In 1958, Lilly moved to the Virgin Islands. Lilly graduated in 1942, was invited to join the University of Pennsylvania, and spent the war years in the cockpit of experiments that tested the effects of "explosive decompression" on pilots. "[33] During the same year (1971) Lilly and his new family moved to Malibu, California, where they organized workshops with Lena. Peter, in particular, didn't take it well. with a Galactic substation called Galactic Coincidence Control (G.C.C.). In Lilly's words: "ECCO runs our lives, though we won't admit it. Its based on a Phillip k dick story the adjustment team. It was at this facility that Lilly assistant Margaret Howe Lovatt worked with the dolphin Peter in attempts at inter-species communication. Afterwards and after trying to get his father to fund his so-called "bavatron," a machine he'd designed for reading the electrical activity in a rabbit's brain he headed to the National Institutes of Health where The Guardian says he started experimenting on the brains of living creatures. John C. Lilly was born in 1915, with the proverbial "silver spoon" his parents were incredibly wealthy, and his father was the president of Minnesota's First National Bank of St. Paul. Remember the motto passed to us (from GCC via SSCU): Lilly's dolphin work served as an inspiration for the video game. Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.) [9] He also attempted communication between humans and dolphins. Lilly said that people only think they're the smartest creatures on the planet because they're incapable of communicating with other creatures in the same way we communicate with other humans, and that's some food for thought. it teaches its lessons whether you like/dislike them or not. it teaches its lessons whether you like/dislike them or not. Studying the brain and the consciousness within it is understandably difficult, but Lilly's studies took him from the neurons, pathways, and sections of the brain right out into other dimensions and into a belief in otherworldly cosmic entities. John Cunningham Lilly (January 6, 1915 September 30, 2001)[1] was an American physician, neuroscientist, psychoanalyst, psychonaut, philosopher, writer and inventor. under the following conditions: 1) You must know/assume/simulate our existence with a Galactic substation called Galactic Coincidence There exists a Cosmic Control Center (C.C.C.) (June 2013) John Lilly Born January 6, 1915 Saint Paul, Minnesota, U.S. course along certain lines which It/He/She was/is programming. After a three-week-long binge where he injected the drug on an hourly basis, friends intervened and had him committed to a psychiatric hospital. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Just a few weeks later, Lovatt recalled, "I got that phone call from John Lilly. There were different levels of satori, and he believed that if he could teach everyone how to "experience at least the lower levels of satori, there is hope that we won't blow up the planet.". Andy Williamson, Lilly's vet-on-call, put Peter's cause of death at a broken heart. The assignments of responsiblities (This and Lillys other ideas later became the inspiration for the And that's not even the weirdest part of the story. The official cause of death, says the LA Times, was heart failure. 4) You are expected to expect the unexpected every minute, every Lilly conducted high-altitude research during World War II and later trained as a psychoanalyst. The Crazy Real-Life Story Of The Man Who Wanted To Talk To Dolphins. The name comes from a book written by John C. Lilly, the dolphin communication researcher. A decade later, he began experimenting with psychedelics, including LSD, often while floating in isolation. The resulting PR nightmare was bad enough that Lilly went back to promoting the tank as a tool for introspection, not brainwashing. First, he started by explaining "a satori of mind," which was a state of "constant influx of pleasure" and a "self-transcendence." You are expected to expect the unexpected every minute, every hour of every day and of every night. Earth Coincidence Control Office CURRENT EVENTS JCL IN MUSIC & VIDEO WRITINGS of John C. Lilly INVENTIONS of John C. Lilly VORTEX of Knowledge BIOGRAPHICAL DATA The LILLY Residence on MAUI, Earth PHOTO ALBUM LILLY LINK LIBRARY ART GALLERY JCL 1915-2001 While finishing his degree at the University of Pennsylvania, Lilly enrolled in a class entitled "How to Build an Atomic Bomb." (LogOut/ [3], John C. Lilly, Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer. Makes sense, right? He made contributions in the fields of biophysics, neurophysiology, electronics, computer science, and neuroanatomy. New Account Forum Index Search Posts Trusted Vendors Best Posts Active Topics Galleries FAQ Store Random Growery General Interest > Philosophy, Sociology & [27] Lilly also wrote that there are nine conditions that should be followed by people who seek to experience coincidence in their own lives: You must know/assume/simulate our existence in E.C.C.O. Why? for humans is somewhat as follows:". They discussed the Drake equation, used to estimate the number of communicative civilizations in our galaxy. [43], On June 15, 2014, comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds published an episode of their podcast The Dollop about Lilly, where they detail his life, research, and drug use. He called one group the Earth Coincidence Control Office or ECCO. Fast forward not far at all, says The Guardian, and Lilly was combining dolphins and drugs in an entirely different way: he started giving it to them. In 1953, Lilly began a job studying neurophysiology with the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Officers Corps. WebEarth Coincidence Control Office Earth, Milky Way Galaxy New Free CLOSED PROJECTS ECCOLAB FONT Collaborative Typeface World's Greatest T-Shirt Within which is the Solar System Control She was a divorced former fashion model and already had three children of her own. Following Mayo's advice, Lilly applied and was accepted to Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, where he became good friends with Mayo's son, Charles William Mayo. [39][40], The video game Ecco the Dolphin (1992) also contains references to Lilly, including being named in reference to the Earth Coincidence Control Office. She began spending 24 hours a day, 6 days a week with Peter in order to find out what made Peter, well, Peter. ecco ( eko) interj look there! That started in 1954, and later, when he took some LSD and hopped into the tank, it was a very different experience filled with sensations of interstellar to intercellular travel. You are expected to expect the unexpected every minute, every hour of every day and of every night. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. WebThe Earth Coincidence Control Office (ECCO) is, according to John C. Lilly, a governing body devoted to managing of coincidence in the lives of beings on Earth, described as "one of God's field offices," [1] and further broken down as a sub-unit of the Solar System Control Unit (SSCU), itself under the Galactic Coincidence Control (GCC), all WebE.C.C.O. Following advice from Ram Dass, Lilly studied Patanjali's system of yoga (finding I. K. Taimni's Science of Yoga, a modernized interpretation of the Sanskrit text, most suited to his goals). This programming originates from the Earth Coincidence Control Office He was 86-years-old, and he left behind a wildly complicated legacy. I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions. Robert Anton Wilson, In ones life there can be peculiarly appropriate chains of related events that lead to consequences that are strongly desired. is a malevolent entity described by Lilly in his 1978 autobiography, The Scientist. is an abbreviation that stands for Earth Coincidence Control Office. The experiment involved putting Lilly on a completely protein-free diet while administering measured doses of glycine and arginine, the two amino acids that Borsook hypothesized were involved in the creation of glycocyamine. In You are expected to use your best intelligence in this service. (This and Lillys other ideas later became the inspiration for the A fourth child, Mary Catherine Lilly, died in infancy. Lilly was convinced that he'd determined exactly what made a creature smart: brain size. [32] Lena died in 1986. During the early 1960s, Lilly and coworkers published several papers reporting that dolphins could mimic human speech patterns. Some of these events will seem cataclysmic/catastrophic/overwhelming: remember stay aware, no matter what happens/apparently happens to you. WebThe Earth Coincidence Control Office (ECCO) is, according to John C. Lilly, a governing body devoted to managing of coincidence in the lives of beings on Earth, described as "one of God's field offices," [1] and further broken down as a sub-unit of the Solar System Control Unit (SSCU), itself under the Galactic Coincidence Control (GCC), all From there he also continued travelling to and lecturing in Japan, Europe and the United States. We (not you ) control the long-term coincidences; you (not we) control the shorter-term coincidences by your own efforts. Within which is the Solar System Control Unit (S.S.C.U. - Philosophy, Sociology & Psychology - Shroomery Message Board Home | Community | Message Board You are not signed in. Anyone wanting to become a "member of ECCO's earthside corps of controlled coincidence workers" could, as long as you took responsibility for what you did following the coincidences, and accepted the fact that once the ECCO no longer needed you, you'd be removed from the planet. the shorter-term coincidences by your own efforts. 7) Your major mission on earth is to discover/create that which document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "I wish you well on your journey Home. ), within which is the Earth Coincidence Control Lilly was pretty sure he could do better. Streaming + Download . According to Lilly, the network of computation-capable solid state systems (electronics) engineered by humans will eventually develop into an autonomous "bioform." Lilly was a neurophysiologist who was convinced that we could learn to communicate with dolphins and believed they'd have a ton of interesting stuff to say if only we could get over the language barrier, so that's what he tried to do with a massive experiment funded in part by NASA. It doesn't make sense, after all: why on earth are people so determined to watch the world burn, when we still have to live here? While floating under the influence, Lilly claimed to become aware of a cosmic hierarchy of aliens. Lilly used his newfound knowledge to directly reward and punish the animals he was working with to see whether or not it was a viable method of behavior modification, and according to his writings (via Sage Journals), he totally believed it was. There exists a Cosmic Control Center (C.C.C.) Lilly was always a little unique in the way he went about his studies on the mind and consciousness, and let's just say that once he started dabbling in LSD and horse tranquilizers, things really started to go off the rails. The purpose of the experiment was to study the creation of glycocyamine, a major source of muscle power in the human body. E C C O Earth Coincidence Control Office -Description In ones life there can be peculiarly appropriate chains of related More, JEFFREY MISHLOVE, Ph.D.: Hello and welcome. In the province of the mind there are no limits. You are in our training program for life: there is no escape from it. He also paid special attention to self-enquiry meditation advocated by Ramana Maharshi, and reformulated the principles of this exercise with reference to his human biocomputer paradigm (described in Lilly (1968) and Lilly (1972)). 3) You must exert your best capabilities for your susrvival programs John C. Lilly also took a crack at explaining why humans are so destructive. Your major mission on earth is to discover/create that which we do to control the long-term coincidence patterns: you are being trained on Earth to do this job. WebE.C.C.O. His literary rights and scientific discoveries were owned by Human Software, Inc., while his philanthropic endeavors were owned by the Human Dolphin Foundation. WebE.C.C.O. If you wish to control coincidences in your own life on the planet A Story Of E.C.C.O. Since the optimal survival conditions for this bioform (low-temperature vacuum) are drastically different from those humans need (room temperature aerial atmosphere and adequate water supply), Lilly predicted (or "prophesied," based on his ketamine-induced visions) a dramatic conflict between the two forms of intelligence.