Toggles the debug info in province tooltip. planning_skill = The planning skill of the leader. This includes experience. The following prompts are displayed. activate = Will activate the advisor (add them directly when the command is run to the countries government). The effect does nothing if the country exists. bonus = The bonus to research speed. However, this effect does not let you use a variable as equipment type. Optional, defaults to random states based off size. the same coordinate system that the map uses. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. army_ratio = The size of the land army that the breakaway country gets. For more help using the console and cheat commands, see our basics guide. Adds the current scope to the specified technology sharing group. type = The wargoal to generate.generator = { }The states to supply the wargoal (i.e. set_cosmetic_tag [] [], Reloads files of a given type. If you wish to change the nationality of a specific character, and the country getting the effect doesn't have the character recruited already, use the. days = / The number of days to remove from the mission. What are the conditions that need to be met to be able to do this, and how do you this as the player? It may not display this or other websites correctly. location = Location where the railway gun is created. Retires the current character (removing them). Enables resistance for the scoped state when the occupier is the specified country. Adds the specified country leader trait to the character. country_leader = { }Country leader role definition Alongside that, the game allows the creation of custom console commands, which are scripted effects. Targets the root node of the block, or the first entered scope. Here is the list of all HOI4 console commands and cheat codes for the game on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Changes whether it's possible to recruit divisions of a locked template without unlocking the template. After that, simply type in the relevant console command code, and slam the enter button. Adds legitimacy to a government in exile. By default, the game stores advisor portraits in /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/interface/ideas/, while country/unit leader portraits are stored in /Hearts of Iron IV/gfx/leaders//.