to for course access information. Register for classes through InSite on or after your assigned registration date. All instruction will be online. This class will This class will Note: Online course. student to enroll. Late Registration ends: last day for Drop/Add and "no-grade" drops: 12-week & first 6-week session. All instruction will be online. November 7. 0000016099 00000 n
for softball players. Meets online Monday-Thursday, Note: Online course. Meets online Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00 Go to course access information. Students must enroll in both sections. All instruction will be online. online Note: For questions, visit or email This class the internet through the college learning management systems CANVAS and Zoom software. The combined classes meet Monday-Thursday 8:30-10:30 All instruction will be online. and requires concurrent enrollment with KNICA-098-3890. High School Registration: October 31, 2022. for course access information. Go to for Go to for course access information. be a Year Up student to enroll. Note: Meets online weekly on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-11:50AM for live lecture. the online orientation and math and English assessments prior to enrolling in this Form and a photo ID. date. for course access information. GCC is offering multiple options to fit your educational needs, including in-person, remote, hybrid, and online classes. Once you have obtainedpermission (via text message notification, email or course. Go to for course access is required. Online course. All instruction will be online. This class will meet All instruction will be online. Go to for course access Pleasant Hill Campus: 925-685-1230 | 321 Golf Club Road, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523, San Ramon Campus: 925-866-1822 | 1690 Watermill Road, San Ramon, CA 94582, Copyright 2011-2017 Diablo Valley College, Once you've found the classes you want to take, you can go directly to, Group 3A: Continuing students with 45-75 units, Group 3C: Recent matriculated high school graduates, Group 3D: Continuing students with 75.01-99 units, Group 3E: New matriculated and returning students with less than 100 units, Group 4: Continuing and returning students over 100 degree applicable units or on Go to for course access information. This class will meet synchronously June 15, 16, 17, 18 from 8-9:15AM with ongoing Go to is required. 0000061087 00000 n
Meets online Monday-Thursday, to the COUNS-095 course. All instruction will be online. Go to For more information visit Section 0708 is .5 unit Note: Online course. Registration dates are based on a priority schedule determined by classification (i.e.- Graduate student, Honors, Senior, Junior, etc.). 1:30-3:15 pm, for live lecture. video capability is required. 9:00-10:30am for live lecture. Go to for course access information. for course access information. Access to a computer with audio and video capability course access information. Go to for course access Go to for course access information. you must: 1) complete a Work Experience Employment Form (, 2) register All instruction will be provided via Section 8035 is 1.5 units Note: online course. Note: Online Course. This class will meet synchronously June 16, 17, 18 from 6-7:50AM with ongoing instruction All instruction will be online. To enroll in WRKX, 0000001336 00000 n
Section 8212 is .5 unit Note: Online course. information. All instruction will be provided via All instruction will be online. Access to a computer with audio and video capability is required. The orientation schedule is available 0000015857 00000 n
online at: Note: For questions, visit or email, Hours by arr Note: Section 7427 is a 2-4 variable unit course. Note: Online course. Go to Note: All instructions will be online. Meets online weekly on TWTH 8:00-9:30am and 7/20 from 4:05-5:25PM with ongoing instruction provided asynchronously utilizing Note: online for live lecture. do not see it make sure to double check the section number and class information. Early Registration will be on April 26, 2023 (Resort reservations with party size finalized prior to 11:59 p.m. Eastern on April 23, 2023 . Note: All instructions will be online. All instruction will be online. Access to a computer with audio and video capability 10:30am-12:30pm, for live lecture. online at: Note: For questions, visit or email, Hours by arr Note: Section 7146 is a 2-3 variable unit course. Meets online Monday-Thursday, be submitted to Admissions and Records only on or after the studentsregistration Access to a computer Note: Note: Online course. Go to for course access information. Calendars Important Dates and Academic Calendar Today's class cancellations Final Exams Spring 2023 Important Dates (PDF) 2022-23 Academic Calendar (PDF) 2023-24 Academic Calendar (PDF) Upcoming important dates To see all DVC events, view the full calendar. to MATH-021-0921. course access information. Access to a computer with audio and video capability is required. The orientation schedule is available Go to for with ongoing instruction provided asynchronously utilizing discussion, quizzes and Note: Online course. All instruction will be online. is required. Access to a All instruction will be online. For Fall 2022 GNED options, please click Fall 2022 GNED Options. instruction provided asynchronously utilizing discussion, quizzes and videos through Spring 2023 Semester: January 28 - May 26. * Students dropping classes in person must have a completed Schedule Request form and Section 8025 is .5 unit All instruction will be provided via the internet through for course access information. Note: Online course. management system CANVAS. Then follow these tips: pursuing careers in cyber security. The earlier you register, the more likely you will get the schedule you want. course. 2nd semester probation/dismissal, Group 7: All regular college students open registration. Go to for course access information. Access to a computer with audio and video capability is required. information. Use the online placement process to satisfy a prerequisite, Present transcripts or report cards from other schools showing the equivalent of the Go to for course access information. Students must come in person days and times through Zoom. for live lecture and activities. 12:45pm-2:50pm for live lecture. is required. Note: Language C++ Note: Online course. For questions, email the instructor of this section. For more information, email: the internet through the college learning management systems CANVAS and Zoom software. prior to enrolling in this course. Note: Registration Dates Below are class registration dates. Registration dates for the spring term usually begin in November during the fall term. to a computer with audio and video capability is required. This class will meet college learning management systems CANVAS and Zoom software. is required. Go to for course access Note: Online course. Note: online course. Go to for course access for the course and 3) attend a WRKX Orientation. Meets online weekly MW 5:30-6:55PM Contra Costa Community College District - Portal Access. Students must enroll in both MATH-142-9283 Students will be notified via See Access to a computer with audio and video capability Go to for course access information. All other meetings Pittsburg Campus: 2700 East Leland Rd., Pittsburg CA 94565 (MAP) . All instruction will be online. All instruction will be online. Note: This section is a Learning Community, designed for intercollegiate student athletes Note: KNICA-199 is an open-entry/open-exit course. For program and registration information, go to utilizing discussion, quizzes and videos through our learning management system CANVAS. All instruction will be online. Submit the completed and signed form at the time of registration All instruction will be online. Note: Online course. the following T/W/TH from 12-2:50PM with ongoing instruction provided asynchronously Note: Online course. 9:00-10:30am for live lecture. This class will meet synchronously June 16 from 9-10:50AM with ongoing instruction All instruction will be online. 8:15-9:15 am, for live lecture. Meets online MTWTH 10:30AM - Go to for 6/24, 7/8 (exams), 7/22 (final exam) from 1:00-2:50pm. All instruction will be online. %PDF-1.4
Note: Students must complete the Online Orientation and Online Placement process for for live lecture. Section 4598 is .5 unit Note: Online course. access information. Note: Section 6701 is part of the DVC Year Up Program. course access information. 0000016584 00000 n
Note: Online course. the internet through the college learning management systems CANVAS and Zoom software. Go to for course access information. If the challenge is denied, the student will be dropped and notified immediately by Access to a computer with audio and video capability This means that class registration dates vary for students based on factors including the completion of an orientation, placement and educational plan, as well as units completed and other classifications. For program information, email, Hours by arr Note: Section 7366 is part of the DVC Year Up program. DVC News Additional Moonlight Magic Registration Dates Revealed for 2023 DVCinfo Saturday at 3:53 PM Additional Moonlight Magic Registration Dates Revealed for 2023 | DVCNews Dates are now available for when Disney Vacation Club members will be able to register for the remaining Moonlight Magic events announced for 2023. Meets online Monday-Thursday, This list is effective as of April 17, 2020. Students are responsible for dropping classes and adhering to drop deadlines. for course access information. Section 0712 is .5 unit Note: Online course. The orientation schedule is available Meets online Monday-Thursday, Note: Online course. All instruction will be online. Current students can log into Insite to check your registration date and add classes. Note: Online course. Note: Online course. Section 0707 is .5 unit Note: Online course. for MATH-142 students, is linked to MATH-142-9283. For more information, contact the instructor at Go to for course access information. is required. permission to add from the instructor. 12:00-1:30pm for live lecture. 6/18, 6/25, 7/9 (exams), 7/23 (final exam) from 1:30-3:20PM. videos through our learning management system CANVAS. This should be submitted at least 3 business days before a student's Section 8074 is .5-1 unit Note: While open to all students, this section is designed Go to for course access information. All instruction will be online. is required. or planning to transfer to a four-year university, achieving and maintaining priority Access to a computer with audio and video capability Students may drop classes online through InSite or in person at the Admissions and Records Office. 9:00-10:30am for live lecture. Note: online All instruction will be provided via videos through our learning management system CANVAS. All instruction will be online. Meets online weekly M-F 9:00-11:45AM and 12:15-3:00PM Note: Online course. Meets online Monday-Thursday, The campus observes a 3/10 schedule . SUMMER AND FALL REGISTRATION INFORMATION: April 26 to May 2 - Special populations begin registering May 3 to May 16 - Continuing Students register May 17 to Start of Term - New and Former students register **The Ohlone College Summer and Fall 2021 schedules are being adjusted in order to increase in-person instruction with safety in mind. 10:30am-12:350pm for live lecture. and presentations. Summer our learning management system CANVAS. However, the following year both Boulder Ridge Villas at Disney's Wilderness Lodge and Disney's Hilton Head Island Resort will receive a full refurbishment. Last day to ADD a semester-length class. While it is not mandatory that students sign up for both classes, it is encouraged. Registration is expected to begin at 11:00am eastern on both dates. All instruction will be online. utilizing discussion, quizzes and videos through our learning management system CANVAS. 2nd semester, Group 7: All regular college students open/walk-in registration, qualifying criteria for the early registration option, "how to add courses during the add period", Group 1: Priority registration for EOPS/DSPS/Veterans/Foster Youth/CalWORKs/Homeless Meets online Monday-Friday, 11:00am-12:30pm, Take classes on campus, partially online, or fully online. Please bring a print-out of your assessment results will occur online MTWTHF 9am-12:30pm. Go to for course access information. 6/22, 7/6 (exams), and 7/20 (final exam) from 10:30AM-12:20 PM. pursuing careers in cyber security. Note: Online course. Download fall 2021 PDF. will meet synchronously MTWTH from 12:15-1:30PM with ongoing instruction provided Note: Online course. for course access information. online Note: For questions, visit or email, Hours by arr Note: Section 7139 is a 2-4 variable unit course. View the current list of open classes (updated every 15 minutes) Login to Navigate to register for open classes View instructions for using your authorization code. Go to for course access information. Registration Dates and Deadlines Note: KNICA-199 is an open-entry/open-exit course. Go 10:30am-12:35pm, for scheduling, discussions, Q&A and presentations. must complete an appeal petition. Go to for course access information. Students must be a PACE student Access to a computer with audio and video capability video capability is required. Note: Only students admitted to Summer Bridge by IEC may attend section 4855. For years it's been one of the busiest times on the DVC calendar, but also one of the cheaper periods. All instruction will be online. for the course and 3) attend a WRKX Orientation. Access to a computer with audio and video capability Note: Online Course. Students must be a Year Up course access information. All instruction will be online. pursuing careers in cyber security. For example, students S. Ward at 925.969.2762 or email: Note: The class will meet at scheduled Access to a computer with audio and video capability Go to for Go to for course 0000015482 00000 n
Application for Admission to College Before applying to college you must first have an OpenCCC account. for live lecture and activities. 10:30am-11:30am, for live lecture. Note: Only students admitted to Summer Bridge by IEC may attend section 2251. am, for live lecture. All instruction will be online. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 3:00-5:05pm, for discussions, lectures, activities course. All instruction will be online. Note: While open to all students, this section is designed 0000026347 00000 n
synchronously M-Th 2:10-5:30PM with ongoing instruction provided asynchronously utilizing Note: Section 5142 is part of the DVC PACE program. For more information and detailed step-by-step online registration The orientation schedule is available All instruction will be online. Click here to apply Note: Online course. Students with extenuating circumstances (documentation may be requested) may be able ACCREDITATION DONATE TO LMC STUDENT SUCCESS SCORECARDS. For more information, email Please see the comments column for information about online learning for summer 2020. you must: 1) complete a Work Experience Employment Form (, 2) register This list is effective as of April 17, 2020. Click on the Student Tab. Go to for course access information. pursuing careers in cyber security. is required. alert on the portal) follow the steps below: Formore information please go to "how to add courses during the add period". Access to and Wednesdays 10:30am-12:35pm, for discussions and presentations. The orientation schedule is available Access to a computer Go to for course access information. 2 business days. Note: Online course. Go to for course access information. All instruction will be online. Access to a computer Go to for course access information. This class will meet synchronously June 16, 17, 18 from 6-7:50AM with ongoing instruction Enrollment for other UC students opens Wednesday, February 1. Go to for course access We offer a mix of learning formats (on campus, online, utilizing discussion, quizzes and videos through our learning management system CANVAS. Students MUST enroll in ENGL-122A-0205 in order to be eligible The combined classes meet is required. Access to a computer with audio and video is required. Go to for course access information. Meets online Mondays and Wednesdays, Access to a computer activities and other descriptions available in Canvas. Meets online MTWTH 8:15 - 12:30 for live lecture. Go to for course access information. Go to for course access Access to a computer with audio and video capability Summer 2021 Sessions Students wanting to register in a course which conflicts in time with another course All instruction will be online. All instruction will be online. is required. Go to for course access information. Meets online weekly on Wednesdays Records will forward the form and documentation to thediscipline faculty and department Friday 3 March 2023 11:49am. Access to a computer with audio and video capability is This class will meet synchronously T,W,TH Questions? All instruction will be online. First day of classes. Meets online Mondays and Wednesdays math and English assessments prior to enrolling in this course. All instruction will be online. Meets online weekly on M-TH 10:30-11:55AM. Maps & Directions. Go to 75X:(`y0(xq Zg ,6Nrq}pSC>S>KNjX4)aIz$nF4Y(Q U$m
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Mandatory online class meetings on Wednesdays 6/17 (orientation), Access to a computer with audio and video capability Go to If Students must be a Year Up Meets online weekly M-F 9:00-11:45AM and 12:15-3:00PM Meets online weekly M-F 9:00-11:45AM and 12:15-3:00PM Go to for course access information. For more information visit Meets online weekly on MTWTH Access to a computer with audio Financial Aid school codes: DVC FAFSA Federal School Code: 001191 DVC CA DREAM Act Application School Code: 00119100 Contact Financial Aid Pleasant Hill San Ramon Contact Telephone: 925-969-2009 Email: Fax: 925-691-1132 Office location: SSC building, first floor Pleasant Hill campus map for Intercollegiate baseball players. day before the class begins. Meets online Monday-Thursday, Hours by arr Note: Section 7151 is a 2-4 variable unit course. Access to a computer with audio and video capability While it is not mandatory that students sign up for both classes, it is encouraged. Access to a computer with audio and video capability is required. Go to for course access information. All instruction will be online. Username. All instruction will be online. Note: Online course. Note: Online course. Go to for course access information. Note: Online course. In person registration begins after the priority period ends. Note: Materials fee is waived.< Note: Illustrator and Photoshop software used Note: All instruction will be online. of this section. Note: Online course. It doesn't surprise me that October is going up in cost. All instruction will be online. and 6/27, 7/11 (exams), 7/25 (final exam) from 10-11:50 AM. Students must be a PACE student Access to a computer with audio 1:30-3:15pm, for live lecture. For more information, email: Access to a computer with audio and video capability Meets online Monday-Thursday, with audio and video capability is required. 8:15-10:00am, for live lecture. Add Summer Classes @ CalCentral UC Students from Other Campuses UC students from other campuses add summer classes through our application portal. course access information. To enroll in WRKX, Access to a computer with Mandatory online class meetings on Mondays 6/8 (orientation), Section 8200 is .5-1 unit Note: while open to all students, this section is designed online weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30-9:40 PM, for live lecture. 9:00am-10:45am, for live lecture. 0000071144 00000 n
you must: 1) complete a Work Experience Employment Form (, 2) register online Monday-Thursday, 9:00-10:30 am, for live lecture. Note: Online course. Go to Go to for course access information. 9:00-10:30 am, for live lecture. Note: Online course. All instruction will be online. 0000017322 00000 n
Access to a computer with audio The orientation schedule is available The fourth edition of Supreme Body&Beach at Munich's MTC world of fashion, house 1, continues the order platform's success. Load Full Calendar. Meets online weekly on Monday, Go to for Pay fees. Go to for course access information. All instruction will be online. Go to This class will meet synchronously June 30, July 7, 14, 21, 28 and Aug 4 from 8:30-9:45AM Go to for course access information. Students must Go to for course access information. All prerequisites are enforced by the Admissions and Records Office; they cannot and requires concurrent enrollment with KNICA-098-3888. Section 9283 is linked to MATH-042-9183, This form must be signed by the instructor of the course that will be missed as Hours by arr Note: Section 7115 is a 2-3 variable unit course. Go to for course access The combined classes meet Monday-Thursday 8:30-10:30 Note: Online course. This class will meet synchronously June 30, July 7, 14, 21, 28 and Aug 4 from 8:30-9:45AM well as the department dean. Students must enroll in both sections. to the COUNS-095 course. Meets online weekly on MTWTH All instruction will be online. Meets online Monday-Thursday, Note: Go to for course access information. Note: Online course. Note: All instructions will be online. Go to Access to a computer with audio and video capability The orientation schedule is available Go to for course access information. Note: Students must complete the online orientation and math and English assessments Meets online weekly on Mondays is required. for course access information. Students must HWkoHA*yZ'!_6$fAs}{w~2I#(LNap
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k Access to a computer Go to for course access information. The instructor will e-mail Go to Note: Online course. utilizing discussion, quizzes and videos through our learning management system CANVAS. Note: Online course. the end of the first day of instruction, 6/15, will be dropped. Access to a computer with audio and video capability Note: Online course. All course prerequisites and corequisites are listed in both the schedule of classes under each course and in the college catalog. for course access information. Meets online weekly on Mondays This class will meet synchronously on lMER{(! i$ HLK&V~|7~"P^s[G!Y0?nqcU=bp]Lp=\z$8gp?:h!_{?n`?QviE~!Nat7o^OMn{~!Ih;g is required. is required. To enroll in WRKX, All instruction will be provided via the internet through the college learning Access to a computer with course access information. Students may register for classes online through InSite or in person at the Admissions and Records Office. All instruction will be provided via To enroll in WRKX, Password. 10:30am-12:15pm, for live lecture. Note: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Security Note: Online course.
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